Juan Bustamante and Adriana Amaya
This paper aims to examine the factors that affect financial services design of and their effect on the improvement of the unbanked customer well-being.
This paper aims to examine the factors that affect financial services design of and their effect on the improvement of the unbanked customer well-being.
The authors use a path analysis to examine customer well-being integration in the activities of service organizations. The theoretical estimation model was conducted using a structural equation model with maximum likelihood estimation. To build a more robust model that explains customer well-being, direct and indirect effects are used in the estimation of the research model.
Perceived customer support and interaction with the storekeeper are two major factors that, positively, influence trust and customer participation (CP). In addition, CP plays a key role in enhancing financial empowerment and thereby in the production of greater customer well-being.
This study sheds light on the positive effects that the design of services has on customer well-being and exposes the underlying mechanisms that contribute to customer well-being through CP. It also provides a unique financial service format and specific strategies for managing trust and CP to enhance individual well-being in the unbanked population in a developing country.
Juan Carlos Bustamante and Natalia Rubio
In a world where customer empowerment is continuously increasing and changing the service landscape, retailers must provide memorable shopping experiences to retain and attract…
In a world where customer empowerment is continuously increasing and changing the service landscape, retailers must provide memorable shopping experiences to retain and attract new customers. When customers decide to go shopping in physical stores, they expect to enjoy their visit, experiencing cognitive, affective, social, and physical responses evoked by in-store stimuli. The purpose of this paper is to propose and validate a scale to measure in-store customer experience (ISCX).
This study’s theoretical review of customer experience (CX) demonstrates that a formative model provides the best structure for measuring the construct ISCX. Furthermore, the study follows the guidelines for rigorous construction of a formative scale, which include three main stages: generation of items, scale purification, and assessment of scale validity and reliability.
The results provide evidence that a formative third-order scale with a reflective second-order dimension (social experience) and three reflective first-order dimensions (cognitive, affective, and physical experience) has satisfactory psychometric properties. The findings also provide useful information on the effect of the ISCX scale on key performance variables such as satisfaction and loyalty to the store.
The ISCX scale proposed constitutes a useful multi-concept diagnostic tool for use by retailers to create fully experiential shopping environments with differential value for the customer. By providing a complete, robust, precise measure of CX in a retail environment, the scale gives researchers a structured way to examine the causes and consequences of CX in retail.
Chitra Singla and Bulbul Singh
Madan Mohanka set up Tega Industries Ltd. in 1976 to manufacture abrasion-resistant rubber mill lining products used in the mining and mineral processing industries. In 2011, as…
Madan Mohanka set up Tega Industries Ltd. in 1976 to manufacture abrasion-resistant rubber mill lining products used in the mining and mineral processing industries. In 2011, as part of its inorganic expansion strategy, Tega bought a company in Chile. However, post-acquisition, several managerial, legal and commercial problems crept up in its manufacturing facilities in Chile, leading to financial downturn in Tega's fortunes in 2016 and compelling it to planning a revival between 2016-19. However, political unrest and Covid 19 uncertainty has caused a dilemma related to further investments worth INR 1.25 billion. Management is contemplating the next steps.

Enrique Ogliastri, Juan Carlos Leiva, Rachel Gabel-Shemueli and Luis Chavez-Bedoya
Chitra Singla and Bulbul Singh
Madan Mohanka set up Tega Industries Ltd in 1976 to manufacture abrasion-resistant rubber mill lining products used in the mining and mineral processing industries. In 2006, as…
Madan Mohanka set up Tega Industries Ltd in 1976 to manufacture abrasion-resistant rubber mill lining products used in the mining and mineral processing industries. In 2006, as part of its inorganic expansion strategy, Tega bought a mill-liner company in South Africa. Buoyed by this growth, two acquisitions were made in Australia and Chile in the year 2011. However, post-acquisition, several managerial, legal and commercial problems crept up in its manufacturing facilities in Chile, leading to financial downturn in Tega's fortunes in 2016 and compelling it to either plan a revival or divest its interest in its Chilean Plant.

Juan Carlos Martín and Natalia Soledad Bustamante-Sánchez
This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of secondary housing tourists in Vilcabamba.
This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of secondary housing tourists in Vilcabamba.
The analysis of satisfaction of this tourism segment in a destination is essential for the different economic agents when evaluating various policies. The analysis is based on the answers provided to 16 items in a questionnaire administered to a representative sample (281 respondents). The authors have used the fuzzy logic to reduce ambiguity in the answers associated to subjective views of human beings who express themselves linguistically. A method based on the degree of similarity to ideal solutions has been used to obtain a classification of relevant satisfaction items.
The results indicate that the ideal solutions segments are represented by multicultural characteristics of second home tourists and the number of years they have been visiting Vilcabamba. The authors find that foreign tourists are more satisfied than Ecuadorians. Analyzing the most critical factors, it is seen that accessibility to the destination, socio-cultural environment and quality of water achieve a high priority.
Research limitations/implications
Second home tourists’ satisfaction has been studied with a limited set of 16 attributes, and some attributes also have a multidimensional nature, so a further study analyzing the scale will be needed in the future.
The present study fills an existing gap in the literature of secondary housing tourism where the existing previous research has been mainly focused on retirees’ secondary housing tourism. The study provides interesting insights into local and national authorities, as well as other economic agents, to designing strategies and planning processes of the destinations for secondary housing tourists.
Diego de Jaureguizar Cervera, Javier de Esteban Curiel and Diana C. Pérez-Bustamante Yábar
Short-term rentals (STRs) (like Airbnb) are reshaping social behaviour, notably in gastronomy, altering how people dine while travelling. This study delves into revenue…
Short-term rentals (STRs) (like Airbnb) are reshaping social behaviour, notably in gastronomy, altering how people dine while travelling. This study delves into revenue management, examining the impact of seasonality and dining options near guests’ Airbnb. Machine Learning analysis of Airbnb data suggests owners enhance revenue strategies by adjusting prices seasonally, taking nearby food amenities into account.
This study analysed 220 Airbnb establishments from Madrid, Spain, using consistent monthly price data from Seetransparent and environment variables from MapInfo GIS. The Machine Learning algorithm calculated average prices, determined seasonal prices, applied factor analysis to categorise months and used cluster analysis to identify tourism-dwelling typologies with similar seasonal behaviour, considering nearby supermarkets/restaurants by factors such as proximity and availability of food options.
The findings reveal seasonal variations in three groups, using Machine Learning to improve revenue management: Group 1 has strong autumn-winter patterns and fewer restaurants; Group 2 shows higher spring seasonality, likely catering to tourists, and has more restaurants, while Group 3 has year-round stability, fewer supermarkets and active shops, potentially affecting local restaurant dynamics. Food establishments in these groups may need to adapt their strategies accordingly to capitalise on these seasonal trends.
Current literature lacks information on how seasonality, rental housing and proximity to amenities are interconnected. The originality of this study is to fill this gap by enhancing the STR price predictive model through a Machine Learning study. By examining seasonal trends, rental housing dynamics, and the proximity of supermarkets and restaurants to STR properties, the research enhances our understanding and predictions of STR price fluctuations, particularly in relation to the availability and demand for food options.
Can we do business with strangers? A major handicap to any promotion is ignorance of the market and its members. In order to understand Latin Americans, says Albert Hirschman, we…
Can we do business with strangers? A major handicap to any promotion is ignorance of the market and its members. In order to understand Latin Americans, says Albert Hirschman, we must first understand how Latin Americans understand each other. We see the “facts” one way, but their perception of these same facts is often very different. This is my purpose in reporting on Peru's attitude and internal discussions on international trade. Why Peru? A U S. State Department official told me that they consider Peru as a sort of bell wether in South America. Abraham Lowenthal of the Inter‐American Dialog says Peru has an international significance greater than would be expected, considering the size of its economy, and E. V. K. Fitzgerald of Cambridge says the Peruvian experience is significant in judgimg prospects in South America.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Mahmoud Mohieldin, G. Tomas M. Hult and Juan Velez-Ocampo
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region and to discuss imperative engines for potential regional…
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region and to discuss imperative engines for potential regional recovery.
This study conceptually discusses the effects of COVID-19 on the LAC region and highlights potential areas for recovery.
The LAC region have a history of facing structural development challenges – due to digital inequality, environmental degradation, erosion of democracy and financial debt – which have led to a profound discontent among people in the LAC region and this dissatisfaction has been intensified by the crises stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. LAC region can increase its resilience and recover its path to sustainable development by consolidating impact-based regional value chains, attracting sustainability-themed foreign direct investment and nurturing structural development to facilitate LAC companies to expand into international markets (“multilatinas”).
Research limitations/implications
There are some preliminary studies on the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on the LAC region, however, the strategies that emerging and developing economies might pursue to promptly recover are still a matter of discussion. The uncertainty and heterogeneity of the developing and emerging economies and the multidimensional needed actions require local adaptations and adjustments.
The LAC COVID-19 crisis recovery requires shared responsibility, global solidarity, urgent and immediate cooperation and structural transformations to enable deeper regional integration. This integration should focus on impact-based value chains to be resiliently adaptable to changing global realities and arduous local contexts. This paper provides integrative avenues for potential regional recovery within the region.
el propósito de este manuscrito es examinar el impacto de COVID-19 en la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) y discutir los motores imperativos para una posible recuperación regional.
Este estudio analiza conceptualmente los efectos del COVID-19 en la región de LAC y destaca áreas potenciales de recuperación.
la región de LAC tiene un historial de enfrentar desafíos de desarrollo estructural debido a la desigualdad digital, la degradación ambiental, la erosión de la democracia y la deuda financiera, que han llevado a un profundo descontento entre las personas de LAC, y esta insatisfacción se ha visto intensificada por las crisis derivadas de la pandemia de COVID-19. La región de LAC puede aumentar su resiliencia y recuperar su camino hacia el desarrollo sostenible mediante la consolidación de más cortas cadenas de valor regionales basadas en el impacto, la atracción de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) con temas de sostenibilidad y el fomento del desarrollo estructural para facilitar la expansión de las empresas de LAC en los mercados internacionales (“multilatinas”).
la recuperación de la crisis del COVID-19 en LAC requiere de responsabilidad compartida, solidaridad global, cooperación urgente e inmediata y transformaciones estructurales que permitan una integración regional más profunda. Esta integración debe centrarse en las más cortas cadenas de valor basadas en el impacto para que se adapten con resiliencia a las cambiantes realidades globales y los arduos contextos locales. Este manuscrito proporciona vías integradoras para una posible recuperación regional dentro de la región.
Implicaciones/limitaciones de la investigación
Existen algunos estudios preliminares sobre el impacto económico y social del COVID-19 en la región de LAC, sin embargo, las estrategias que las economías emergentes y en desarrollo podrían seguir para recuperarse rápidamente son aún un tema de discusión. La incertidumbre y heterogeneidad de las economías en desarrollo y emergentes y las acciones multidimensionales necesarias requieren adaptaciones y ajustes locales.
o objetivo deste manuscrito é examinar o impacto do COVID-19 na região da América Latina e do Caribe e discutir mecanismos imperativos para uma potencial recuperação regional.
este estudo discute conceitualmente os efeitos do COVID-19 na região da América Latina e do Caribe e destaca áreas potenciais para recuperação.
a região da América Latina e do Caribe (LAC) tem um histórico de desafios estruturais de desenvolvimento – devido à desigualdade digital, degradação ambiental, erosão da democracia e dívida financeira – que levaram a um profundo descontentamento entre as pessoas na região da LAC, e essa insatisfação foi intensificada pelas crises decorrentes da pandemia COVID-19. A região da LAC pode aumentar sua resiliência e recuperar seu caminho para o desenvolvimento sustentável consolidando cadeias de valor regionais com impacto econômico e social, atraindo Investimento Estrangeiro Direto (IED) com foco em sustentabilidade e fomentando o desenvolvimento estrutural para facilitar a expansão das empresas da LAC para mercados internacionais (“multilatinas”)
a recuperação da crise LAC COVID-19 requer responsabilidade compartilhada, solidariedade global, cooperação urgente e imediata e transformações estruturais para permitir uma integração regional mais profunda. Essa integração deve se concentrar em cadeias de valor baseadas em impacto para serem resilientemente adaptáveis às mudanças nas realidades globais e nos contextos locais árduos. Este manuscrito oferece caminhos integrativos para uma potencial recuperação regional.
Implicações/limitações da pesquisa
existem alguns estudos preliminares sobre o impacto econômico e social do COVID-19 na região da LAC; no entanto, as estratégias que as economias emergentes e em desenvolvimento podem seguir para se recuperar prontamente ainda estão em discussão. A incerteza e a heterogeneidade das economias em desenvolvimento e emergentes, assim como as ações multidimensionais necessárias requerem adaptações e ajustes locais.
- Climate change
- Inequality
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Regional value chains
- SDGs-based recovery
- Sustainable recovery
- COVID-19
- Digital inequality
- Financial debt
- COVID-19
- Latino América y el Caribe
- Recuperación basada end ODS
- Cadenas de valor regionales
- Recuperación sostenible
- Inequidad digital
- Cambio climático
- Deuda financiera
- COVID-19
- América Latina e Caribe
- Recuperação baseada em ODS
- Cadeias de valor regionais
- Recuperação sustentável
- Desigualdade digital
- Alterações Climáticas
- Dívida financeira