Those working in HR ‐ and in other functions ‐ have many questions around the area of HR measurement. What should be measured? How should it be measured? Too often, focus is…
Those working in HR ‐ and in other functions ‐ have many questions around the area of HR measurement. What should be measured? How should it be measured? Too often, focus is placed on answering the wrong questions. Are these truly the elements that make a difference to the business or just the ones that are easiest to measure?
If HR is to make a true impact on the performance of itsorganization, it must be a team player. Working in the HR equivalent of the ivory tower, with little or no awareness of…
If HR is to make a true impact on the performance of itsorganization, it must be a team player. Working in the HR equivalent of the ivory tower, with little or no awareness of your industry, customers or competitors, let alone other internal business functions, is no longer good enough. What’s required is a new set of skills forthe HR practitioner and a new approach to working life.
You are the CEO of one of the world’s largest financial services firms. The company is facing a weak market and has been hit by internal scandals leading to the closure of its…
You are the CEO of one of the world’s largest financial services firms. The company is facing a weak market and has been hit by internal scandals leading to the closure of its Japanese private bank and investigation from European regulators. The mood is not optimistic. What do you do? For Charles Prince, who took the helm at Citigroup in 2003, the answer was clear: the company must build a reputation for ethics to equal its fearsome track record as a financial powerhouse.
What kind of company would you like to work for? One that’s exciting, dynamic and going places? Of course ‐ and if you’re lucky, you already do. However, if recent research…
What kind of company would you like to work for? One that’s exciting, dynamic and going places? Of course ‐ and if you’re lucky, you already do. However, if recent research findings are to be believed, there are thousands of disengaged employees out there looking for such an organization. So how do you make sure your company is the one that appeals?
The average job description for a senior HR professional has changed dramatically over the past few decades. No longer the bastion of transactional processes and employee…
The average job description for a senior HR professional has changed dramatically over the past few decades. No longer the bastion of transactional processes and employee administration, the responsibilities of the director or VP of HR are markedly different
Many have heralded the new role of HR as the driver of organizational change, whether it be a restructuring, merger, acquisition or shift in corporate culture. If HR is to be…
Many have heralded the new role of HR as the driver of organizational change, whether it be a restructuring, merger, acquisition or shift in corporate culture. If HR is to be successful in engaging employees through transitions and new initiatives it needs to embrace the role of change champion.
In recent years, the role of learning and development professionals has shifted. As organizations come round to the fact that people are a critical source of competitive…
In recent years, the role of learning and development professionals has shifted. As organizations come round to the fact that people are a critical source of competitive advantage, they have an increasingly strategic role to play. The investments made in people are significant and, rightly, senior executives are demanding to see the return on their learning and development dollars.
Corporations are coming round to the fact that people, like other assets, must be managed for the long term. Any company that can’t prove it’s sustainable beyondthe near‐term is…
Corporations are coming round to the fact that people, like other assets, must be managed for the long term. Any company that can’t prove it’s sustainable beyondthe near‐term is going to have trouble gaining investor confidence. HR professionals need to be thinking in the same way about people by building long‐term talent depth and bench strength within the organization. This issue of Strategic HR Review brings you examples of leading‐edge companies that have faced these challenges and achieved bottom‐line results.