Lamei He, Jianping Zha, Jianying Tang, Ting Tan and Qiao Yu
Tourism is a labor-intensive sector with extensive links to other industries and plays a vital role in creating employment. This study aims to propose a new framework to analyze…
Tourism is a labor-intensive sector with extensive links to other industries and plays a vital role in creating employment. This study aims to propose a new framework to analyze the intrinsic structure of the employment effects of tourism-related sectors and their drivers.
This study uses input–output and structural decomposition analysis (IO-SDA) to quantify the employment effects of tourism-related sectors and their driving mechanisms based on China’s I-O tables of 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017.
The results show a declining trend in the intensity of direct or indirect employment effects in tourism-related sectors, indicating a decreasing number of jobs directly or indirectly required to create a unit of tourism output. Among tourism-related sectors, catering has the highest intensity of indirect employment effects over the study period. Catering stimulates the indirect employment of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and food and tobacco manufacturing. The decomposition analysis reveals that final demand is the largest contributor to the increase in tourism employment, while technological progress shifts from an employment-creation effect in 2002–2012 to an employment-destruction effect in 2012–2017.
This study proposes a new analytical framework to investigate the structural proportional relationship between the direct and indirect employment effects of various tourism-related sectors and their dynamic changes. Doing so, it provides valuable references for policymakers to promote tourism employment.
旅游业是一个劳动密集型部门, 与其他国民经济部门有着广泛的联系, 这在创造就业方面发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在建立一个框架, 分析旅游相关部门就业效应的内在结构及其驱动因素。
本研究基于中国2002年、2007年、2012年和2017年的投入产出表, 引入投入产出和结构分解分析(IO-SDA)法量化了旅游相关行业的就业效应及其变化的驱动机制。
旅游相关部门的直接或间接就业强度呈下降趋势, 可见创造一个单位的旅游产出所需的直接或间接工作数量在减少。在旅游相关部门中, 餐饮部门在研究期内的间接就业效应强度最高, 主要带动了农、林、牧、渔业和食品及烟草制造业的间接就业。旅游就业效应变动的驱动因素中, 最终需求是旅游就业效应增加的最大贡献者, 技术效应从2002-2012年期间的就业创造效应转变为2012-2017年期间的就业破坏效应。
本研究建立了一个全新的分析框架, 可以揭示各个旅游相关部门的直接和间接就业效应之间的结构比例关系及其动态变化。对旅游就业效应的驱动因素分析可以为政策制定者提供针对性的建议, 以促进旅游就业。
Factores que impulsan los efectos del empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo: El caso de China continental
El turismo es un sector intensivo en mano de obra con amplios vínculos con otras industrias y desempeña un papel vital en la creación de empleo. Este estudio propone un nuevo marco para analizar la estructura intrínseca de los efectos en el empleo de los sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus impulsores.
Este estudio utiliza el análisis de entrada-salida (input-output) y de descomposición estructural (structural decomposition) (IO-SDA) para cuantificar los efectos sobre el empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus mecanismos impulsores, basándose en las tablas input-output de China de 2002, 2007, 2012 y 2017.
Los resultados muestran una tendencia a la baja en la intensidad de los efectos directos o indirectos del empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo, lo que indica un número cada vez menor de puestos de trabajo directos o indirectos necesarios para crear una unidad de producción turística. Entre los sectores relacionados con el turismo, la restauración tiene la mayor intensidad de efectos indirectos sobre el empleo durante el periodo de estudio. La restauración estimula el empleo indirecto de la agricultura, la silvicultura, la ganadería, la pesca y la fabricación de alimentos y tabaco. El análisis de descomposición revela que la demanda final es la que más contribuye al aumento del empleo turístico, mientras que el progreso tecnológico pasa de ser un efecto de creación de empleo en 2002-2012 a un efecto de destrucción de empleo en 2012-2017.
Este estudio propone un nuevo marco analítico para investigar la relación estructural proporcional entre los efectos directos e indirectos del empleo de varios sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus cambios dinámicos. De este modo, proporciona valiosas referencias para que los responsables políticos promuevan el empleo en el sector turístico.
Zhenchuan Cai, Kaili Chen and Haichuan Zhao
The purpose of this research is to explore how text-emoji mismatch impacts consumers’ perceptions of authenticity and helpfulness in online reviews, examining the mediating effect…
The purpose of this research is to explore how text-emoji mismatch impacts consumers’ perceptions of authenticity and helpfulness in online reviews, examining the mediating effect of processing fluency and the moderating effects of response type and social distance.
Three between-subject experiments were conducted on Credamo and Wenjuanxing to test the hypotheses proposed in this research. The primary data analysis methods used were ANOVA and bootstrap analysis.
Study 1 found that consumers’ perceived helpfulness and authenticity of online reviews decline when the text and emojis do not match, with processing fluency mediating this effect. Study 2 revealed that humorous responses from firms to reviews with text-emoji mismatches enhance consumers’ perceived authenticity and helpfulness. Study 3 demonstrated that when potential consumers perceive a greater social distance from the reviewers, the negative impact of text-emoji mismatch is mitigated.
This study contributes to the fields of consumer reviews and emoji usage by examining how the relationship between emojis and text in online reviews (match vs. mismatch) affects consumers’ perceived authenticity and helpfulness. We also propose strategies for how firms can mitigate the negative impact of text-emoji mismatch.
Katsuyoshi Takashima and Changju Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a model investigating the relationship between conflict with private label (PL) suppliers and retailers’ PL…
The purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a model investigating the relationship between conflict with private label (PL) suppliers and retailers’ PL performance. The study also examines differences in the relationship based on two PL types, namely, price-oriented and differentiation-oriented PLs.
Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling and data obtained from a survey of general merchandise managers in 190 supermarket chains in Japan.
The results indicate that conflict with PL suppliers can have negative effects on retailers’ PL performance. Moreover, the use of price-oriented PLs leads to higher levels of conflict with PL suppliers than the use of differentiation-oriented PLs.
Practical implications
This study offers managerial insights into the importance of sophisticated conflict management in relation to PL suppliers and the efficacy of premium PLs, which may cost less in terms of conflict management than price-oriented PLs.
Considering the influence of conflict with suppliers on retailers’ PL performance, this study suggests a novel approach to examining conflict between PL suppliers and retailers by classifying PLs into two types, namely, price-oriented and differentiation-oriented PLs.
First, this paper aims to identify and discuss the paradoxical relationship between theology and technology. Second, it also demonstrates the urgency of the digitalization of the…
First, this paper aims to identify and discuss the paradoxical relationship between theology and technology. Second, it also demonstrates the urgency of the digitalization of the Church ministry. Third, this paper offers an understanding of technology and theology through the missional perspective of the Church. Fourth, this paper asks the following questions: (1) Can the Church innovate ways of using technology while maintaining the social aspect of the organism? (2) Can organizations migrate to digital technology with adequate technology/human interface to engage innovations? (3) How can organizations renew their products via technological platforms? (4) From a socio-technical perspective on the digital era, can the Church keep abreast of its workforce in a way that provides adequate participative opportunities? and finally, this paper further interacts with views on the paradigm shift of practical theology and techno-theological practice and possible inclusion in the theology vocabularies of the Church.
A thorough search on the subject of techno-theology (TTheo) reveals that there are no scholarly works that offer a conceptual understanding of TTheo. However, TTheo derives an interdisciplinary definition from innovative leadership, socio-religious transformation, transformational leadership, anthropological studies, strategic leadership (and authentic leader AL), scenario thinking/planning, technological disruptions, digital transformation and Church sustainability. There are multiple inferences in the literature on the advantages and disadvantages of technology in human relations (Banks et al., 2016; Dyer, 2011).
Innovation is open-ended. It can take place anywhere and anytime. All it requires are human entities who are creative enough to respond appropriately. The author agrees with Goldsmith that innovation is not limited to a single aspect of any system (Goldsmith et al., 2010, p. xxiv). Innovation can occur anywhere, and there is no limit to it. The only hindrance to innovation is the lack of creative leaders, creative agents of change and an enabling environment to foster change (Teece, 2018, 2010; Bounfour, 2016; Hanna, 2016). While technological innovation is a good development, other factors drive innovation. Technological innovation is not an end by itself. It is a means to an end. And it cannot stand in isolation from other factors that support it. It competes with some external factors which can sustain it or obstruct it.
Research limitations/implications
This paper used the traditional (or narrative), meta-analysis and meta-synthesis methods of literature reviews to study scenario thinking, system thinking, planning and TTheo principles to find a suitable space to redefine and reconstruct the Church’s ministry engagement in a technologically avowed age. This paper is not a technology text, nor does it pose to answer technology questions. Instead, it focuses on the role of technology in Christian ministry.
Practical implications
This paper recommended that the Church redefines its digital transformation perspective by adopting a TTheo that embraces digital materials and hybrid technology in its ministry engagement across the board. This paper further interacts with views on the paradigm shift of practical theology and techno-theological practice and possible inclusion in the theology vocabularies of the Church.
Social implications
Technology shapes human interactions in a sociopolitical, socioreligious and sociocultural environment (Dyer, 2011; Postman, 2021; McLauhan, 1994, p. 7). As a community of faith, the Church is a segment of the broader cultural environment with a cross-section of people from various works of life and opinions. Language, customs and practice differ significantly from others in every environment. Hence, each setting is unique in multiple ways (Teece, 2018, 2010). The world continues to experience developments in many areas. Due to the symbiotic nature of humans and the environment, cross-breeding and cross-fertilization of ideas are inevitable. As one organization reacts to its unique existence, it indirectly or directly affects another. Hence, while growth may be relative, its impacts are overtly universal.
The term “Techno-theology” is a newcomer in the theological circle. Hence, there are practically little or minimal literature on this subject area. In this paper, the author has written the original concept of the subject matter (TTheo). This paper is part of the ground-breaking research the author is conducting on “Techno-theology.” The author’s PhD research proposal was approved in December 2022. The author’s research focuses on the subject matter of this paper (TTheo). The author also looks forward to leading a deeper conversation among scholars.
Joseph Kaswengi, Mbaye Fall Diallo, Houcine Akrout and Pierre Valette-Florence
This study investigates how price, promotion and consumer characteristics affect consumer choice of high over medium- and low-equity cosmetic brand under different macroeconomic…
This study investigates how price, promotion and consumer characteristics affect consumer choice of high over medium- and low-equity cosmetic brand under different macroeconomic conditions.
The study uses purchase records from MarketingScan's Behaviour Scan panels (a GFK – Mediametrie Company) covering the period from 2008 to 2009. The panel analysed represents a sample of 2,149 households representative of the national population.
Results indicate that regular price and relative brand price increase high-equity cosmetic brand choice over both low- and medium-equity brands, while reference price decreases it. Brand feature promotion activity and joint promotion positively affect high-equity cosmetic brand choice, whereas display promotion decreases it. In comparison to medium-equity cosmetic brands, gender and education slightly increase high-equity cosmetic brand choice, while age decreases it. Surprisingly, household income does not affect high-equity cosmetic brand choice. The effect of regular price decreases over worsening macroeconomic conditions. However, the effect of relative brand price decreases between low and moderate contraction periods, but increases between moderate and high contraction times. Feature promotion is effective only when the contraction is moderate, while the negative effect of display promotion is stable over time.
The paper underlines the moderating role of macroeconomic conditions on the relationship between pricing decisions as well as promotion activity and consumer choice of high-equity cosmetic brands.
Lamei Hu and Honghua Wu
There is a relatively low risk management (RM) level and maturity in China’s state-owned construction enterprises (CSCEs). The purpose of this paper is to find the main factors…
There is a relatively low risk management (RM) level and maturity in China’s state-owned construction enterprises (CSCEs). The purpose of this paper is to find the main factors impacting RM in practice to promote rapid, sound and sustained development in CSCEs.
There are a few state-owned CSCEs in China. Most enterprises know little about RM. Because of the limited number of RM departments in these enterprises, 200 questionnaires were sent to the enterprises to investigate the RM strategies employed by them. The research is quantitative and used a questionnaire survey to determine the important factors influencing RM practice. The collected data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to identify the most important factors affecting RM as well as the extent of influence of these factors, in order to facilitate further research.
The survey revealed the top eight factors (i.e. leaders’ support, personnel’s responsibility, comprehensiveness of identification, costs and benefits, risk appetite, understanding of language, frequency of training and performance management) that highly impact RM in CSCEs and the extent to which these factors impact RM. The data reveal that the average RM level is low. Some methods have been recommended to improve RM.
Research limitations/implications
The research lays the foundation for further RM development in CSCEs. The low RM level in CSCEs should encourage researchers to find better ways to improve RM. Some factors in the research will function as valuable guides for China’s private and public-private partnership enterprises.
Practical implications
A quantitative analysis methodology for RM has been developed for CSCEs that can reflect their RM level. In addition, the degree of impact of key factors on RM has been shown. The results can act as a reference to improve RM quantitatively, making the RM system more explicit in dealing with risks more accurately and instructively.
Structural RM research is utilized to evaluate RM in CSCEs by following an empirical method. With the continuous improvement in RM, CSCEs can cooperate well with construction enterprises of other countries for infrastructure projects and gain more benefits.
Sandro Castaldo and Monica Grosso
- Customers expect retail companies to adapt their strategies to their behaviour, so they should use different channels and devices in interaction;
- Multichannel and omnichannel…
Learning Outcomes
Customers expect retail companies to adapt their strategies to their behaviour, so they should use different channels and devices in interaction;
Multichannel and omnichannel strategies represent two distinct approaches to managing relationships with the customers;
The key to developing a successful omnichannel strategy is to integrate channels and touch points that will create a frictionless experience for the customer;
Introducing omnichannel interaction requires organizational and IT changes within the company.
Customers expect retail companies to adapt their strategies to their behaviour, so they should use different channels and devices in interaction;
Multichannel and omnichannel strategies represent two distinct approaches to managing relationships with the customers;
The key to developing a successful omnichannel strategy is to integrate channels and touch points that will create a frictionless experience for the customer;
Introducing omnichannel interaction requires organizational and IT changes within the company.
Chunyu Li, Yongfu He, Ling Peng and Denghua Yuan
Recently, the popularity of store brands has resulted in some manufacturer brands being removed from shelves. The current literature lacks empirical work on the effect of…
Recently, the popularity of store brands has resulted in some manufacturer brands being removed from shelves. The current literature lacks empirical work on the effect of manufacturer brand erosion on consumer assortment perception and repatronage intention. Based on signalling theory, the purpose of this paper is to manufacturer brands play a signalling role and contend that manufacturer brand erosion has detrimental effects on the assortment perception due to reduced signalling efficacy.
A 3 (low manufacturer brand erosion vs high manufacturer brand erosion vs manufacturer brand dominance) ×2 (assortment size: small vs large) between-subject experiment was conducted.
Manufacturer brand erosion exerts a negative effect on assortment attractiveness and consumers’ repatronage intention; the greater the erosion, the larger the negative effect. These negative effects are mediated by reduced consumer perceptions of assortment quality and variety. A large (vs small) assortment size attenuates the negative effect of manufacturer brand erosion by improving perceived assortment quality.
Practical implications
To engage in strategic positioning through efficient assortment management, retailers should cooperate with brand manufacturers, instead of promoting their own private labels. Nevertheless, a large assortment dominated by store brands signals that the retailer has built a strong private brand, which in turn gains a differentiation advantage.
This paper is among the first to take the signalling perspective and explicitly investigate whether and how manufacturer brand erosion exerts a significant impact on assortment perception.
Astrid L. Keel and Brian Bourdeau
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether different types of service firms, experience-based or credence-based, benefit equally from the prescription to increase…
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether different types of service firms, experience-based or credence-based, benefit equally from the prescription to increase advertising during recessions.
The research consists of three steps: using the Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter to extract the cyclical component of the time series, estimating the level of cyclical comovement and estimating the relationship between comovement and stock price.
The results suggest that experience-based service firms benefit financially from adopting the advertising “prescription” that encourages firms to increase advertising during recessions. Credence-based firms, however, experience negative financial returns when they implement the advertising “prescription”.
Research limitations/implications
The limitations are data from US firms and a smaller sample size. The use of the HP filter may be considered a limitation, as other filtering methods may be utilized. The results suggest that academics’ and practitioners’ advertising “prescription” is not a one-size-fits-all strategy for service firms.
Practical implications
Managers must be aware that the type of service their firm provides influences whether increasing or decreasing advertising spending during a recession has a positive or negative impact on financial performance. Credence-based firms, such as those in the banking and insurance industries should avoid increasing advertising spending during recessions, as it may lead to negative financial performance. Experience-based firms, such as those in the entertainment and travel industries, benefit financially from increased advertising during recessions.
This research is first to investigate the differential impact of recessionary advertising on service firms.
Nicholas Alexander and Hayley Myers
Considers the interest shown by European retailers in the markets of South East Asia and places this interest within the wider context of East Asian markets. European retailers’…
Considers the interest shown by European retailers in the markets of South East Asia and places this interest within the wider context of East Asian markets. European retailers’ interest in the region has been a feature of recent developments in international retailing. Charts the growing interest in the region and the relative attractions of different markets and critically evaluates the assumptions that are made about East Asian markets and suggests that a far more rigorous set of criteria should be employed when evaluating markets in the region. Evaluates the implications of the recent financial and economic crises on European retail investment in the region.