M.L. Boubakar, L. Boulmane and J.C. Gelin
Addresses the computational aspects involved in the numerical simulation of sheet stamping processes. Focuses on some numerical aspects of the intrinsic complexity of these…
Addresses the computational aspects involved in the numerical simulation of sheet stamping processes. Focuses on some numerical aspects of the intrinsic complexity of these problems, the first of which is the necessity to take into account properly membrane and bending effects. Presents a well‐adapted shell element. The second aspect concerns the description and the implementation of the initial orthotropic plastic behaviour for sheet metal parts, based on a formulation in a rotating frame using the initial microstructure rotation. The stress calculation algorithm is based on a particular implementation of the elastic predictor‐plastic corrector method. The last aspect concerns the solution procedures with a particular development concerning the treatment of the blankholder load as a constraint. A set of computational results validated with experiments prove the accuracy of the proposed approach in solving stamping problems.
Evangelos Gavalas, Ioannis Pressas and Spyros Papaefthymiou
The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of implicit and explicit integration schemes for simulating the metal rolling process using commercial software packages…
The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of implicit and explicit integration schemes for simulating the metal rolling process using commercial software packages ANSYS™ and LS-DYNA™.
For the industrial application of finite element method, the time discretization is one of the most important factors that determine the stability and efficiency of the analysis. An iterative approach, which is unconditionally stable in linear analyses, is the obvious choice for a quasi-static problem such as metal rolling. However, this approach may be challenging in achieving convergence with non-linear material behavior and complicated contact conditions. Therefore, a non-iterative method is usually adopted, in order to achieve computational accuracy through very small time steps. Models using both methods were constructed and compared for computational efficiency.
The results indicate that the explicit method yields higher levels of efficiency compared to the implicit method as model complexity increases. Furthermore, the implicit method displayed instabilities and numerical difficulties in certain load conditions further disfavoring the solver’s performance.
Comparison of the implicit and explicit procedures for time stepping was applied in 3D finite element analysis of the plate rolling process in order to evaluate and quantify the computational efficiency.