Kaouthar Lamine and Lassaad Lakhal
The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between TQM/Six Sigma practices and their impact on performance.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between TQM/Six Sigma practices and their impact on performance.
Based on the literature review of research that investigated the TQM and Six Sigma best practices and performance, the TQM/Six Sigma practices are classified into three key categories: top management commitment and support (TMCS), infrastructure and core practices. This paper proposes a path model linking these practices and performance. The empirical data were obtained from a survey of 91 Tunisian companies in different sectors. The research model was tested using partial least squares (PLS) technique based on SmartPLS software.
The result shows that the implementation of Six Sigma practices is based majorly on the TQM practices. Also, it reveals the positive impact of TQM/Six Sigma practices on performance. Furthermore, the analysis of path model reveals the relative interdependence and significant link between TMCS, infrastructure, core practices and performance.
Research limitations/implications
The path model tested in this study combines the TQM/Six Sigma practices and reveals their link with performance, which enhance the research theory of both two approaches. Moreover, it will be a useful support for the quality expert on the effective integration of TQM and Six Sigma methods.
This study is the first one which studies the link between TQM/Six Sigma practices and company’s performance in the Tunisian context based on PLS technique.