Draws parallels between our consulting model (derived from the workof Gerard Egan), the core processes of the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) and the managerial roles required…
Draws parallels between our consulting model (derived from the work of Gerard Egan), the core processes of the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the managerial roles required in effective organizations. Argues that there are synergies between the four stages of the consultancy model, four levels of hierarchy (top, senior and supervisory management plus operators) and the four core processes of the MBTI (Sensing‐Feeling, Intuition‐Thinking, Intuition‐Feeling and Sensing‐Thinking). Discusses this in the context of MBTI findings on both consultants and the UK managerial population.
According to a report just issued by Dr. ARTHUR NEWSHOLME, the Principal Medical Officer of the Local Government Board, it appears that a majority of the staff of the Medical…
According to a report just issued by Dr. ARTHUR NEWSHOLME, the Principal Medical Officer of the Local Government Board, it appears that a majority of the staff of the Medical Department of the Board have been engaged in assisting to establish as favourable sanitary conditions as possible at the training centres for the new troops so that the risks associated with the concentration and feeding of large numbers of men under temporary conditions should be reduced to a minimum.