Performance measurement is now commonplace in the private sector. The early focus on financial results has expanded to include measurement of customer satisfaction, business…
Performance measurement is now commonplace in the private sector. The early focus on financial results has expanded to include measurement of customer satisfaction, business processes, and opportunities for learning and growth. With the increased scrutiny on public and not‐for‐profit organizations to demonstrate measurable results, private sector measurement techniques have been borrowed and applied to these enterprises. The Oregon State Bar (OSB) is the only state bar association in the USA that is known to have pursued a rigorous focus on measurable results for its programs and services. This case study is designed to examine the measures in place for services to sections (special interest groups) within the OSB and recommend improvements. Research on goal setting theory, process management, survey design, and implementation strategies have been used to underpin the case study. The study will show that multiple indicators are necessary at various points in time during the year in order to measure fully whether the desired results are on track for the year.