This paper explores the nature of mentoring and contrasts traditional approaches with a developmental format that may be more suited to today's flatter organisations. A definition…
This paper explores the nature of mentoring and contrasts traditional approaches with a developmental format that may be more suited to today's flatter organisations. A definition of developmental mentoring is given plus a model for differentiating between traditional and developmental mentoring, coaching, counselling and managing. Trends facing organisations are summarised and the reader is invited to review developmental processes and consider the impact of various mentoring formats on communication processes within their organisation.
Suggests that transactional analysis provides useful models fordeveloping leadership styles. Uses concepts of ego states and assessingquadrant to describe benefits and drawbacks…
Suggests that transactional analysis provides useful models for developing leadership styles. Uses concepts of ego states and assessing quadrant to describe benefits and drawbacks of four key communication channels and shows how they relate to leadership. Uses the same model to explain stages of development of organizations and relates cultures at different stages to leadership styles. Suggests organizations are becoming communities and will need leadership styles to suit.
“Psychological Brainwashing” is just one term whichpeople have used to describe transactional analysis (TA). Examines therelevant facts and remarks upon course evaluations. Shows…
“Psychological Brainwashing” is just one term which people have used to describe transactional analysis (TA). Examines the relevant facts and remarks upon course evaluations. Shows that TA′s integration with other models has led to more respect and understanding. The approach to the whole person by understanding attitudes and emotions is underlined by TA. People′s attitudes and emotions have to be handled carefully, TA being based on mutual agreement, and empathy with the counsellors and people involved can only be good.
Explains how attitudes are “assumed” from behaviour anddescribes five characteristic working styles which can be identified.Gives examples of each working style in action, shows…
Explains how attitudes are “assumed” from behaviour and describes five characteristic working styles which can be identified. Gives examples of each working style in action, shows how different combinations can lead to conflict, and describes the strengths and weaknesses of each style. Explains how styles can become compulsive and gives suggestions for increasing personal effectiveness via self‐permissions to change certain behaviours.
Combines the concepts of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) andtransactional analysis (TA) in a process for changing beliefs. Describesthis process and the benefits to be gained.
Combines the concepts of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and transactional analysis (TA) in a process for changing beliefs. Describes this process and the benefits to be gained.
Reports on a lecture tour in India, featuring the main themes of change, culture, conflicts and creativity, and examines current Western organizational trends, such as: “decent”…
Reports on a lecture tour in India, featuring the main themes of change, culture, conflicts and creativity, and examines current Western organizational trends, such as: “decent” behaviour; “cashing out”; the notion of “gold‐collar workers”; and the increasing visibility of women entrepreneurs. Draws an analogy between an organization and a ship in order to demonstrate how to create a culture which can cope effectively with a rapid rate of change.
Describes how transactional analysis can be applied directly to theworkplace as “action development”. Considers the stages ofthe TA development programme to be: briefing session…
Describes how transactional analysis can be applied directly to the workplace as “action development”. Considers the stages of the TA development programme to be: briefing session, start‐up sessions, client meetings, project meetings, individual counselling, presentations, and debriefing. Surmises that the TA model provides an easily assimilated framework that equips the learner with techniques that can be applied long after the trainer has left.