IN June, 1965, Swedish Lloyd and Swedish American Line gave the hovercraft industry the boost it so desperately needed by having the courage to order not one but two SR.N4…
IN June, 1965, Swedish Lloyd and Swedish American Line gave the hovercraft industry the boost it so desperately needed by having the courage to order not one but two SR.N4 hovercraft to operate a cross‐Channel service starting in 1968. For the previous two years both Vickers and Westlands had tried to interest British companies in this new form of transport. There was even talk of a grant issued through the NRDC to encourage would‐be operators. Such an operation was to be known as Operation Shop Window, and its purpose was to demonstrate to the world the potential of hovercraft travel and the undoubted lead that Britain had in this field. However, it was the Swedes who, true to their adventurous seafaring tradition, took up the challenge, and it was indeed a challenge for at that time the fund of hovercraft knowledge, particularly in the commercial field, was not as great as it is today.
In this paper, I explore some of the intellectual questions which gave meaning to the social activity of dealing with crime, disorder and indigence, in the writings of three key…
In this paper, I explore some of the intellectual questions which gave meaning to the social activity of dealing with crime, disorder and indigence, in the writings of three key police thinkers: Henry Field, Sir John Fielding and Patrick Colquhoun. My argument is that these early “police intellectuals” were not visionaries in the sense that they imagined a radically new apparatus of social control. Rather, the writings of these police proponents are most significant because they established a context of thought as felt and feeling as thought in which modern policing emerged. That intellectual context involved a commitment to piety, ethical standards and those institutions which supported or propagated them ‐ family, commerce and education as well as considerations of better policing, laws and punishments. Their writings, I suggest, are best understood as providing an enhanced role for the police in both enforcing order and in defining it. Police intellectuals, I conclude, created a frame of mind of police which functioned as a broad social technology of control, an institution of government and an ideology representing the crime problem as a lower class phenomenon.
Sue Malthus and Carolyn Fowler
During the 1990s the value to an intending professional accountant of undertaking a period of liberal (general) studies was promoted internationally by a number of individuals and…
During the 1990s the value to an intending professional accountant of undertaking a period of liberal (general) studies was promoted internationally by a number of individuals and organisations, including the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (the “Institute”). The Institute significantly changed its admissions policy for Chartered Accountants in 1996 and one change was to require four years of degree level study with a compulsory liberal studies component. This study surveys the perceptions of New Zealand accounting practitioners on the impact of this compulsory liberal component. The results of this study demonstrate that there is little support from accounting practitioners for IFAC’s claim that liberal education “can contribute significantly to the acquisition of professional skills”, including intellectual, personal and communication skills. In addition, the majority of respondents did not perceive any improvements in the professional skills of the staff that had qualified under the Institute’s current admissions policy. However, any perceived improvements were mainly attributed to the Institute’s admissions policy change. Notwithstanding the lack of support for the assertion that liberal education develops professional skills, there is a strong belief by respondents in the value of liberal education for intending professional accountants.
ALL the auguries for the Bournemouth Conference appear to be good. Our local secretary, Mr. Charles Riddle, seems to have spared neither energy nor ability to render our second…
ALL the auguries for the Bournemouth Conference appear to be good. Our local secretary, Mr. Charles Riddle, seems to have spared neither energy nor ability to render our second visit to the town, whose libraries he initiated and has controlled for thirty‐seven years, useful and enjoyable. There will not be quite so many social events as usual, but that is appropriate in the national circumstances. There will be enough of all sorts of meetings to supply what the President of the A.L.A. describes as “the calling which collects and organizes books and other printed matter for the use and benefit of mankind and which brings together the reader and the printed word in a vital relationship.” We hope the discussions will be thorough, but without those long auto‐biographical speeches which are meant for home newspapers, that readers will make time for seeing the exhibitions, and that Bournemouth will be a source of health and pleasure to all our readers who can be there.
Şengül Öymen Gür and Şengül Yalçınkaya Erol
Due to discontent arising from the application of Modernism's totalitarian and homogenising logic to house design, recent research has concentrated on differences between…
Due to discontent arising from the application of Modernism's totalitarian and homogenising logic to house design, recent research has concentrated on differences between cultures, societies and ethnic groups to the extent that today's students of architecture have difficulty finding sources which point to any universally valid values and preferences adopted by contemporary populations. In this study seventeen major design principles stemming from man-environment relationships, such as privacy, territoriality, personal space, backstage behaviour, orientation, and so on, as deduced from Turkish traditional houses, are investigated in terms of similarities among cultures. Samples of contemporary houses are selected from Turkey and elsewhere. Between local and international house designs full matches are depicted and verified by way of statistical analyses across fourteen items, such as living space subdivisions for guests and family, indirect access to the house (modulation), multi-purpose living space subdivisions (hierarchical living space), individualized bathrooms in bedrooms, independent family rooms, semi-closed spaces on the first floor, larger fenestration on upper floors as opposed to opacity of ground floors, segregated garden space, powerful demarcation of the garden space, orientation toward the house's own territory, bathrooms being situated in night time domains, differentiated status of spaces, multiple uses for stair landings (such as for hiding places for goods). Only three items showed some variance: closed balconies on upper floors were local, and semi-open spaces on ground floors were international tendencies. The practice of allowing direct access from the main entrance to a vertical circulation area was also predominantly a local choice.
R.W. Baines and G.J. Colquhoun
System design methodologies can greatly help the understanding of complex manufacturing situations. The IDEF0 structured analysis method is one of the favoured tools for industry.
In October, 1902, the Secretary of the Mineral Water Bottle Exchange and Trade Protection Society addressed a letter to the Clerk of the London County Council stating that aerated…
In October, 1902, the Secretary of the Mineral Water Bottle Exchange and Trade Protection Society addressed a letter to the Clerk of the London County Council stating that aerated and mineral waters are, in many instances, manufactured under insanitary conditions, and suggesting that the Council should take action in the matter. The Public Health Committee of the Council thereupon directed that a number of premises where aerated waters are manufactured should be inspected, and, in February, 1903, Dr. Shirley Murphy, the Medical Officer to the Council, presented a report drawn up by Dr. Hamer, the Assistant Medical Officer, by whom the inspections ordered were carried out. Dr. Hamer came to the conclusion that it was most desirable in the interests of the consumer that the manufacture of aerated waters in London should be regulated and controlled. The quantity of aerated water sold in London is very large, and Dr. Hamer's inspection of numerous premises showed that there are many possible sources of dangerous contamination of the water used during the process of the manufacture. We are in a position to state that Dr. Hamer was thoroughly justified in drawing the conclusions which appear in his report. The enormous growth in popularity during recent years of aerated and mineral waters, while unquestionably fraught with a most important influence for good, has brought a number of firms into existence who manufacture more or less inferior and, in some instances, positively injurious and dangerous waters, and who place their products on the market at “cutting” prices, with the result that the honest and careful manufacturer on the one hand, and the public on the other, are made to suffer. Unfair “competition” of the kind referred to exists, of course, in every trade, and only by the authoritative approval of the good and, by implication, the authoritative condemnation of the bad, can such “competition” be effectively checked. But where the health of the consumer is directly threatened or affected, as it particularly is by the supply of inferior or actually injurious aerated waters, the necessity for adequate regulation and control is immediately obvious. The matter cannot be dealt with under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. It is not one involving analysis only but, so far as analysis is concerned, the provisions of the Acts make it impossible to carry out the analytical investigations that would be required. In addition to the official registration of all manufacturers of mineral and aerated waters, a combination of inspection and analysis by an authoritative bedy of some kind, or by a recognised individual authority, is necessary to supply a sufficient guarantee to the public and efficient protection to the manufacturer and vendor of pure and high‐class waters.
Wahyudi Hariyanto, Seno Basuki, Budi Utomo, Febtri Wijayanti, Martino Martino, Tedi Gunawan and Rudy G. Erwinsyah
The objective is to ascertain and amalgamate the extant data about farmers' plans for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The chapter provides comprehensive insights to help…
The objective is to ascertain and amalgamate the extant data about farmers' plans for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The chapter provides comprehensive insights to help farmers and policymakers make informed and relevant decisions.
We conducted five-step scoping review procedure with key databases: Scopus, ProQuest, Science Direct, Springer Link and PLOS ONE. The keywords including climate change AND Agriculture AND production AND rice AND farmer AND farming AND mitigation AND adaptation AND resilience AND Indonesia focusing on publications from 2013 to 2023. We employed PRISMA-Scr protocol and data were thematically extracted using NVivo 12 Plus tool.
The search yielded 878 records, of which 116 were screened in full text, and 37 were included in the review. Key findings indicate that adaptation strategies and management planning involving social capital and social networks are essential for anticipating and responding to climate change-induced disasters. The collaboration between farmers, farmer groups, government and NGOs is pivotal for climate change mitigation.
Research Limitations/Implications
The research implications highlight the need for targeted policy interventions and capacity-building initiatives to enhance farmers' knowledge and skills in climate change adaptation, fostering collaboration among various stakeholders.
The originality and value of the paper lie in the comprehensive review of the adaptive measures and strategies employed by farmers in Indonesia to mitigate the impacts of climate change on agriculture. This contribution is significant as it not only addresses local challenges but also connects them to broader global discussions on food security and climate adaptation.
Joseph Press, Paola Bellis, Tommaso Buganza, Silvia Magnanini, Abraham B. (Rami) Shani, Daniel Trabucchi, Roberto Verganti and Federico P. Zasa
Pawan Budhwar, Andy Crane, Annette Davies, Rick Delbridge, Tim Edwards, Mahmoud Ezzamel, Lloyd Harris, Emmanuel Ogbonna and Robyn Thomas
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce �…
Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce – not even, in many cases, describing workers as assets! Describes many studies to back up this claim in theis work based on the 2002 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, in Cardiff, Wales.