Examines the problem of using CAT ME Plus in conjunction withSE‐LIN spine labels and how the problem was solved at VirginiaCommonwealth University. Describes the develoment of the…
Examines the problem of using CAT ME Plus in conjunction with SE‐LIN spine labels and how the problem was solved at Virginia Commonwealth University. Describes the develoment of the solution using the Turbo Pascal program LABELS.PAS, how Pascal works with CAT ME Plus, and CAT ME export to disk files.
Describes current workflow at the Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU) and issues in workflow optimisation and discusses how VCU hasweighed the various costs/benefits involved on…
Describes current workflow at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and issues in workflow optimisation and discusses how VCU has weighed the various costs/benefits involved on this method. Details costs issues associated with OCLC use and software usage, in particular PASSPORT and CAT ME.