Keng Hoon Gan and Keat Keong Phang
When accessing structured contents in XML form, information requests are formulated in the form of special query languages such as NEXI, Xquery, etc. However, it is not easy for…
When accessing structured contents in XML form, information requests are formulated in the form of special query languages such as NEXI, Xquery, etc. However, it is not easy for end users to compose such information requests using these special queries because of their complexities. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to automate the construction of such queries from common query like keywords or form-based queries.
In this paper, the authors address the problem of constructing queries for XML retrieval by proposing a semantic-syntax query model that can be used to construct different types of structured queries. First, a generic query structure known as semantic query structure is designed to store query contents given by user. Then, generation of a target language is carried out by mapping the contents in semantic query structure to query syntax templates stored in knowledge base.
Evaluations were carried out based on how well information needs are captured and transformed into a target query language. In summary, the proposed model is able to express information needs specified using query like NEXI. Xquery records a lower percentage because of its language complexity. The authors also achieve satisfactory query construction rate with an example-based method, i.e. 86 per cent (for NEXI IMDB topics) and 87 per cent (NEXI Wiki topics), respectively, compare to benchmark of 78 per cent by Sumita and Iida in language translation.
The proposed semantic-syntax query model allows flexibility of accommodating new query language by separating the semantic of query from its syntax.
Keng Hoon Gan and Keat Keong Phang
This paper aims to focus on automatic selection of two important structural concepts required in an XML query, namely, target and constraint concepts, when given a keywords query…
This paper aims to focus on automatic selection of two important structural concepts required in an XML query, namely, target and constraint concepts, when given a keywords query. Due to the diversities of concepts used in XML resources, it is not easy to select a correct concept when constructing an XML query.
In this paper, a Context-based Term Weighting model that performs term weighting based on part of documents. Each part represents a specific context, thus offering better capturing of concept and term relationship. For query time analysis, a Query Context Graph and two algorithms, namely, Select Target and Constraint (QC) and Select Target and Constraint (QCAS) are proposed to find the concepts for constructing XML query.
Evaluations were performed using structured document for conference domain. For constraint concept selection, the approach CTX+TW achieved better result than its baseline, NCTX, when search term has ambiguous meanings by using context-based scoring for the concepts. CTX+TW also shows its stability on various scoring models like BM25, TFIEF and LM. For target concept selection, CTX+TW outperforms the standard baseline, SLCA, whereas it also records higher coverage than FCA, when structural keywords are used in query.
The idea behind this approach is to capture the concepts required for term interpretation based on parts of the collections rather than the entire collection. This allows better selection of concepts, especially when a structured XML document consists many different types of information.