Rana Dadashova and Peter H. Silverstone
Atomoxetine has been approved for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in both adults and children. However, it is also being examined for several off-label…
Atomoxetine has been approved for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in both adults and children. However, it is also being examined for several off-label uses in adults including mood disorders, eating disorders, cognitive dysfunction, and the treatment of addictions. Prior to such use it is important to examine the reported adverse events to see if this represents an appropriate level of risk. This is particularly important in the light of recent warnings from several regulatory bodies about an increase in blood pressure in a significant percentage of patients taking atomoxetine. To understand the risks a literature review was performed, and which identified the following potential problems. The first is that this drug should not be given in patients with known cardiovascular problems, and that all adult patients who receive atomoxetine should be monitored for changes in blood pressure throughout treatment. Secondly, there are several clinical situations in which atomoxetine should be closely monitored, or avoided, including patients who have a history or risk of narrow angle glaucoma, epileptic seizures, Tourette's syndrome, a history of urinary outflow obstruction, or who are pregnant or lactating. In conclusion, the current literature suggests that atomoxetine can be safely used off-label provided the above precautions are taken.
Juan Rock and Sadrudin A. Ahmed
The purpose of this paper is to study the relation between to export performance measures; growth exports and export intensity with the resources, capabilities and characteristics…
The purpose of this paper is to study the relation between to export performance measures; growth exports and export intensity with the resources, capabilities and characteristics of the firms as factors determining its success.
The study used a questionnaire, answered by 133 firms from a random sample of 480 Chilean firms.
The two performance measures of the study, export intensity and growth of the exports resulted equally predictive of the export success, but with a different set of variables. The export growth was strongly related with the firms that had recently started, that have executive staff with an overseas education and a long term commitment to export, did research and development, followed market developing strategies and strategic alliances. The export intensity shows a strong relation with smaller firms, more experienced and involved in foreign markets. The successful companies in the foreign markets are very opportune and flexible in satisfying the needs of their clients and innovate their products.
Research limitations
The biggest limitation of this research is that it was conducted only in one South American country with a limited sample size.
Smaller firms require support from the State, to finance market studies, to access international fairs and financial sources. The findings are innovative for the export management in developing countries, intensive in natural resources, especially those of small size such as the case of Chile.
Estudiar la relación entre dos medidas del desempeño exportador, crecimiento de exportaciones e intensidad de exportaciones, con los recursos, capacidades y características de la firma como factores determinantes de su éxito.
Un estudio basado en un cuestionario, respondido por 133 firmas de una muestra aleatoria de 480 firmas chilenas, representativa de las firmas exportadoras, seleccionadas aleatoriamente.
Las dos medidas de desempeño exportador del estudio, intensidad de exportaciones y crecimiento de las exportaciones resultaron igualmente predictivas del éxito exportador, pero con diferentes conjuntos de variables predictivas.
Limitaciones de la investigación/implicaciones
La mayor limitante de esta investigación es que fue realizada en sólo un país de Sudamérica con un tamaño de muestra algo limitado.
Implicaciones prácticas
El crecimiento de exportaciones estuvo fuertemente relacionado con las firmas que se iniciaron recientemente, que poseen personal ejecutivo educado en el extranjero y un compromiso de largo plazo a exportar, realizan investigación y desarrollo, siguen estrategias de desarrollo de mercados. La intensidad de exportación expresa una relación fuerte con las firmas más pequeñas, más experimentadas e involucradas en los mercados extranjeros. Las compañías exitosas en los mercados de exportación son muy oportunas y flexibles en satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes, innovan en sus productos y siguen estrategias de alianzas cooperativas y redes.
Implicaciones socials
Los gobiernos deberían apoyar a las firmas pequeñas, financiando estudios de mercado, apoyando su acceso a ferias internacionales y financiamiento.
Los hallazgos son originales para la gestión de exportaciones en países en desarrollo, intensivos en recursos naturales, especialmente aquéllos de un pequeño tamaño, como Chile.
Vincent K. Chong and Robyn Cable
This paper reports the results of a study on the implementation of an activity‐based costing (ABC) system in an Australian oil and gas company. The findings suggest that the three…
This paper reports the results of a study on the implementation of an activity‐based costing (ABC) system in an Australian oil and gas company. The findings suggest that the three most important objectives of implementing an ABC system were: (1) more effective cost management, (2) better cost control, and (3) more accurate costing information. The results reveal that lack of understanding of the ABC methodology was the most important factor that impeded the implementation of the ABC system. The results further suggest that the three most important factors that contributed to the success of the ABC implementation process were: (1) project team were well organized and advised, (2) there were good information flows between users and preparers, and (3) there were sufficient resources provided. Overall, the results of this study are similar to those studies conducted in the manufacturing sectors.
This chapter suggests that traditional views of gender and other social categories existing in a face-to-face environment are reproduced and even exacerbated online (Allen, 2000;…
This chapter suggests that traditional views of gender and other social categories existing in a face-to-face environment are reproduced and even exacerbated online (Allen, 2000; Barak, 2005; Bell & de La Rue, 1995; Cooper, Safir, & Rosenmann, 2006; Hargittai, 2008; McGerty, 2000; Soukup, 1999; Sussman & Tyson, 2000). Further, characteristics of the online environment such as anonymity, acceptability, and aloneness allow for the perpetuation of prejudicial attitudes and accompanying misbehavior. This chapter will focus on the characteristics of the online environment that perpetuate misbehavior, especially with regard to harassment based on social demographic categories. In addition, this chapter will explore how social and experiential learning theories can help us understand the increased propensity of misbehavior online and will suggest how universities and organizations can use these principles to decrease misbehavior.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s there was a passion to develop the study of information for several reasons:
James Cooper and Malcolm Johnstone
The article reports the findings of research carriedout by the authors into dedicated contractdistribution (DCD), a service which is “tailor‐made”to the requirements of users…
The article reports the findings of research carried out by the authors into dedicated contract distribution (DCD), a service which is “tailor‐made” to the requirements of users. Major characteristics of the DCD marketplace in the UK are identified and future prospects for growth are commented on, particularly outside the UK. As freight deregulation is recognised as a prerequisite for the development of specialist services such as DCD, development potential seems particularly promising in both the US and parts of mainland Europe.
Outsourcing of logistics services has increased rapidly during the last few years. Accordingly, third‐party logistics and supply chain management as a research phenomenon has…
Outsourcing of logistics services has increased rapidly during the last few years. Accordingly, third‐party logistics and supply chain management as a research phenomenon has gained increased attention from academia. However, a strategic view focusing on the relationship between supply chain management and third‐party logistics service strategies has gained little attention. This paper focuses on alternative supply chain strategies and their relationship to different types of third‐party logistics services. A normative framework for organizing these relationships is developed. The strategic view adopted in this paper fills a gap in the understanding of how third‐party logistics providers should offer their services more effectively and efficiently to different types of supply chains.
Arnold Maltz, Linda Riley and Kevin Boberg
One strategy for dealing with the increasing problem ofcross‐border movement is to involve third‐party specialists. Reports onan investigation of third‐party use in maquiladora or…
One strategy for dealing with the increasing problem of cross‐border movement is to involve third‐party specialists. Reports on an investigation of third‐party use in maquiladora or twin‐plant logistics across the US‐Mexico border. A mail survey of 250 companies operating in the El Paso‐Juarex area was carried out. Results showed that the surveyed firms used third parties more than US firms in general.
Among the secondary problems arising out of new industrial developments and techniques one of the most frequent is that of lubrication. The manufacturer of lubricants, through his…
Among the secondary problems arising out of new industrial developments and techniques one of the most frequent is that of lubrication. The manufacturer of lubricants, through his own research facilities, is bound to keep abreast, if not ahead, of current developments so that his products may give satisfactory service under novel conditions.