S.P. Joy Vasantha Rani and K. Aruna Prabha
The purpose of this paper is to implement the hardware structure for radial basis function (RBF) neural network based on stochastic logic computation.
The purpose of this paper is to implement the hardware structure for radial basis function (RBF) neural network based on stochastic logic computation.
The hardware implementation of artificial neural networks (ANNs) has a complicated structure and is normally space consuming due to huge size of digital multiplication, addition/subtraction, non‐linear activation function, etc. Also the unavailability of ANN hardware at an attractive price limits its use for real time applications. In stochastic logic theory, the real numbers are converted to random streams of bits instead of a binary number. The performance of the proposed structure is analyzed using very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language.
Stochastic theory‐based arithmetic and logic approach provides a way to carry out complex computation with very simple hardware and very flexible design of the system. The Gaussian RBF for hidden layer neuron is employed using stochastic counter that reduces the hardware resources significantly. The number of hidden layer neurons in RBF neural network structure is adaptively varied to make it an intelligent system.
The paper outlines the stochastic neural computation on digital hardware for implementing radial basis neural network. The structure has considered the optimized usage of hardware resources.
This paper attempts at charting out a road‐map for signifying the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a whole and in its attempts of doing so, the paper…
This paper attempts at charting out a road‐map for signifying the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a whole and in its attempts of doing so, the paper underlines the role of corporate giants operating in India by citing examples of different Indian Business Houses for providing a guidance to achieve a sacro‐civic society where the under‐ pinning lies in promoting overall human development.