The biggest factor contributing to an economic depression is the state of mind which the nation unconsciously adopts. Pick up any newspaper today and count the number of negative…
The biggest factor contributing to an economic depression is the state of mind which the nation unconsciously adopts. Pick up any newspaper today and count the number of negative minded articles displayed there — negative in the sense of reporting on personal, national and international problems which fill one with gloom, and hardly a suggestion of how these problems can be overcome,
Karin Olesen and Kenneth F. Hyde
Packing for travel is an intriguing aspect of tourist behavior. Until recently, no research has sought to explain what the modern traveler packs for air journeys or why these…
Packing for travel is an intriguing aspect of tourist behavior. Until recently, no research has sought to explain what the modern traveler packs for air journeys or why these items are packed. Perhaps for some observers these questions appear mundane, and the answers appear obvious, yet these issues attract a great volume on commentary on websites, blogs, in travel books, in magazines, and conversations between travelers. From these sources, Hyde and Olesen (2011) developed a grounded theory of packing for air travel. The purpose of this article is to test the grounded theory of packing for air travel using video-ethnographic case study data. The findings are that the grounded theory for air travel is able to explain what possessions are packed and the motives for these items being packed. The emphasis that any individual places on the possessions they pack and the role these possessions play during a journey will differ by traveler. This adds to extant literature on packing for travel.
The paper will concentrate on the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) from the point of view of the contemplative social sciences (CSS). It will analyze how the mind is engaged in…
The paper will concentrate on the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) from the point of view of the contemplative social sciences (CSS). It will analyze how the mind is engaged in the construction of concept and what the role is of the consciousness of the mind's work in creating a theory that is based on the analysis of empirical data. We will review the research and analytical methods that could be inspirations for Contemplative Grounded Theory (CGT): constructivist grounded theory, classic grounded theory, transformational grounded theory, sociological introspection, holistic ethnography, mindful inquiry and transformational phenomenology, and contemplative qualitative inquiry.
We can find in many classical books from grounded theory (GT) some seeds of contemplative thinking, and we can reconstruct them (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Glaser, 1978; Strauss, 1987). We would like to develop the inspirations more and perhaps change the sense of GT after the contemplative turn. We would like to show the possibilities of using CGT in research and also its limitations. Some empirical examples from research and analysis will be given to show how contemplation could be used in GT.
This paper aims to argue that the current malaise and fragmentation within knowledge management are at least partially caused by a lack of awareness of its own historical roots.
This paper aims to argue that the current malaise and fragmentation within knowledge management are at least partially caused by a lack of awareness of its own historical roots.
A comprehensive literature review shows that very explicit knowledge management concepts and practices were in circulation 50 years ago and that current knowledge management literature has very little historical depth.
The current canonical knowledge management literature almost universally ignores significant antecedents to knowledge management thinking and practice dating back to the 1960s.
Practical implications
There are three practical implications: for knowledge management education to recover its historical antecedents; for KM theorists and practitioners to connect KM theory and practice to historically‐related work in economics, sociology and information management, from which it is currently isolated; through an understanding of its roots to help knowledge management theorists build a meaningful and coherent agenda for the discipline.
This is the most extensive exploration to date of the historical origins of knowledge management, with significant implications for recovering a productive agenda for the discipline.
The literature on the relationship between health and marital status has considered both mortality and morbidity. The work which has been done on mortality is reasonably…
The literature on the relationship between health and marital status has considered both mortality and morbidity. The work which has been done on mortality is reasonably conclusive. Researchers have found a graduation in mortality rates over marital status with the divorced faring worst for almost every cause of death, with the single occupying the mid position, and the married being best off (Morgan 1980; Macintyre 1986, 1992).
Louis Lines and Romeo V. Turcan
This chapter addresses authentic leadership at the intersection of tradition and modernity with a focus on insider-outsider dynamics. The authors develop a typology of…
This chapter addresses authentic leadership at the intersection of tradition and modernity with a focus on insider-outsider dynamics. The authors develop a typology of insider-outsider perception of authentic leadership and four leadership types – detached leadership, integrative leadership, entrenched leadership and atomised leadership – to provide a conceptual tool that advances authentic leadership research and leadership-building strategies. Investigating the intersection of tradition and modernity, Lines and Turcan illustrate that authenticity and legitimacy are tightly coupled. Leaders need to develop insider legitimacy by alignment with contextual norms, traditions and customs. Lines and Turcan encourage future research to explore the question: Is leadership more about establishing contextual legitimacy or establishing authenticity?
This chapter employs analytic autoethnography to explore and reflect on the author's quest for meaning and whether this redefines or undermines the concept of authenticity as…
This chapter employs analytic autoethnography to explore and reflect on the author's quest for meaning and whether this redefines or undermines the concept of authenticity as interpreted by the primary advocates of authentic leadership. The data start from author's studies in the Air Force Engineering Military Academy. Turcan develops the typology of search for meaning and its four types: dreamlanding; self-actualising; missing out; and self-transcending. The meaning of life is conspicuously absent from the authentic leadership literature and yet if a leader does not address it how can they function effectively as a leader? This typology may guide future research at this intersection.
Veronika Schwarzenberger and Kenneth Hyde
This study investigates the role that sports brands play in building group identity within a niche sports subculture, via research from two different trail running events…
This study investigates the role that sports brands play in building group identity within a niche sports subculture, via research from two different trail running events. Participants exhibit some of the characteristics of an activity-based subculture of consumption, and brands play a role in building group identity. A key factor that drives a serious leisure pursuit to become an activity-based subculture of consumption is identified as high levels of socialising among participants.
While qualitative work has a long tradition in the strategy field and has recently regained popularity, we have not paused to take stock of how such work offers contributions. We…
While qualitative work has a long tradition in the strategy field and has recently regained popularity, we have not paused to take stock of how such work offers contributions. We address this oversight with a review of qualitative studies of strategy published in five top-tier journals over an extended period of 15 years (2003–2017). In an attempt to organize the field, we develop an empirically grounded organizing framework. We identify 12 designs that are evident in the literature, or “designs-in-use” as we call them. Acknowledging important similarities and differences between the various approaches to qualitative strategy research (QSR), we group these designs into three “families” based on their philosophical orientation. We use these designs and families to identify trends in QSR. We then engage those trends to orient the future development of qualitative methods in the strategy field.
Kenneth A. Fox and Grant Alexander Wilson
This paper aims to investigate how producers of biodynamic and sustainable wine portray their brand identity online.
This paper aims to investigate how producers of biodynamic and sustainable wine portray their brand identity online.
The study uses an inductive approach to qualitative content analysis of wine producers’ websites. The authors use a theoretical starting point based on the categorizations literature related to institutional scripts and identity projection.
Producers adopt identity templates similar to the provenance and glory templates established in extant research. They demonstrate templates of community, quality, spirituality and sustainability, but there is a break in the templates, and they adopt a pseudo-rationalist template, avoiding detailed descriptions of practices and underpinning philosophy, leaving any references to them opaque and ambiguous. This may be due to concerns over scientific skepticism or spiritual suspicion, or anticipation of a lack of consumer knowledge.
Research limitations/implications
The geographical location of the sample poses limitations to the results of the study. However, the study provides an examination of the nuances of self-categorization as it relates to identity projection, prompting further investigation into its positive and negative potential.
Practical implications
Research on the connection between quality perceptions and experience and credence attributes suggests producers should do more to emphasize the philosophy underpinning biodynamics.
The study contributes to research on marketing for inherently sustainable producers who may suffer potential negative reactions in general and biodynamic wine producers in particular. This study provides nuance to the understanding of negative reactions to novel and innovative wine production practices.