The purpose of this paper is to open up a deeper, more complex discussion about ethical issues in queer autoethnography, by moving beyond either an outline of seminal…
The purpose of this paper is to open up a deeper, more complex discussion about ethical issues in queer autoethnography, by moving beyond either an outline of seminal autoethnographic thinkers, instigators, and writers, or a simple rearticulation of the key issues currently under discussion within the field of autoethnographic ethics.
The author’s intention is to queer autoethnographic ethics – that is, to employ queering as a verb, and to queerly examine autoethnographic scholars through the problematizing lenses of unexamined privilege, and of potential ethical violence to the researcher. After this, the author turns to theological writers to help us to queer the notions of ethical certainty, challenging our fear of ideological uncertainty, our fear of the body, and our fear of ambiguity.
This paper offers a more expansive and challenging approach to traditional autoethnographic ethical guidelines. It also raises several significant questions for ongoing scholarly discussion in the field.
It is hoped is that this paper will open up new possibilities and trajectories in the ongoing debates about autoethnographic ethics.
Robert E. Rinehart and Kerry Earl
– The purpose of this paper is to make a case for the strength of qualitative work, but more specifically for various kinds of ethnographies.
The purpose of this paper is to make a case for the strength of qualitative work, but more specifically for various kinds of ethnographies.
The authors argue that global neoliberal and audit culture policies have crept into academic research, tertiary education practice, and research culture.
The authors then discuss major tenets of and make the case for the use of auto-, duo-, and collaborative-ethnographies as caring practices and research method(ologies) that may in fact push back against such hegemonic neoliberal practices in the academy. Finally, the authors link these caring types of ethnographies to the papers within this special issue.
This is an original look at the concepts of auto-, duo-, and collaborative-ethnographies with relation to caring practices.