THE SAVOY OPERAS of Gilbert and Sullivan represent one of the most fruitful and interesting partnerships in musical history. This marriage of two complementary minds, the…
THE SAVOY OPERAS of Gilbert and Sullivan represent one of the most fruitful and interesting partnerships in musical history. This marriage of two complementary minds, the masculinity of Gilbert and the softer, more feminine personality and talent of Sullivan, produced a series of works which are just as popular today as when they were written over seventy years ago. Neither man was really successful without the other; even their collaboration lacked a clear artistic purpose because both deprecated it as running counter to what they conceived to be their true function as writer or musician. On Sullivan's part, in particular, one senses the root cause whereby one work followed another in a long series; namely, the need to support a chosen mode of living within the orbit of high society. Moreover, these operas have had no real successors and the extent to which they have been appreciated and performed in non‐English speaking countries has been negligible. Yet most of them, written and produced with the normal intent of topical entertainment, have survived for three‐quarters of a century, seemingly unaffected by outdated allusions in the text and a basic churchiness in much of the music. Their continuous popularity in Great Britain and the United States has not only been reflected in capacity audiences all through the years, but also in the establishment of Gilbert and Sullivan societies and a steady flow of books about the lives of the two men and their joint works. This very element of success is the underlying reason why copyright protection, or indeed the lack of it, is such an important factor in the history of the Savoy operas, not only during the lifetimes of Gilbert and Sullivan, but also in our own day. It has affected both performances and the printed music of these works very considerably, amounting to a special study in itself, well worthy of examination.
David Elloy and Kenneth S. Anderson
The organisation may suffer whenindividuals face problems in meetingthe demands both of family andworkplace. A survey in a heavyindustry plant revealed differencesbetween married…
The organisation may suffer when individuals face problems in meeting the demands both of family and workplace. A survey in a heavy industry plant revealed differences between married workers and non‐married workers in three components of burnout. The results are analysed.
Kanwal Jit Singh, Inderpreet Singh Ahuja and Jatinder Kapoor
This review paper reveals the literature on ultrasonic, chemical-assisted ultrasonic and rotary ultrasonic machining (USM) of glass material. The purpose of this review paper is…
This review paper reveals the literature on ultrasonic, chemical-assisted ultrasonic and rotary ultrasonic machining (USM) of glass material. The purpose of this review paper is to understand and describe the working principle, mechanism of material removal, experimental investigation, applications and influence of input parameters on machining characteristics. The literature reveals that the ultrasonic machines have been generally preferred for the glass and brittle work materials. Some other non-traditional machining processes may thermally damage the work surface. Through these USM, neither thermal effects nor residual stresses have been generated on the machined surface.
Various input parameters have the significant role in machine performance characteristics. For the optimization of output response, several input parameters have been critically investigated by the various researcher.
Some advance types of glasses such as polycarbonate bulletproof glass, acrylic heat-resistant glass and glass-clad polycarbonate bulletproof glass still need some further investigation because these materials have vast applications in automobile, aerospace and space industries.
Review paper will be beneficial for industrial application and the various young researcher. Paper reveals the detail literature review on traditional ultrasonic, chemical assisted ultrasonic and rotary USM of glass and glass composite materials.
This article uses the Scholes and Wolfson (S&W) framework to describe the fundamental aspects of an income tax and a consumption tax and provides a means to compare these two tax…
This article uses the Scholes and Wolfson (S&W) framework to describe the fundamental aspects of an income tax and a consumption tax and provides a means to compare these two tax regimes. It thereby gives instructors a structured means to discuss these concepts in a tax policy course and provides an application of the S&W models other than investment decision making. The article also employs the S&W models to compare C corporations and flow-through entities under income tax and consumption tax systems.