Describes the development, management and organization of a major cross‐university project designed to discover how students spend their study‐related time. Identifies critical…
Describes the development, management and organization of a major cross‐university project designed to discover how students spend their study‐related time. Identifies critical strategic decisions both in diary instrumentation design and implementation and points out matters of general principle that might usefully inform similar ventures in other contexts and settings. Outlines a range of important results and gives some indication of the major implications that these findings have in the broader university context.
Diversified trading networks have recently drawn a great deal of attention. In the process, the importance of diversity has perhaps been overemphasized. Using the trade in port…
Diversified trading networks have recently drawn a great deal of attention. In the process, the importance of diversity has perhaps been overemphasized. Using the trade in port wine from Portugal to Britain as an example, this essay attempts to show how a market once dominated by general, diversified traders was taken over by dedicated specialists whose success might almost be measured by the degree to which they rejected diversification to form a dedicated “commodity chain.” The essay suggests that this strategy was better able to handle matters of quality and the specialized knowledge that port wine required. The essay also highlights the question of power in such a chain. Endemic commodity-chain struggles are clearest in the vertical brand war that broke out in the nineteenth century, which, by concentrating power, marked the final stage in the transformation of the trade from network to vertical integration.
Loay Ibrahim, Sabika Allehdan, Abeer Alassaf and Reema Tayyem
The purpose of this review was to highlight the association between ID and obesity in toddlers and preschool children.
The purpose of this review was to highlight the association between ID and obesity in toddlers and preschool children.
This review aimed to review and evaluate literature of the published research discussing the relationship between ID and overweight and obesity in children under the age of 5 years. Conflicting results of iron status in overweight and obese children under the age of 5 years had been found. However, most articles concluded that ID is associated significantly with overweight and obesity in children because of the systemic inflammatory reaction which is considered the major cause of ID; hepcidin with its resultant effect in decreasing duodenal absorption of iron; in addition to other causes including dietary and genetic factors.
Conflicting results of iron status in overweight and obese children under the age of 5 years had been found, but most articles concluded that ID is associated significantly with overweight and obesity in children, with systemic inflammatory reaction being the major cause through hepcidin with its resultant effect in decreased duodenal absorption of iron, in addition to other causes including dietary and genetic factors.
Many nutrients have been associated with weight gain and ID development. Unbalanced diet either in excess or shortage may affect weight status and serum iron profile. Future research is needed to study more in depth the association between ID and obesity in toddlers and preschool children and to further explore the various factors involved in pathogenesis of ID.