This article analyses policy changes in policing and child welfare and discusses the dilemmas faced by the police in respect of policing juveniles in a post‐Every Child Matters…
This article analyses policy changes in policing and child welfare and discusses the dilemmas faced by the police in respect of policing juveniles in a post‐Every Child Matters multi‐agency landscape. It will argue that in a climate where concern with social control appears to eclipse a concern with child welfare and a lack of clarity for the police and the increasing dependence on managerialistic processes, more children and young people may be drawn into the youth justice system.
Discusses the concept of “school effectiveness” and thetheories behind the research reported in the literature – which isreviewed. Both the so‐called scientific approach and…
Discusses the concept of “school effectiveness” and the theories behind the research reported in the literature – which is reviewed. Both the so‐called scientific approach and the multi‐paradigmatic approach have limitations; an “evolutionary epistemology” is preferred.