With the growth of income at the global level, the World Bank data show that there are rising levels of income disparity across countries, groups, regions and within the…
With the growth of income at the global level, the World Bank data show that there are rising levels of income disparity across countries, groups, regions and within the countries. This fact otherwise hints at the inter-country divergence in incomes, particularly between the developed and developing countries of the world. This chapter, therefore, attempts to examine the convergence or divergence in credit, GDP and HDI across the 10 selected countries for the period of 1990–2019 applying the neoclassical growth approach and the time series approach. The results of the exercise in line with the neoclassical theories on absolute convergence and sigma convergence show that the countries are unquestionably converging in GDP and HDI with mixed results in case of credit. The results of convergence in GDP and HDI in all the countries and their developed and developing counterparts provide a possible explanation as to why the cross countries’ income inequalities as well as world inequality in income and development are reducing over time. On the other hand, the results of the time series approach display that credit and HDI are converging in both absolute and conditional terms but the countries are converging in conditional terms only for GDP. Thus, the claims of the World Bank are not valid for the selected countries in the chapter, rather, they can be verified by taking other countries and groups into consideration.
In various kinds of materials processes, heat and mass transfer control in nuclear phenomena, constructing buildings, turbines and electronic circuits, etc., there are numerous problems that cannot be enlightened by uniform wall temperature. To explore such physical phenomena researchers incorporate non-uniform or ramped temperature conditions at the boundary, the purpose of this paper is to achieve the closed-form solution of a time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer of an electrically conducting non-Newtonian Casson fluid toward an infinite vertical plate subject to the ramped temperature and concentration (RTC). The consequences of chemical reaction in the mass equation and thermal radiation in the energy equation are encompassed in this analysis. The flow regime manifests with pertinent physical impacts of the magnetic field, thermal radiation, chemical reaction and heat generation/absorption. A first-order chemical reaction that is proportional to the concentration itself directly is assumed. The Rosseland approximation is adopted to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation.
The problem is formulated in terms of partial differential equations with the appropriate physical initial and boundary conditions. To make the governing equations dimensionless, some suitable non-dimensional variables are introduced. The resulting non-dimensional equations are solved analytically by applying the Laplace transform method. The mathematical expressions for skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are calculated and expressed in closed form. Impacts of various associated physical parameters on the pertinent flow quantities, namely, velocity, temperature and concentration profiles, skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number, are demonstrated and analyzed via graphs and tables.
Graphical analysis reveals that the boundary layer flow and heat and mass transfer attributes are significantly varied for the embedded physical parameters in the case of constant temperature and concentration (CTC) as compared to RTC. It is worthy to note that the fluid velocity is high with CTC and lower for RTC. Also, the fluid velocity declines with the augmentation of the magnetic parameter. Moreover, growth in thermal radiation leads to a declination in the temperature profile.
Practical implications
The proposed model has relevance in numerous engineering and technical procedures including industries related to polymers, area of chemical productions, nuclear energy, electronics and aerodynamics. Encouraged by such applications, the present work is undertaken.
Literature review unveils that sundry studies have been carried out in the presence of uniform wall temperature. Few studies have been conducted by considering non-uniform or ramped wall temperature and concentration. The authors are focused on an analytical investigation of an unsteady MHD boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer of non-Newtonian Casson fluid past a moving plate subject to the RTC at the plate. Based on the authors’ knowledge, the present study has, so far, not appeared in scientific communications. Obtained analytical solutions are verified by considering particular cases of the published works.
The literature on the nature of organizational control processes is dominated by the four broad perspectives of cybernetics/goal, power/authority, culture, and evolution. Arguing…
The literature on the nature of organizational control processes is dominated by the four broad perspectives of cybernetics/goal, power/authority, culture, and evolution. Arguing against subscribing to any individual perspective, this paper proposes a multiple paradigm perspective, employing the three sociological paradigms of social factism, social behaviorism, and social definitionism. This multi‐perspective approach is then applied to an evolutionary conception of organizational control.
Umair Khan, Aurang Zaib, Ioan Pop, Iskandar Waini and Anuar Ishak
Nanofluid research has piqued the interest of scientists due to its intriguing applications in nanoscience, biomedical and electrical engineering, medication delivery…
Nanofluid research has piqued the interest of scientists due to its intriguing applications in nanoscience, biomedical and electrical engineering, medication delivery, biotechnology, food processing, chemotherapy and other fields. This paper aims to inspect the behavior of the mixed convection magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer induced by a nonlinear stretching/shrinking sheet in a nanofluid with a convective boundary condition. Tiwari and Das mathematical nanofluid model is incorporated in the analysis.
The mathematical model is initially transformed to a nondimensional form by using dimensionless variables. Then the nondimensional partial differential equations are further transformed to a set of similarity equations by using the similarity technique. These equations are solved numerically by the bvp4c function in MATLAB software.
For a certain range of the stretching/shrinking parameter, two solutions are obtained. The friction factor and the heat transfer rate escalate due to suction parameter with adding nanoparticles volume fraction by almost 27.15% and 0.153% for the upper branch solution, while the friction factor declines by almost 30.10% but the heat transfer rate augments by 0.145% for the lower branch solution. Furthermore, the behavior of the nanoparticle volume fractions on the heat transfer rate behaves differently in the presence of the mixed convection effect. The temperature of fluid augments with increasing Biot number for both solutions.
The present work considers the flow and heat transfer induced by a stretching/shrinking sheet in a nanofluid using the Tiwari–Das nanofluid model with a convective boundary condition, where the effect of the buoyancy force is taken into consideration. It is shown that two solutions are found for a certain range of the shrinking strength, while the solution is unique for the stretching case. This study is important for scientists working in the growing field of nanofluids to become familiar with the flow properties and behaviors of such nanofluids.
Iskandar Waini, Anuar Ishak and Ioan Pop
This paper aims to examine the effect of Dufour and Soret diffusions on Al2O3-water nanofluid flow over a moving thin needle by using the Tiwari and Das model.
This paper aims to examine the effect of Dufour and Soret diffusions on Al2O3-water nanofluid flow over a moving thin needle by using the Tiwari and Das model.
The governing equations are reduced to the similarity equations using similarity transformations. The resulting equations are programmed in Matlab software through the bvp4c solver to obtain their solutions. The features of the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients, as well as the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles for different values of the physical parameters, are analysed and discussed.
The non-uniqueness of the solutions is observed for a certain range of the physical parameters. The authors also notice that the bifurcation of the solutions occurs in which the needle moves toward the origin (λ < 0). It is discovered that the first branch solutions of the skin friction coefficient and the heat transfer coefficients increase, but the mass transfer coefficient decreases in the presence of nanoparticle. Additionally, the simultaneous effect of Dufour and Soret diffusions tends to enhance the heat transfer coefficient; however, dual behaviours are observed for the mass transfer coefficient. Further analysis shows that between the two solutions, only one of them is stable and thus physically reliable in the long run.
The problem of Al2O3-water nanofluid flow over a moving thin needle with Dufour and Soret effects are the important originality of the present study. Besides, the temporal stability of the dual solutions is examined for time.
This paper argues for adopting the development of critical thinking as a key component of management education. It discusses various deficiencies in the traditional instructional…
This paper argues for adopting the development of critical thinking as a key component of management education. It discusses various deficiencies in the traditional instructional process, noting that the most insidious problem is that many educators suffer from the misguided belief that they routinely emphasize critical thinking in their instructional tasks. The paper then presents a detailed prospectus, based on insights from practice, for a new orientation to the traditional instructional process. Comments are also offered on changing over to the suggested instructional orientation.
This paper aims to investigate the role of shapes of containers (nine different containers) on entropy generation minimization involving identical cross-sectional area (1 sq…
This paper aims to investigate the role of shapes of containers (nine different containers) on entropy generation minimization involving identical cross-sectional area (1 sq. unit) in the presence of identical heating (isothermal). The nine containers are categorized into three classes based on their geometric similarities (Class 1: square, tilted square and parallelogram; Class 2: trapezoidal type 1, trapezoidal type 2 and triangular; Class 3: convex, concave and curved triangular).
Galerkin finite element method is used to solve the governing equations for a representative fluid (engine oil: Pr = 155) at Ra = 103–105. In addition, finite element method is used to solve the streamfunction equation and evaluate the entropy generation terms (Sψ and Sθ). Average Nusselt number (
Based on larger
Practical implications
Comparison of entropy generation, intensity of thermal mixing (
This study depicts that entropy generation associated with the convection process can be reduced via altering the shapes of containers to improve the thermal performance or efficiency for processing of identical mass with identical heat input. The comparative study of nine containers elucidates that the values of local maxima of Sψ (Sψ,max), Sθ (Sθ,max) and magnitude of Stotal vary with change in shapes of the containers (Classes 1–3) at fixed Pr and Ra. Such a comparative study based on entropy generation minimization on optimal heating during convection of fluid is yet to appear in the literature. The outcome of this study depicts that containers with curved walls are instrumental to optimize entropy generation with reasonable thermal processing rates.
Pranav Chauhan, Arun K. Das, P.K. Nanda, Vishal Kumbhar and J.P. Yadav
Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is well known for its strong, hot, peppery taste and has many nutritional, pharmaceutical and traditional therapeutic uses. The aim of this study…
Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is well known for its strong, hot, peppery taste and has many nutritional, pharmaceutical and traditional therapeutic uses. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant effect of different solvent extracts of black cumin seed to retard lipid and protein oxidation in raw ground pork meat during refrigerated storage (4 ± 1°C) for nine days.
Black cumin extracts (BCEs) were prepared using different solvents, namely, ethanol, water, ethanol:water (60:40) and methanol:hot water (60:40). Extracts were analysed for total phenolic content (TPC), 1,1 diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and reducing power. Based on the results, water extract (WE) and ethanol–water extract (EHWE) of black cumin were selected and incorporated at 1.5 per cent into freshly minced pork meat and compared with a synthetic antioxidant, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT; 100 ppm), in retarding lipid and protein oxidation. Treated and control samples were aerobically packed in low-density polyethylene bags for analysis of various parameters (pH, colour and odour score, peroxide, lipid and protein oxidation) during nine-day refrigerated storage study.
Results showed that BCEs had a good amount of TPC (4.4-7.4 mg gallic acid equivalents/g) and also DPPH scavenging activities (33.96-44.23 per cent), with WE and EHWE extracts showing highest reducing power and promising antioxidant capacity. Hence, BCEs (WE and EHWE) incorporated at 1.5 per cent into freshly minced pork meat was tested, compared to BHT (100 ppm) and control samples, in retarding lipid and protein oxidation during storage. In BCE-treated samples, thiobarbituric acid reacting substances, free fatty acids, peroxide, formation of protein carbonyls and off-odour or rancid odour development were lower than control and values were comparable with BHT. Incorporation of BCE did not negatively affect the colour of ground pork.
BCEs (WE and EHWE) at 1.5 per cent inhibited protein and lipid oxidation and it could be exploited commercially as an effective alternative in retarding oxidative deterioration of meat products.
The purpose of this paper is to address various works on mixed convection and proposes 10 unified models (Models 1–10) based on various thermal and kinematic conditions of the…
The purpose of this paper is to address various works on mixed convection and proposes 10 unified models (Models 1–10) based on various thermal and kinematic conditions of the boundary walls, thermal conditions and/ or kinematics of objects embedded in the cavities and kinematics of external flow field through the ventilation ports. Experimental works on mixed convection have also been addressed.
This review is based on 10 unified models on mixed convection within cavities. Models 1–5 involve mixed convection based on the movement of single or double walls subjected to various temperature boundary conditions. Model 6 elucidates mixed convection due to the movement of single or double walls of cavities containing discrete heaters at the stationary wall(s). Model 7A focuses mixed convection based on the movement of wall(s) for cavities containing stationary solid obstacles (hot or cold or adiabatic) whereas Model 7B elucidates mixed convection based on the rotation of solid cylinders (hot or conductive or adiabatic) within the cavities enclosed by stationary or moving wall(s). Model 8 is based on mixed convection due to the flow of air through ventilation ports of cavities (with or without adiabatic baffles) subjected to hot and adiabatic walls. Models 9 and 10 elucidate mixed convection due to flow of air through ventilation ports of cavities involving discrete heaters and/or solid obstacles (conductive or hot) at various locations within cavities.
Mixed convection plays an important role for various processes based on convection pattern and heat transfer rate. An important dimensionless number, Richardson number (Ri) identifies various convection regimes (forced, mixed and natural convection). Generalized models also depict the role of “aiding” and “opposing” flow and combination of both on mixed convection processes. Aiding flow (interaction of buoyancy and inertial forces in the same direction) may result in the augmentation of the heat transfer rate whereas opposing flow (interaction of buoyancy and inertial forces in the opposite directions) may result in decrease of the heat transfer rate. Works involving fluid media, porous media and nanofluids (with magnetohydrodynamics) have been highlighted. Various numerical and experimental works on mixed convection have been elucidated. Flow and thermal maps associated with the heat transfer rate for a few representative cases of unified models [Models 1–10] have been elucidated involving specific dimensionless numbers.
This review paper will provide guidelines for optimal design/operation involving mixed convection processing applications.