Kathryn James outlines a national partnership project established to promote and facilitate access to adult education for people with mental health problems.
Nine out of ten people who return to learning say that it has a positive impact on their mental health including better confidence, improved mood, distraction from problems and…
Nine out of ten people who return to learning say that it has a positive impact on their mental health including better confidence, improved mood, distraction from problems and new social contacts. Kathryn James brings together population‐based data, the results of a survey and evidence from pilot projects to give a compelling picture of the link between learning and mental health.
In the first issue this year (volume 8, issue 1), Network profiled self‐employment support programmes offered by Business Ability and East Lancs into Employment. In this, the…
In the first issue this year (volume 8, issue 1), Network profiled self‐employment support programmes offered by Business Ability and East Lancs into Employment. In this, the final issue of the year, we look at another self‐employment scheme, operated by West Norfolk MIND ‐ one that demonstrates how much can be achieved by seizing local opportunities, despite quite limited resources. Hopefully, the new Phoenix Development Fund monies now available from the Small Business Service (see action point 14 of the Social Exclusion Unit report (www.socialexclusion.gov.uk)) to support further pilot initiatives will give this sector a much‐needed boost … We also profile the new regional maps and networks for learning developed by NIACE in partnership with NIMHE, as well as some new publications that may be of interest to readers.
Kate Peden and Sandra Hall describe the making of a multimedia resource on the benefits of learning for people with mental health difficulties, in which service users themselves…
Over the past six years, Bob Grove has provided clear leadership for the editorial group of A life in the day and established the journal as a valuable resource for mental health…
Over the past six years, Bob Grove has provided clear leadership for the editorial group of A life in the day and established the journal as a valuable resource for mental health services. As he passes the editor's red pen to me, I want to begin by recording my thanks to Bob for his consistent encouragement and expertise.
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue…
This index covers all issues between February 2005 (Volume 9, Issue 1) and November 2008 (Volume 12, Issue 4). Numbers in bold refer to yolume, numbers in brackets refer to issue, with subsequent numbers to pages.
William H. Warden and Bette M. Warden
Database management systems for microcomputers are described, including the basic features of database management systems and factors which should be considered in selecting a…
Database management systems for microcomputers are described, including the basic features of database management systems and factors which should be considered in selecting a microcomputer system. A method for ranking database management systems is explained and applied to a defined need, i.e., software support for indexing a weekly newspaper.
Considers why Blockbuster has a competitive advantage in video retailing. Details both Blockbuster's use of revenue sharing contracts with movie studios to coordinate the vertical…
Considers why Blockbuster has a competitive advantage in video retailing. Details both Blockbuster's use of revenue sharing contracts with movie studios to coordinate the vertical chain and Blockbuster's “Go Home Happy” marketing campaign. Challenges readers to understand how revenue sharing contracts, which are imitable and sometimes used by Blockbuster's competitors, can nevertheless be a key part of Blockbuster's advantage.