Louis P. White, Tsang-Jung Chang, Kuen-Yung Jone and G. Gary Hu
This paper investigates the influence of team characteristics and organization context factors on new product quality and compares these influences on Taiwanese (Collectivists…
This paper investigates the influence of team characteristics and organization context factors on new product quality and compares these influences on Taiwanese (Collectivists) and American (Individualist) teams. For the Taiwanese teams, new product quality was positively affected by the capability of information integration and quality orientation of the firm, but was negatively influenced by speed-to-market pressure and level of product innovativeness. Functional and tenure diversity had no effect on new product quality. The capability of information integration in a team tended to reduce the negative effect of speed-to-market pressure on new product quality. For American teams, new product quality was positively affected by functional diversity, capability of information integration in the team, and quality orientation of the firm, but negatively influenced by supplier involvement. Customer involvement did increase the positive effect of the capability of information integration on new product quality.