Zsolt Bedő, Katalin Erdős and Luke Pittaway
Research on entrepreneurial ecosystems has advanced over recent years and has become a popular topic. Despite the interest, previous work has focused on entrepreneurial ecosystems…
Research on entrepreneurial ecosystems has advanced over recent years and has become a popular topic. Despite the interest, previous work has focused on entrepreneurial ecosystems in large cities in the United States. Ecosystems in small cities, underpopulated rural areas, university towns and outside the USA have not been considered much. This paper begins to address this deficit by reviewing three groups of literature.
From the review, the paper builds a conceptual framework to consider entrepreneurial ecosystems led by universities. After summarizing the literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurial universities and entrepreneurship education, the paper suggests a conceptual framework outlying the structure, components and mechanisms that enable universities to operate as catalysts in the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems.
It is evident that on many of the “ingredients” of a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem, a resource-constrained environment would have many gaps. Building an entrepreneurship ecosystem in such contexts would be inherently challenging. The model presented suggests that the presence of a university in such locations should enhance the prospects of progress but that the nature of the university itself would impact any outcomes. Universities that make concerted efforts to be entrepreneurial and that have entrepreneurship programmes have strategies available to them that can enhance entrepreneurship ecosystems over time.
The contribution of this paper is to show “how” a university and its entrepreneurship programme can operationally address deficits in a local ecosystem and how it might bring about positive change. The paper also opens new avenues for entrepreneurship education researchers.
Julianna Boros and Eszter Gergye
This chapter aims to provide a short overview about the situation of Roma in Hungary. Starting from the question ‘Who are the Roma, Gypsy in Hungary?’, this chapter introduces…
This chapter aims to provide a short overview about the situation of Roma in Hungary. Starting from the question ‘Who are the Roma, Gypsy in Hungary?’, this chapter introduces several researches on Hungarian Roma. The linguistic groups of Roma are briefly outlined to make it clear how much the Hungarian Roma are heterogeneous. The social situation of the Roma, as minority in Hungary, is also detailed by introducing geographical location and housing and employment regarding to Roma. Based on these general data on Hungarian Roma, this chapter aims to focus on educational situation of the Roma minority in Hungary, including – primary and secondary school education, education in special schools, education in college and university, adult education, school success supporting educational initiatives and programmes like extracurricular programmes. As a summary, this chapter introduces some further researches by short abstracts in order to provide a suitable starting point for those who are willing to get know more about this minority in Hungary.