Incorporating DuBois's concept of a racial “double-consciousness” and extending Foucault's work on the Panopticon, I examine current day racial profiling processes and the effects…
Incorporating DuBois's concept of a racial “double-consciousness” and extending Foucault's work on the Panopticon, I examine current day racial profiling processes and the effects of hyper-surveillance on communities of color. DuBois suggests that the citizen of color has a sense of duality based upon minority status and being an American. This duality offers insight into the way race “works” that few Whites comprehend. Foucault argues that the permanent visibility of those subjected to the Panopticon generates awareness of the power differential between individuals and the state. The current examination is a contextualization of narratives from people of color who experience governance and surveillance via racial profiling.
Juan Meng, Po-Lin Pan, Michael A. Cacciatore and Karen Robayo Sanchez
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a significant impact on several aspects of public relations practice. By adopting the theoretical framework of adaptive leadership, this…
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a significant impact on several aspects of public relations practice. By adopting the theoretical framework of adaptive leadership, this research is designed to explore how an organization’s top leadership can support related adaptive action in strategic communication. Particularly, we hope to explore whether the application of adaptive leadership could facilitate a higher level of communication transparency as well as deliver a sense of caring and empathy in COVID-19 communication.
An international online survey was designed and conducted for this study. The first sample consists of 776 full-time communication professionals in the United States of America with 435 women (56.1%) and 341 men (43.9%). The second sample consists of 268 full-time communication professionals in Canada, with 110 women (41.0%) and 158 men (59.0%). The two samples were merged into the final sample of 1,044 for the data analysis.
Results confirmed that the perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic increased communication professionals’ challenges in building trust. It also drives adaptive changes in their coping actions in strategic communication. More importantly, the top leadership within the organization played a key role in this adaptive leadership environment by demonstrating commitment to transparency in COVID-19 communication and delivering a sense of empathy during the pandemic.
This study contributes to our understanding of strategic communication in times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 global pandemic, by focusing on the adaptive nature of communication leadership. More importantly, our study confirms the important roles of two leadership attributes (i.e. the sense of empathy and the commitment to communication transparency) in supporting adaptive leadership, which eventually influences trust building.
School trips to Outdoor Residential Centres can represent a significant and formative childhood tourism experience that can potentially influence adult tourism and leisure…
School trips to Outdoor Residential Centres can represent a significant and formative childhood tourism experience that can potentially influence adult tourism and leisure choices. Commonly located in ‘green spaces’ which range from peri-urban through to wild and natural landscapes, these centres offer adventurous outdoor activities. Alongside developmental and educational learning, children are immersed in nature experiences that can enable emotional connections with local environments. This chapter is based on a UK context, in which current policymaking is concerned with increasing inclusivity of access to British landscapes, in which many of these centres are located. It is argued here that Outdoor Residential Centres enable childhood experiences that can influence future consumer choices, alongside shaping support for the future protection of natural landscapes.
As a markedly under-explored area of the literature in the United Kingdom, this conceptual review of the literature sets out the imperative for understanding the vital role of Outdoor Residential Centres in shaping tourism futures. Through bringing together environmental education and psychology with tourism management literature, the chapter identifies the imperative for further research to enable nature connections through Outdoor Residential Centre experiences. This responds to the UK policy agenda to increase nature connections and support conservation. The application of a ‘sustainable children typology’ to a Welsh case study demonstrates how Residential Outdoor Centres enable children's empowerment through outdoor learning experiences that shape them as ‘sustainability thinkers’ and to potentially influence pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours as ‘sustainability transformers’ – and ultimately, eco-literate tourists.
Bruce Prideaux, Karen McNamara and Kayla Blakeney
Shopping is an activity that is central to the tourism experience. It is also an important source of employment and often generates significant revenue for the public sector. For…
Shopping is an activity that is central to the tourism experience. It is also an important source of employment and often generates significant revenue for the public sector. For the retail to function effectively, retailers need to understand the needs of their customers and update their range of goods as demand changes. If the retail sector fails to recognise changing demand patterns, consumer gaps will emerge as has been the case on Norfolk Island. In this case, the consumer gap has emerged because the destination has failed to recognise that the generational membership of its seniors market has shifted from the Builders generation to the Baby boomer generation. The problem has been made in worse on Norfolk Island because the government derives a significant proportion of its tax revenue from a 10% tax on the sales of goods. This chapter examines the extent of the consumer gap in the retail sector and finds that it can only be redressed by a rejuvenation of the Island's shopping sector.
Karen S. Cravens, James C. Flagg and Hubert D. Glover
Seeks to compare the three auditor attributes of brand name orreputation, concentration and structure to determine how theycollectively influence the auditor selection process…
Seeks to compare the three auditor attributes of brand name or reputation, concentration and structure to determine how they collectively influence the auditor selection process. The methodology for this study involves a comparison of the financial characteristics of the client base of Big Eight and non‐Big Eight firms. Overall, this study finds that comparison of client financial characteristics reveals significant differences in auditor brand name. In addition, the analysis indicates that differences also exist, based on audit structure and auditor reputation. Concludes that the auditor selection process, as proxied by a client′s systematic risk, is influenced by a joint combination of auditor attributes. Therefore the results of the study appear to support the theory that clients and auditors seek to match on desired traits.
Karen S. Cravens and Hubert D. Glover
Pharmaceutical companies have received a tremendous amount ofattention in the media regarding increases in drug prices at rates muchin excess of the rate of inflation. Synthesizes…
Pharmaceutical companies have received a tremendous amount of attention in the media regarding increases in drug prices at rates much in excess of the rate of inflation. Synthesizes the numerous issues affecting drug pricing and the role that the auditor should play in determining a “fair” price. Evaluates the role of the auditor with regard to the call from investors for additional information in the annual report and more in‐depth analysis of management′s ethical and operational practices. The pharmaceuticals industry represents a unique area for consideration, given ethical and regulatory pressures and the nature of the drug development and distribution process. With the complexities of this process, considers the auditor′s responsibility to understand unfair pricing practices along with the ability to detect such practices.
Michael Favere-Marchesi and Karen V. Pincus
Previous research on auditors’ processing of nondiagnostic evidence demonstrates the existence of a dilution effect – the tendency to underreact to diagnostic information when…
Previous research on auditors’ processing of nondiagnostic evidence demonstrates the existence of a dilution effect – the tendency to underreact to diagnostic information when accompanied by nondiagnostic information. Prior audit studies find that accountability, a prominent feature in audit settings, does not affect the magnitude of the dilution effect exhibited by auditors. Based on more recent theories about accountability, this line of research is extended by exploring whether (1) the dilution effect previously identified is a robust phenomenon that can be replicated, (2) accountability has an impact on both the frequency and magnitude of dilution effect, and (3) the impact of accountability on both the frequency and magnitude of dilution effect is conditional on the degree of accountability experienced by the participants through various reporting levels. The experimental results from a sample of internal auditors provide evidence supporting the first two propositions; however, the results related to reporting levels are not significant. A discussion of the implications of these findings for audit research and practice follows.
Laurie Mullins, Karen Meudell and Helen Scott
In hospitality operations customer satisfaction relies heavily ongroup‐based activities and the need for different departments to workclosely together. It is particularly…
In hospitality operations customer satisfaction relies heavily on group‐based activities and the need for different departments to work closely together. It is particularly important therefore to develop an organizational culture which encourages group motivation, harmonious working relationships and good teamwork. Culture is developed over time and is shaped in response to a complex set of factors. Raises a number of important questions relating to the culture of short‐life hospitality organizations.