Saundra H. Glover, Karl J. McCleary, Patrick A. Rivers and Raymond A. Waller
A primary reason for the increase in uninsured Americans is due to the rising costs of health care that has caused a decline of employment‐based coverage for individuals working…
A primary reason for the increase in uninsured Americans is due to the rising costs of health care that has caused a decline of employment‐based coverage for individuals working for small firms. According to the 1997 US Census Bureau figures, 43 percent of uninsured worked full‐time, and eight out of ten of the uninsured or their dependents were full‐time workers. While significant improvements at the state‐level have occurred to address the unmet health insurance needs of children, less emphasis has been placed on ways to improve access and utilization of health services for uninsured adults. This paper revisits where the health care debate has been over the last decade, system stresses currently being felt by providers in caring for the uninsured population, and the adequacy of the care which they receive. In addition, several incremental strategies for extending Medicaid coverage for children and their families, costs and financing projections, and implications for providers are examined.
Patrick Asubonteng, Karl J. McCleary and John E. Swan
As competition becomes more intense and environmental factors become more hostile, the concern for service quality grows. If service quality is to become the cornerstone of…
As competition becomes more intense and environmental factors become more hostile, the concern for service quality grows. If service quality is to become the cornerstone of marketing strategy, the marketer must have the means to measure it. The most popular measure of service quality is SERVQUAL, an instrument developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985; 1988). Not only has research on this instrument been widely cited in the marketing literature, but also its use in industry has been quite widespread (Brown et al., 1993).
Patrick Asubonteng, Karl J. McCleary and George Munchus
Chronicles the role of nurse practitioners from their earlybeginnings to the present. Not only examines this group′s history butalso explores their present role in health care…
Chronicles the role of nurse practitioners from their early beginnings to the present. Not only examines this group′s history but also explores their present role in health care delivery. Discusses interprofessional relationships along with consumer perceptions of their function. Concludes with an analysis of the issues facing nurse practitioners and future implications for their viability.
Patrick Asubonteng, Karl J. McCleary and George Munchus
Explores the evolution of the quality issue within the health care industry and also the significance of quality in the health industry along with the historical origins of…
Explores the evolution of the quality issue within the health care industry and also the significance of quality in the health industry along with the historical origins of quality management. Reviews applications of total quality management in the health care industry along with implementation issues. Concludes that a fundamental understanding of the process of total quality management is an absolute requirement.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.
Karl McCleary, Patrick Asubonteng and George Munchus
Illustrates several issues associated with the effects of advancedinformation technology on the organizational design function. Exploresthe relationship between technology and…
Illustrates several issues associated with the effects of advanced information technology on the organizational design function. Explores the relationship between technology and organizational design. Cites some early empirical studies and identifies some contemporary challenges. Also mentions implications for new organizational forms within the context of a realigned health‐care industry perspective. Concludes that organizational theorists and information systems scholars must integrate their efforts in order to appreciate the changes within this field of management theory, thought and practice.
Karl McCleary, Patrick Asubonteng and George Munchus
Examines the relationship between the presence of financialincentives and their effect on physician behaviour in health maintenanceorganizations (HMOs). By reviewing the scope and…
Examines the relationship between the presence of financial incentives and their effect on physician behaviour in health maintenance organizations (HMOs). By reviewing the scope and dimensions of both HMOs and financial incentives, a foundation is laid for the review of the current empirical evidence. Further analysis and conceptual development is given to this topic by stating the limitations of existing research – in the confounding variables, in the complexity of incentives, and in the unanswered questions of quality of care – and by proposing innovative ways of studying the “other aspects of physician behaviour” not previously considered. Questions and implications are raised for future research and practice.
Laura Fuentes-Moraleda, Ana Muñoz-Mazón, Coral Santiago-Rincón and Alicia Orea-Giner
This exploratory study aims to identify the main risk reduction strategies when individuals suffer from coeliac disease (CD) or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) travel. Based…
This exploratory study aims to identify the main risk reduction strategies when individuals suffer from coeliac disease (CD) or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) travel. Based on Yeung and Yee's (2013; 2019) model, the paper offers a new framework for analysing the main travel risk reduction strategies for people with specific food needs. The empirical work focuses on the perspectives of different stakeholders (CD and NCGS community, restaurant managers/service providers and nutritionists).
A qualitative approach based on thematic analysis is adopted. The results of 32 semi-structured in-depth interviews reveal different stakeholders' perspectives in order to understand the various strategies.
The findings confirm the high level of consensus that the main food risk reducers are: travel information, staff training in safety assurance, legislation and risk prevention protocols. The findings also show significant limitations in the information offered by restaurants, organisations and tourist destinations and the negative repercussions on the tourist experience and the reputation on a particular destination.
Practical implications
The results will help hospitality business managers and destination management organisations develop food risk reduction strategies to solve some of the most important food-related problems when people in this market segment travel.
This work contributes to the literature by providing a new framework on travel risk reduction strategies for people with specific food needs. The novelty of this research is mainly found in the study of risk reduction strategies related to the travel decision-making process for those with CD and NCGS from different perspectives.
Donald Trump entered the presidency in 2017 with an electoral mandate to reduce US military involvement around the world and to abandon the trade and investment treaties that…
Donald Trump entered the presidency in 2017 with an electoral mandate to reduce US military involvement around the world and to abandon the trade and investment treaties that empowered global corporations. Yet he mostly continued the foreign policies adopted by previous administrations. In recent decades, those policies have increasingly served particularistic elite interests at the expense of the US ruling class as a whole, and they have also been unsuccessful in stemming the decline of US imperial power. This chapter explores the factors that explain this continuity of policy. In analyzing the reasons for policy stasis, it offers an analytical basis to evaluate what might change under President Biden. It also assesses what strategies might be most effective for those who hope to resist US militarism and to undermine the US capacity to enforce a hegemony based on rapacious capitalism.
“Rational planning models” emerged in the early 1970's as a means by which to plan more effectively and efficiently in educational organizations. One of the most well known and…
“Rational planning models” emerged in the early 1970's as a means by which to plan more effectively and efficiently in educational organizations. One of the most well known and widely distributed of these models was developed by Phi Delta Kappa, the educational fraternity. This paper describes a field study conducted in five Vermont schools that were “early users” of the Phi Delta Kappa material. The outcomes reveal many discrepancies between the theory and the reality of planning in public schools. In addition to the Vermont research, other research is cited that supports many of the findings and relates them to planning in schools in general. The article concludes by linking the study outcomes to recent works by other authors on the emerging concepts of loosely coupled systems, garbage can organizations, and organized anarchies and implications these concepts hold for alternative approaches to planning in educational settings.