Leila Zemmouchi-Ghomari, Kaouther Mezaache and Mounia Oumessad
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate ontologies with respect to the linked data principles. This paper presents a concrete interpretation of the four linked data principles…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate ontologies with respect to the linked data principles. This paper presents a concrete interpretation of the four linked data principles applied to ontologies, along with an implementation that automatically detects violations of these principles and fixes them (semi-automatically). The implementation is applied to a number of state-of-the-art ontologies.
Based on a precise and detailed interpretation of the linked data principles in the context of ontologies (to become as reusable as possible), the authors propose a set of algorithms to assess ontologies according to the four linked data principles along with means to implement them using a Java/Jena framework. All ontology elements are extracted and examined taking into account particular cases, such as blank nodes and literals. The authors also provide propositions to fix some of the detected anomalies.
The experimental results are consistent with the proven quality of popular ontologies of the linked data cloud because these ontologies obtained good scores from the linked data validator tool.
The proposed approach and its implementation takes into account the assessment of the four linked data principles and propose means to correct the detected anomalies in the assessed data sets, whereas most LD validator tools focus on the evaluation of principle 2 (URI dereferenceability) and principle 3 (RDF validation); additionally, they do not tackle the issue of fixing detected errors.