Patricio del Sol, F. Maria Luisa Arenas, W. Gabriel San Martin and L. Estela Argomedo
Knowledge Alert uses periodicals in ten Chilean universities and thelatest automated, computer and telecommunications technologiesavailable, to provide the services of…
Knowledge Alert uses periodicals in ten Chilean universities and the latest automated, computer and telecommunications technologies available, to provide the services of co‐operative serials acquisition, and current awareness/ individual article supply. Describes the Knowledge Alert legal structure, which includes an incorporated company owned by the participating universities. Presents the procedures and software developed to produce the co‐operative acquisition and the current awareness services. When a periodical issue arrives in the serials department of a library, the table of contents is faxed to a central computer, which automatically transfers it to any user registered for the title. Users in their turn can ask for a fax of an abstract of the article, or for a fax or photocopy of the complete article. Includes the finance strategy for this company for the coming years and explains the key factors affecting its future success.