Roger Clough, Jill Manthorpe, Les Bright, Jinny Hay and Keith Sumner
This article draws on consultations with older people produced for a Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) study on the unmet need for low‐level services among older people in England…
This article draws on consultations with older people produced for a Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) study on the unmet need for low‐level services among older people in England. This was published in 2007 (Clough et al, 2007). Since it was published there have been significant changes to the social care scene. The Government has given further emphasis to individual budgets (now termed personal budgets), many local authorities have further restricted the criteria for eligibility to social care services, and publications such as Time to Care (CSCI, 2007) have highlighted the shortcomings of home care services, as well as their strengths and importance. We also know more about older people's views of health and social care services (Health Care Commission, Audit Commission and Commission for Social Care Inspection, 2006). In this article we set out to relate findings from our research to current realities.
This article reports on an analysis of local authority codes of practice for the protection of vulnerable adults. The research focused on three main areas of requirements and…
This article reports on an analysis of local authority codes of practice for the protection of vulnerable adults. The research focused on three main areas of requirements and recommendations identified in No Secrets. The findings reveal emerging trends that indicate a strong commitment to some areas of good practice, but the many exceptions suggest there is no room for complacency.
Francis Tsiboe, Jesse B. Tack, Keith Coble, Ardian Harri and Joseph Cooper
The increased availability and adoption of precision agriculture technologies has left researchers to grapple with how to best utilize the associated high-frequency large-volume…
The increased availability and adoption of precision agriculture technologies has left researchers to grapple with how to best utilize the associated high-frequency large-volume of data. Since the wealth of information from precision equipment can easily be aggregated in real-time, this poses an interesting question of how aggregates of high-frequency data may complement, or substitute for, publicly released periodic reports from government agencies.
This study utilized advances in event study and yield projection methodologies to test whether simulated weekly harvest-time yields potentially drive futures price that are significantly different from the status quo. The study employs a two-step methodology to ascertain how corn futures price reactions and price levels would have evolved if market participants had access to weekly forecasted yields. The marginal effects of new information on futures price returns are first established by exploiting the variation between news in publicly available information and price returns. Given this relationship, the study then estimates the counterfactual evolution of corn futures price attributable to new information associated with simulated weekly forecasted yields.
The results show that the market for corn exhibits only semi-strong form efficiency, as the “news” provided by the monthly Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates reports is incorporated into prices in at most two days after the release. As expected, an increase in corn yields relative to what was publicly known elicits a futures price decrease. The counterfactual analysis suggests that if weekly harvest-time yields were available to market participants, the daily corn futures price will potentially be relatively volatile during the harvest period, but the final price at the end of the harvest season will be lower.
The study uses simulation to show the potential evolution of corn futures price if market participants had access to weekly harvest-time yields. In doing so, the study provides insights centered around the ongoing debate regarding the economic value of USDA reports in the presence of growing information availability within the private sector.
Zoë Plakias, Margaret Jodlowski, Taylor Giamo, Parisa Kavousi and Keith Taylor
Despite 2016 legalization of recreational cannabis cultivation and sale in California with the passage of Proposition 64, many cannabis businesses operate without licenses…
Despite 2016 legalization of recreational cannabis cultivation and sale in California with the passage of Proposition 64, many cannabis businesses operate without licenses. Furthermore, federal regulations disincentivize financial institutions from banking and lending to licensed cannabis businesses. The authors explore the impact of legal cannabis business activity on California financial institutions, the barriers to banking faced by cannabis businesses, and the nontraditional sources of financing used by the industry.
The authors use a mixed methods approach. The authors utilize call data for banks and credit unions headquartered in California and state cannabis licensing data to estimate the impact of the extensive and intensive margins of licensed cannabis activity on key banking indicators using difference-and-difference and fixed effects regressions. The qualitative data come from interviews with industry stakeholders in northern California's “Emerald Triangle” and add important context.
The quantitative results show economically and statistically significant impacts of licensed cannabis activity on banking indicators, suggesting both direct and spillover effects from cannabis activity to the financial sector. However, cannabis businesses report substantial barriers to accessing basic financial services and credit, leading to nontraditional financing arrangements.
Practical implications
The results suggest opportunities for cannabis businesses and financial institutions if regulations are eased and important avenues for further study.
The authors contribute to the nascent literature on cannabis economics and the literature on banking regulation and nontraditional finance.
The World Health Organization estimated that in 1999 roughly one-third of the world's population lacked access to essential medicines that would have saved or improved their…
The World Health Organization estimated that in 1999 roughly one-third of the world's population lacked access to essential medicines that would have saved or improved their lives. Our analysis focuses on how pharmaceutical product patents restrict access to essential medicines in developing countries. It is well established that pharmaceutical product patents provide little incentive for pharmaceutical companies to develop new medicines designed to treat diseases prevalent in developing countries or to market in developing countries those patented medicines developed to treat diseases prevalent in developed countries. Economists have developed theoretical models showing that these incentives could be changed if (1) developing countries provided intellectual property protection for new pharmaceutical innovations and (2) an international regulatory framework were established to facilitate pharmaceutical companies setting lower prices in developing countries and higher prices in developed countries for patented medicines. We develop an index of property rights in pharmaceutical innovations covering 129 countries from 1960 to 2005. It shows that in 1960 only a handful of countries provided significant protection for pharmaceutical innovations, but by 2005 over 95 percent of countries in our sample provided significant statutory protections. However, an international framework to allow pharmaceutical companies to price discriminate has not been put in place. We conclude that international price discrimination mechanisms, compulsory patent licenses, and regional patent buyouts are not viable mechanisms for providing access to essential medicines to patients in developing countries. Global patent buyouts are more likely to achieve this goal, as they are not founded on an impractical separation of pharmaceutical markets in developing and developed countries and they provide critical incentives to develop new essential medicines.
The Ministry of Health have issued a Circular (No. 2198, November 25th, 1940) reminding local authorities of the measures which can usually be taken to protect the public against…
The Ministry of Health have issued a Circular (No. 2198, November 25th, 1940) reminding local authorities of the measures which can usually be taken to protect the public against the spread of the diseases commonly conveyed by food, i.e., diseases of the enteric group (typhoid and paratyphoid fevers), dysentery, food poisoning and intestinal parasitism. The Circular continues: One of the commonest causes of the spread of the enteric diseases is the contamination of food, including milk, by the hands of persons excreting the causal organisms of the disease, whether they are actually suffering from the disease, or are chronic carriers of the infection, or are persons temporarily excreting the causal organisms without themselves being ill. The Milk and Dairies Order, 1926, confers on medical officers of health in Articles 18 and 19 powers relating to infected milk supplies and to persons having access to the milk, milk vessels, etc., at registered premises whose employment may be likely to lead to the spread of infectious disease. It also requires generally under Article 15 that every person engaged in the milking of cows or the distribution or measuring of milk or otherwise having access to the milk or to the churns or other milk receptacles shall keep his clothing and person in a cleanly condition. Article 23 of the Order requires that in connection with the milking of cows the hands of the milker shall be thoroughly washed and dried before milking, and throughout the milking be kept free from contamination. With respect to food and drink in general, provision is made in Part III of the First Schedule to the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations, 1927, whereby on a report by the medical officer of health, the local authority can (1) in any case of enteric fever or dysentery occurring in the district by notice in writing require, in addition to other precautions, that the person specified in the notice shall discontinue any occupation connected with the preparation or handling of food or drink for human consumption and (2) require the medical examination by the medical officer of health or a medical officer acting on his behalf of a person suspected by the medical officer of health to be a carrier of enteric fever or dysentery infection who is employed in any trade or business connected with the preparation or handling of food or drink for human consumption, and can suspend such person from his employment for a specified period if as a result of the examination or from bacteriological or protozoological examination of material obtained at any such examination, of material obtained at any such examination, the medical officer of health is of opinion that the person is such a carrier. Apart, however, from conditions which can be dealt with by the temporary discontinuance of work by persons actually suffering from the disease or found to be carriers of it, experience shows that outbreaks of disease of the enteric group and of food poisoning are not uncommonly caused, or their range extended, by the handling of food by persons who have not previously been suspected to be suffering from or carrying disease, and the Minister is advised that a substantial number of consequential cases could be avoided if all persons engaged in the preparation or handling of food intended for sale were habitually to take the elementary precautions required by law. The relevant statutory provisions as regards food other than milk are those contained in Section 13 (1) of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, which read as follows :—