E.S. Williams, K.V. Rondeau and L.H. Francescutti
The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of hospital emergency department culture on the job satisfaction, patient commitment, and extra‐role performance of Canadian…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of hospital emergency department culture on the job satisfaction, patient commitment, and extra‐role performance of Canadian emergency physicians. The conceptual model related four cultural archetypes from the competing valued model to the three outcome variables.
In total, 428 Canadian emergency physicians responded to a national survey. The conceptual model was tested via structural equation modeling via LISREL 8.
Culture had a relatively weak impact on the outcomes. Human resources culture related positively to job satisfaction while bureaucratic culture related positively to patient commitment. Patient commitment, but not job satisfaction strongly and positively related to extra‐role behavior. A direct relationship between entrepreneurial culture and extra‐role behavior emerged from an extended analysis.
Practical implications
Organizational culture seems to have more distal relationships with outcome variables and its influence is likely to be mediated by more proximal workplace variables.
Of value by showing that a key modern leadership challenge is to create the kind of work culture that can become a source of competitive advantage through generating particular organizational outcomes valued by stakeholders.
Yachen Zhang, Brent Moyle, Karine Dupré, Gui Lohmann, Cheryl Desha and Iain MacKenzie
This study aims to track and integrate past research concerning how tourism might improve natural disaster management, detect thematic research areas and develop an agenda for…
This study aims to track and integrate past research concerning how tourism might improve natural disaster management, detect thematic research areas and develop an agenda for future research.
Using a systematic literature review methodology, this research synthesises academic papers indexed in the Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCOhost (Hospitality & Tourism Complete) databases. A total of 34 articles published in peer-reviewed English journals were systematically selected for review and analysed using a thematic approach.
This review highlights a growing interest in the potential and value of tourism for disaster management. Eight key themes emerged in the review, including education and information communication about disasters; tourism facilities for disaster preparation; tourism resources in emergency conditions; livelihoods and economic recovery; disaster-related tourism attractions for recovery; destination re-branding and re-framing; community reinvigoration in tourism-driven disaster recovery; and special-interest tourism for recovery. A natural disaster management schematic empowered by tourism highlights tourism industry opportunities to positively impact the entire disaster management process.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this work offers the first systematic review of the research on how tourism might support multiple stages of natural disaster management. This study thus complements and enriches extant literature reviews on the nexus between tourism and disaster management. The framework presents timely guidelines for planners, developers and other key stakeholders to leverage tourism initiatives to improve disaster management outcomes.
本研究旨在追溯和整合以往研究中关于旅游业如何提升自然灾害管理的实践和发现, 明确主要研究领域并提出未来研究议程。
通过系统文献综述方法, 本研究综合了Scopus, Web of Science和EBSCOhost(Hospitality & Tourism Complete)数据库中索引的学术论文。共有34篇发表在同行评审的英文期刊上的文章被系统地筛选出来, 随后使用主题分析方法进行分析。
文献综述发现, 学者和行业实践者对旅游业在灾害管理方面的潜力和价值越来越感兴趣。综述分析发现了八个关键领域:灾害的教育和信息交流; 旅游设施用于备灾; 旅游资源用于紧急情况; 生计和经济复苏; 灾难相关的旅游吸引物; 灾难地品牌重塑和重构; 旅游业驱动的社区灾后重振; 灾后重建中的特殊兴趣旅游。本文设计了由旅游业赋权的自然灾害管理示意图, 突出了旅游业对整个灾害管理进程产生的积极影响和潜在机会。
Este estudio identifica e integra las investigaciones anteriores sobre cómo el turismo podría mejorar la gestión de desastres naturales, detecta áreas temáticas de investigación y elabora una agenda para la investigación futura.
Usando una metodología de revisión sistemática de la literatura, esta investigación sintetiza artículos académicos indexados en las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science y EBSCOhost (Hospitality & Tourism Complete). Se seleccionaron sistemáticamente un total de 34 artículos publicados en revistas inglesas con revisión por pares para su revisión y análisis mediante un enfoque temático.
Esta revisión pone de relieve el creciente interés por el potencial y el valor del turismo en la gestión de desastres. En la revisión surgieron ocho temas clave: la educación y la comunicación de información sobre desastres; instalaciones turísticas para la preparación ante desastres; recursos turísticos en condiciones de emergencia; medios de subsistencia y recuperación económica; atracciones turísticas relacionadas con los desastres para la recuperación; cambio de marca y replanteamiento del destino; revitalización de la comunidad en la recuperación de desastres impulsada por el turismo; y el turismo de interés especial para la recuperación. Un esquema de gestión de desastres naturales potenciado por el turismo pone de relieve las oportunidades de la industria turística para influir positivamente en todo el proceso de gestión de desastres.
Este trabajo ofrece la primera revisión sistemática de la investigación sobre cómo el turismo podría apoyar las múltiples etapas de la gestión de desastres naturales. Este estudio complementa y enriquece la bibliografía existente sobre el nexo entre el turismo y la gestión de desastres. El marco presenta directrices oportunas para que los planificadores, los promotores y otras partes interesadas clave aprovechen las iniciativas turísticas para mejorar los resultados de la gestión de desastres.
Patrick O'Leary, Natalia Wharton and Thomas Quinlan
The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction amongst physicians in Russia.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction amongst physicians in Russia.
Overall satisfaction and relative satisfaction on the bases of facility and gender were measured. Approaches included the perception vs expectation paradigm, and statistical techniques using chi‐square, independent samples t‐tests, and logistic regression.
The study finds that, overall, male doctors report higher levels of satisfaction than female doctors, while those who work in polyclinics are more satisfied than those employed by hospitals. Female physicians are more satisfied in their relations with patients and colleagues than their male counterparts. The majority of physicians are dissatisfied with administration and time constraints.
Practical implications
This paper provides practical advice to hospital and polyclinic managers in Russia as attempts at reforming and restructuring the healthcare system gather momentum.
There is scant empirical data on the job satisfaction of physicians in Russia. This paper found that job characteristic variables such as clinical autonomy, resources, time, and administration moderate physician satisfaction relationships in Russia, just as they do in the West.
Michel Rod and Nicholas J. Ashill
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a model of management commitment to service quality (MCSQ) and service recovery performance in the context of public and private…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a model of management commitment to service quality (MCSQ) and service recovery performance in the context of public and private hospitals in New Zealand.
In a cross‐sectional survey grounded in Bagozzi's reformulation of attitude theory, frontline hospital employees (FHEs) were asked about how MCSQ impacted on their service recovery performance in both the public and private sectors.
The results of the study suggest that the relationship between MCSQ and service recovery performance is mediated by organizational commitment. With the exception of the relationship between MCSQ and organizational commitment, there are no differences between FHEs in the private and public sectors.
Very little attention has been given to a comparative examination of those managerial practices critical for improving frontline employee service recovery efforts in a public and private healthcare context. Our research addresses this paucity.
Antonio Ortega‐Parra and Miguel Ángel Sastre‐Castillo
Previous research demonstrates the link between corporate culture and organizational commitment. Given the potential differences in espoused corporate culture and its perception…
Previous research demonstrates the link between corporate culture and organizational commitment. Given the potential differences in espoused corporate culture and its perception by employees, the purpose of this paper is to find an answer to the following question: how does employees' perception of company values affect their own commitment to that organization?
The authors conducted a survey to 216 business leaders, using three types of questionnaires to collect data: values, HR practices and commitment. They designed ad hoc the questionnaires on values and HR practices, and the last one follows Allen and Meyer's model. Hypotheses were tested by using correlations, regression analysis, structural equation modeling and comparisons of averages.
The results confirm the authors' hypothesis: a better adjustment between the perceived and the stated values has a positive relation with commitment. Particularly, people‐oriented values and ethical behavior are the ones that best predict affective commitment. The study verifies, also, that appropriate human resources practices greatly affect the perception of values.
Practical implications
The greater importance of affective dimension in organizational commitment, reinforced by ethical and people‐oriented values, makes clear the need for companies to pay real attention to this set of values beyond the simple formulation in the corporate culture. Therefore, companies should ensure there is congruence between human resources practices and values statements.
There are many previous research studies analyzing the link between corporate culture and commitment. This paper focuses on the existing gap between the espoused and the perceived values, finding that a better adjustment has a positive relation with organizational commitment.
Kent V. Rondeau, Louis H. Francescutti and Garnet E. Cummings
The purpose of this paper is to report on gender differences in emergency physicians with respect to their attitudes, knowledge, and practices concerning health promotion and…
The purpose of this paper is to report on gender differences in emergency physicians with respect to their attitudes, knowledge, and practices concerning health promotion and disease prevention.
A mail survey of 325 male and 97 female Canadian emergency physicians.
Results suggest female emergency physicians report having greater knowledge of health promotion topics, spend more time with each of their patients in the emergency setting, and engage in more health promotion counseling in the emergency setting than do their male counterparts.
The paper argues that in the future, educating and socializing emergency physicians, both male and female, in the practice of health promotion will enhance the potential of the emergency department to be a more effective resource for their community.