Miguel Lloret-Climent, Andrés Montoyo, Yoan Gutierrez, Rafael Muñoz Guillena and Kristian Alonso
The purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables. Analysis was carried out based on an algorithm and applying an interpretation of chaos theory developed in the context of General Systems Theory and Big Data.
Tourism is one of the most digitalized sectors of the economy, and social networks are an important source of data for information gathering. However, the high levels of redundant information on the Web and the appearance of contradictory opinions and facts produce undesirable effects that must be cross-checked against real data. This paper sets out the causal relationships associated with tourist flows to enable the formulation of appropriate strategies.
The results can be applied to numerous cases, for example, in the analysis of tourist flows, these findings can be used to determine whether the behaviour of certain groups affects that of other groups, as well as analysing tourist behaviour in terms of the most relevant variables.
The technique presented here breaks with the usual treatment of the tourism topics. Unlike statistical analyses that merely provide information on current data, the authors use orbit analysis to forecast, if attractors are found, the behaviour of tourist variables in the immediate future.
José Luis Usó Doménech, Josué Antonio Nescolarde-Selva, Miguel Lloret-Climent, Kristian Alonso and Hugh Gash
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate mathematically the impossibility of achieving a utopian society. Demonstrate that any attempt to correct deviations from a hypothetical…
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate mathematically the impossibility of achieving a utopian society. Demonstrate that any attempt to correct deviations from a hypothetical trajectory whose ultimate goal is the utopia, increasingly demands more work, including measures that lead to terror, which may even be absolute, leading to the horrible paradox that in seeking paradise hell is constructed.
Scientific tools that the authors have used are: the theory of the system linkage, alysidal algebra, kinematic theory and vector analysis.
Myths are the substrate of some complex systems of beliefs and utopia is its ultimate goal. The use of the combination of the theory of trajectories, belonging to the alysidal algebra, the theorem of unintended effects and kinematics theory provides an approximation to deviations suffering utopian ideological currents and their corrections.
This paper is a continuation of other previous papers developing the theory of complex societies.
James Pérez-Morón, Ulf Thoene and Roberto García Alonso
This study aims to analyze the establishment of sustainable microfranchises by women victims of the conflict (WVC) entrepreneurs who suffered the consequences and impacts of the…
This study aims to analyze the establishment of sustainable microfranchises by women victims of the conflict (WVC) entrepreneurs who suffered the consequences and impacts of the longest-running internal conflict in the Americas. Additionally, this research seeks to underscore the transformative role of women entrepreneurs-for-peace (WE4P) in a post-peace agreement society.
This study seeks to contribute to theory building on sustainable business models (SBMs) at the base of the pyramid (BoP) theory from a single case study of the Colombian microfranchise TechOil. The theoretical sampling process guided the selection of data sources, which include semi-structured interviews, company and microfranchise donors’ reports, websites and external expert interviews to support the findings. The research adopts a framework of intro-entrepreneurship characteristics, ambiance, organization and sustainability.
TechOil offers a valuable case study for understanding how the phenomenon of microfranchise as an SBM spills over the BoP and promotes gender equality. The authors also developed a new SBM typology by extending the theory inductively.
Practical implications
The paper highlights WE4P and introduces microfranchises as a new SBM typology, offering insights into policy, practice and societal transformation in post-peace agreement zones.
The issue of WVC entrepreneurs in post-peace agreement settings remains under-reviewed and under-theorized. This study’s originality lies in introducing microfranchises as a new SBM typology, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and women’s roles in sustainable development and addressing the overlooked link between entrepreneurship and peace, contributing to global applicability.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el establecimiento de microfranquicias sostenibles por parte de emprendedoras Víctimas del Conflicto (WVC, por sus siglas en inglés) que sufrieron las consecuencias e impactos del conflicto interno más largo en América. Además, esta investigación busca resaltar el papel transformador de las mujeres emprendedoras por la paz (WE4P) en una sociedad posterior a un acuerdo de paz.
Este estudio busca contribuir a la construcción de teoría sobre modelos de negocios sostenibles - SBM según la teoría de la Base de la Pirámide - BoP a partir de un estudio de caso único de la microfranquicia colombiana TechOil. El proceso de muestreo teórico guió la selección de fuentes de datos, que incluyen entrevistas semiestructuradas, informes de la empresa y donantes de microfranquicias, sitios web y entrevistas con expertos externos para respaldar los hallazgos. La investigación adopta un marco de características introemprendedoras, ambiente, organización y sostenibilidad.
TechOil ofrece un valioso estudio de caso para comprender cómo el fenómeno de la microfranquicia como SBM se extiende más allá de la BoP y promueve la igualdad de género. Los autores también desarrollaron una nueva tipología de SBM al extender la teoría de manera inductiva.
El artículo destaca a las WE4P e introduce las microfranquicias como una nueva tipología de SBM, ofreciendo ideas sobre política, práctica y transformación social en zonas posteriores a un acuerdo de paz.
El tema de las emprendedoras WVC en contextos posteriores a un acuerdo de paz sigue siendo poco estudiado y teorizado. La originalidad de este artículo radica en introducir las microfranquicias como una nueva tipología de SBM, enfatizando la importancia de la igualdad de género y el papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo sostenible, y abordando el vínculo pasado por alto entre el emprendimiento y la paz, contribuyendo a la aplicabilidad global.
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o estabelecimento de microfranquias sustentáveis por empreendedoras Vítimas do Conflito (WVC) que sofreram as consequências e impactos do conflito interno mais longo das Américas. Além disso, esta pesquisa busca destacar o papel transformador das mulheres empreendedoras pela paz (WE4P) em uma sociedade pós-acordo de paz.
Este estudo busca contribuir para a construção de teoria sobre modelos de negócios sustentáveis - SBM segundo a teoria da Base da Pirâmide - BoP a partir de um estudo de caso único da microfranquia colombiana TechOil. O processo de amostragem teórica orientou a seleção de fontes de dados, que incluem entrevistas semiestruturadas, relatórios da empresa e doadores de microfranquias, sites e entrevistas com especialistas externos para respaldar os achados. A pesquisa adota um quadro de características introempreendedoras, ambiente, organização e sustentabilidade.
A TechOil oferece um valioso estudo de caso para entender como o fenômeno da microfranquia como SBM se estende além da BoP e promove a igualdade de gênero. Os autores também desenvolveram uma nova tipologia de SBM ao estender a teoria de forma indutiva.
O artigo destaca as WE4P e introduz as microfranquias como uma nova tipologia de SBM, oferecendo insights sobre política, prática e transformação social em zonas pós-acordo de paz.
O tema das empreendedoras WVC em contextos pós-acordo de paz ainda é pouco estudado e pouco teorizado. A originalidade deste artigo reside em introduzir as microfranquias como uma nova tipologia de SBM, enfatizando a importância da igualdade de gênero e o papel das mulheres no desenvolvimento sustentável, e abordando o elo negligenciado entre empreendedorismo e paz, contribuindo para a aplicabilidade global.
- Sustainable entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship for peace
- Colombia
- Microfranchise
- Women entrepreneurship
- Latin America
- Base of the pyramid
- Emprendimiento Sostenible
- Emprendimiento por la Paz
- Microfranquicia
- Emprendimiento Femenino
- Colombia
- América Latina
- Base de la Pirámide
- Empreendedorismo Sustentável
- Empreendedorismo pela Paz
- Microfranquia
- Empreendedorismo Feminino
- Colômbia
- América Latina
- Base da Pirâmide
P. P. Mohanty and Niharranjan Mishra
Overtourism is an emerging concept and a perennial process every destination is going through. It is a cyclic phenomenon derived from the destination, retained in the destination…
Overtourism is an emerging concept and a perennial process every destination is going through. It is a cyclic phenomenon derived from the destination, retained in the destination and at last demised by the destination. It's a kind of ‘tourism illness’ spreading rapidly in every destination in the present scenario. The status of overtourism in every destination has been caused by the tourist, of the tourist and for the tourist. In the context of religious places in Odisha, overtourism is a ‘disorder’ that cannot be mitigated, as religiosity, faith and spiritualism have propelled and governed people's sentiment and emotion. Hence ambiguity arises out of making an intrigue situation between a myth or a spiritual sojourn bounded by faith and belief. This chapter significantly contributes by unfolding the existing literature by providing the origin and evolution of overtourism, various stated definitions by the different authors, causes and consequences, and overtourism in religious destinations by adopting an exploratory study, particularly in case of the Golden triangle of Odisha.
Roza Rafiei, Leila Roozbeh Nasiraie, Zahra Emam Jumeh and Sara Jafarian
The use of polysaccharides increases solubility and consistency and causes functions such as viscosity? Moisture and food emulsifier stabilizer. This study aims to enrich the…
The use of polysaccharides increases solubility and consistency and causes functions such as viscosity? Moisture and food emulsifier stabilizer. This study aims to enrich the formulation of low-fat mozzarella cheese using microcoated vitamin D3 (VD3).
This study investigates the addition of hydrocolloids to low-fat mozzarella cheese to enhance its properties and nutritional value. Tests were conducted on cheese samples with 0.05% and 0.25% hydrocolloid concentrations at various stages: before production and at three and six months’ postproduction. The samples were evaluated for elasticity, pH and solubility to select the best one, which was then fortified with VD3. The vitamin was microencapsulated using alginate and whey protein to shield it from light and oxygen, optimizing the formula using the response surface method. The fortified cheese was tested for VD3 content over its shelf life.
Results indicated that all hydrocolloids tested improved moisture and meltability of the cheese while higher protein levels increased stretchability two to threefold. Rice starch hydrocolloid at 0.05% concentration was chosen due to superior sensory scores and minimal oil separation. This study concluded that VD3 levels remained stable during the cheese’s shelf life, suggesting that this approach could enhance the nutritional value of low-fat cheese without compromising its quality. Therefore, after examining the obtained results and comparing the regression models, the results indicated that the Quadratic model was chosen to investigate the effect of independent variables on the response rate, which had a statistically significant difference with other models (p = 0.0019). Also the results of the area under the curve and using the encapsulation efficiency equation, the percentage of microencapsulated vitamin was obtained, and according to the simulation results, the encapsulation efficiency was reported as 89.02%.
Developing innovative functional dairy products fortified with VD3 could improve the vitamin D status in deficient populations. Therefore, these designs can be applied at industrial scales for functional cheese production.