Learning to teach subject matter topics that emerge as challenging for culturally and linguistically diverse students remains a key goal for prospective teachers. Teacher…
Learning to teach subject matter topics that emerge as challenging for culturally and linguistically diverse students remains a key goal for prospective teachers. Teacher education needs multiple ways to guide preservice teachers (PSTs) for this work. One context for such teacher development is classroom-based teacher inquiry. I describe an innovation in teacher inquiry pedagogy that mentors PSTs in (a) mining multiple sources of knowledge for teaching challenging areas of content learning, (b) systematically analyzing knowledge gleaned from these sources, and (c) mediating through visual representations the overlapping, reinforcing, and sometimes conflicting ideas gleaned from sources, in order to advance conceptions and practice in content-based learning for diverse youth. I describe the pedagogy in practice, then use a case of one PST to illustrate how her knowledge evolved in learning to teach persuasive writing to early adolescent English language learners. It was in the knowledge sources interface, mediated by visual representations and written reflections, that this PST’s developing knowledge gained texture and depth.
Robert Detmering, Anna Marie Johnson, Claudene Sproles, Samantha McClellan and Rosalinda Hernandez Linares
– The purpose of this paper is to provide a selected bibliography of recent resources on library instruction and information literacy.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a selected bibliography of recent resources on library instruction and information literacy.
Introduces and annotates English-language periodical articles, monographs and other materials on library instruction and information literacy published in 2013.
Provides information about each source, discusses the characteristics of current scholarship and describes sources that contain unique scholarly contributions and quality reproductions.
The information may be used by librarians and interested parties as a quick reference to literature on library instruction and information literacy.
MID‐SEPTEMBER, with the summer gone irrevocably, allows the librarian a fortnight of reflection time before the strenuous interests of autumn and winter become active. That is, if…
MID‐SEPTEMBER, with the summer gone irrevocably, allows the librarian a fortnight of reflection time before the strenuous interests of autumn and winter become active. That is, if he returns stimulated in body and mind from a reasonable holiday and does not become immersed immediately in the almost compelling series of meetings of librarians arranged for the last fortnight of September and for October. For the student members the Birmingham Summer School remains in session until the 20th; for their elders ASLIB will confer at Swanwick from the 19th to 21st, and, in the same week‐end at Buxton, there will be the conference on library work for children; and, a week later, 26th to 29th, the University and Research Section will occupy Lady Margaret Hall at Oxford. The arrangements for October are set out in the L. A. Record. Their profusion embarasses many librarians. It is only natural that, as librarianship extends, every organized part of it becomes keenly aware of its individuality and, as the profession today grows more and more conference‐minded, few can keep step, save in a general way, with more than a fraction of the meetings arranged. Some effort is made by the L.A. and by librarians to preserve and strengthen the basic unity of all librarianship, but otherwise the diversity is great.
E. Della Torre, E. Cardelli and L.H. Bennett
The magnetic modeling of materials has been focused on computing magnetization and forces in devices. With increasing efforts to make energy efficient devices, attention must now…
The magnetic modeling of materials has been focused on computing magnetization and forces in devices. With increasing efforts to make energy efficient devices, attention must now be paid to hysteresis losses in magnetizing processes. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pertinent parameters that determine these losses and a method of identifying them.
A vector model was used that is designed to compute losses correctly, to focus on hysteresis losses in models that compute the same magnetization, but have different losses.
The model computes the same cyclic losses as expected.
Research limitations/implications
The analysis of this paper is limited to isotropic media, but it can be generalized to anisotropic media. The accuracy of the Della Torre, Pinzaglia and Cardelli (DPC) model is also limited.
Practical implications
Once the model has been validated, the designer can minimize the instantaneous as well as the average dissipation. This will permit the design of more reliable devices.
The DPC model used in this work has not been fully explored previously.
Dave L. Edyburn and Keith D. Edyburn
In grades K-3, the primary focus of instruction is learning to read. In grades 4 and beyond, however, the focus shifts to reading to learn. Whereas teachers may use a variety of…
In grades K-3, the primary focus of instruction is learning to read. In grades 4 and beyond, however, the focus shifts to reading to learn. Whereas teachers may use a variety of instructional approaches, research has clearly documented that learning from text is the primary instructional model found in most classrooms. This means that efforts to close the achievement gap must focus on ensuring that all students can access text-based learning materials, engage with the content in meaningful ways, and ultimately demonstrate success in the form of measurable gains in learning outcomes. Whereas the philosophy of UDL is relatively easy to understand, it has proven problematic to design, implement, evaluate, and scale. The purpose of this chapter is to describe a universal design engineering approach known as Design for More Types that can be applied to the design of text-based learning materials, this chapter will describe the conceptual and practical issues involved in the development of text-based learning materials for diverse learners. We begin by providing some foundational concepts for this multidisciplinary work. Next, we provide a series of case studies to illustrate how universal usability can be applied to various instructional designs. Finally, we describe how the Design for More Types framework can be used in both research and practice.
The Labelling of Food Order, 1944, which has been made by the Minister of Food under Regulation 2 of the Defence (Sale of Food) Regulations, 1943, implements the policy set out in…
The Labelling of Food Order, 1944, which has been made by the Minister of Food under Regulation 2 of the Defence (Sale of Food) Regulations, 1943, implements the policy set out in the White Paper on the Labelling and Advertising of Foods (Cmd. 6482). The Order details the general requirements which must be met by the labels of all pre‐packed foods, and also the special rules which will apply to both labels and advertisements claiming the presence of vitamins or minerals in any food. In order to give time for amendment of labels, the Order does not come into force until January 1st, 1945. The principal requirement is that the labels of pre‐packed foods sold by retail must show: (1) the name and address in the United Kingdom of the packer or labeller, or of the person on whose behalf the food is packed or labelled. Alternatively, the label may bear a registered trade mark. The labels of imported pre‐packed foods may specify instead the name and address of the importer; (2) the common or usual name (if any) of the food; (3) in the case of foods containing more than one ingredient, the common or usual names of the ingredients of the food in the order of the proportions in which they were used; (4) the minimum quantity of food in the package. A number of foods, however, are exempted from these requirements. In particular, the ingredients need not be disclosed in the case of certain foods if their composition complies with the requirement of Orders made by the Minister of Food prescribing standards made under Regulation 2 of the Defence (Sale of Food) Regulations, 1943, e.g., mustard, self‐raising flour, shredded suct, baking powder and golden raising powder. The manufacturer or the packer will normally be the person who labels the food with the above information, but provision is made to allow traders dealing in food otherwise than by retail to sell the food unlabelled. In this case they must furnish the purchaser with a statement enabling him to label the food in accordance with the Order. For the purpose of this provision, the application of a code mark to a container does not constitute labelling. Special requirements in addition to those mentioned above apply to labels and advertisements when claims are made to the presence of vitamins or minerals in a food. General claims are only permitted when specified vitamins or minerals are present, and the proportion has to be stated in the manner prescribed. Claims relating to the presence of a particular vitamin or mineral specified must also be supported by a quantitative disclosure. Provision is made so that a prosecution for weights and measures offences shall not be based on the contents of only a single sample, while bona fide mistake, accident and loss due to evaporation are defences to such an action. It is a defence to proceedings under the Order to show that the food was sold bearing the same label as when received by the seller, or alternatively that it was labelled in accordance with the statement supplied to the seller when he purchased it. In accordance with the provisions of the Defence (Sale of Food) Regulations, 1943, proceedings under the Order by Food and Drugs Authorities other than in respect of weights and measures offences may only be instituted with the Minister's prior consent. Correspondence with reference to the Order should be addressed to the Ministry of Food, Mussoorie, Kenelm Road, Colwyn Bay.
Suggests that most managers (other than those in marketing) take the view that too much money is spent on marketing. Adumbrates that the accountant may be able to contribute to…
Suggests that most managers (other than those in marketing) take the view that too much money is spent on marketing. Adumbrates that the accountant may be able to contribute to improved decision making in marketing with regard to expenditure as an investment outlay rather than current expenses. Stresses, herein, that the concern for accounting is with marketing assets and their intangibility. Discusses further assets, valuation and investment and portrays these with the aid of tables and figures. Sums up by saying that a strong case can be made for recognizing many examples of marketing outlay as investments in assets rather than current operating expenses, showing new light on attitudes towards marketing decision‐making and financial reporting.
Ruth Burrowes and Sharareh Hekmat
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of almond milk supplementation on the growth and viability of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GR-1 (LGR-1) in yogurt samples over…
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of almond milk supplementation on the growth and viability of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GR-1 (LGR-1) in yogurt samples over 6 h of fermentation and 30 days of refrigerated storage.
Four yogurt treatments (T1–T4) were inoculated with the probiotic strain L. rhamnosus GR-1 and fermented for 6 h at 37°C and then placed in refrigerated storage at 4°C for 30 days. Microbial and pH analysis of each sample was conducted every 2 h throughout the fermentation period and on Days 1, 15 and 30 of cold storage to determine the viability of L. rhamnosus GR-1.
All samples achieved mean microbial counts of at least 108 CFU/mL during fermentation and storage. During fermentation, mean microbial counts increased for all treatments; however, differences in mean microbial counts between treatments were not significant. During storage, the mean microbial count for T4 at 15 and 30 days was significantly higher (p = 0.031) than microbial counts on Day 1. However, mean microbial counts did not differ significantly across all storage time points for treatments 1, 2 and 3 (p > 0.05). These results suggest that the addition of almond milk, in combination with cow’s milk, is suitable for propagating and preserving the viability of L. rhamnosus GR-1 in yogurt.
There is a consumer shift towards plant-based products due to health, environmental and ethical reasons. Almond milk is a popular nondairy alternative that provides enhanced nutritional value to traditionally dairy-based probiotic yogurts. L. rhamnosus GR-1 is an especially beneficial probiotic for women as it colonizes the gut and vaginal epithelium, promoting urogenital health, including preventing the recurrence of urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis.
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a practical means of incorporating ecological capital into the framework of business entities. Investors and shareholders need to be…
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a practical means of incorporating ecological capital into the framework of business entities. Investors and shareholders need to be informed of the viability and sustainability of their investments. Ecological (natural) capital risks are becoming more significant. Exposure to material risk from primary industry is a significant factor for primary processing, pharmaceutical, textile and the financial industry. A means of assessing the changes to ecological capital assets and their effect on inflows and outflows of economic benefit is important information for stakeholder communication.
This paper synthesises a body of literature from accounting, ecological economics, ecosystem services, modelling, agriculture and ecology to propose a way to fill current gaps in the capability to account for ecological capital. It develops the idea of the ecological balance sheet (EBS) to enable application of familiar methods of managing built and financial capital to management of ecological assets (ecosystems that provide goods and services).
The EBS is possible, practical and useful. A form of double-entry bookkeeping can be developed to allow accrual accounting principles to be applied to these assets. By using an EBS, an entity can improve its capability to increase inflows and avoid future outflows of economic benefit.
Social implications
Although major efforts are under-way around the world to improve business impact on natural resources, these efforts have been unable to satisfactorily help individual businesses elucidate the practical economic and competitive advantages conferred by investment in ecological capital. This work provides a way for businesses to learn about what the impact of changes to ecological assets has on inflows and outflows of economic benefit to their enterprise and how to invest in ecological capital to reduce their enterprise’s material risk and create competitive advantage.
No one has synthesised knowledge and practice across these disciplines into a practical approach. This approach is the first demonstration of how ecological assets can be managed in the same way as built capital by using proven practices of accounting.