Bhushan Kapoor and Joseph Sherif
The purpose of this paper is to advance information systems, research and strategies to manage global human resources. The influx of diversity candidates into the marketplace is…
The purpose of this paper is to advance information systems, research and strategies to manage global human resources. The influx of diversity candidates into the marketplace is driving the wheels of change. With an increase in minorities and international workforce in advanced education and professional positions, employers are choosing to embrace diversity. Those that successfully make this transition will prosper in this new century and beyond. A culturally diverse workforce provides an enriched environment for the development of new ideas, fresh perspectives and innovative methodologies.
The paper discusses the fact that the increasing prevalence of globalization is driven by a number of factors, including shortage of talent in developed countries, availability of low‐cost labor, growing consumers in developing countries, technological progress and worldwide workforce diversity. Human Resources (HR) departments of global companies must assemble global databases that obtain information such as employee's attrition and hiring, compensation and benefits, ethnic, gender, cultural, and nationality distributions. By applying advanced analytical techniques on the global database, HR professionals will get intelligent business insight, predict changes and make informed decisions at operational and strategic levels.
The global supply of talent is short of its long‐term demand, and the gap is a challenge for employers everywhere. The shortage between the demand and supply of talent is likely to continue to increase notably for high skilled workers and for the next generation of business executives.
Practical implications
Only those multinational enterprises willing to adapt their HR practices to the changing global labor market conditions will be able to attract and retain high performing employees. Organizations need to place greater emphasis on attracting human capital in addition to financial capital. Global staffing and management of a workforce diverse in culture and language skills and dispersed in different countries are the key goals of global human resources.
The paper tackles one of the most critical problems of educating multinational enterprises to adapt their HR practices to the changing global labor market conditions. In so doing multinational enterprises will attract, develop and retain high performing employees in order to survive and succeed in the global competition. Management of culturally diverse and geographically dispersed workforce is a key goal of global human resources. It is also critical that businesses not only familiarize with local ways of doing business and understand needs of the local consumers, but also to develop a global mindset, global HR information systems and global HR databases. Global HR will play roles and responsibilities in leading organizations towards openness to cultural diversity.
Joseph Sherif and Ram Singhania
The purpose of this paper is to advance research that portrays chaos in number theory. Classical and quantum physics, and lately pure mathematics and system that exhibit deductive…
The purpose of this paper is to advance research that portrays chaos in number theory. Classical and quantum physics, and lately pure mathematics and system that exhibit deductive inference produced randomness and unpredictability over time.
This paper discusses the fact that in raising numbers to higher powers, it is noticed that the scale of intensities of order and tidiness is very poor and chaos occurs mainly when numbers are raised to even powers. When numbers are raised to odd powers, the chaos is obtained still, but was able to extract order from this chaos strangely enough.
Linear relationships if left to themselves long enough will eventually produce disorderly chaotic and inconsistent results. Chaos are being found where the order was thought to be found. But then, looking more closely, unexplained order is being found in what looked like chaos.
Practical implications
The results of this research may be applied to develop algorithms for random number generation and also for developing encryption algorithms for routers security and privacy.
The paper tackles one of the most unexplained phenomena where scientists are findings chaos where they thought they would find order.
Active repair time is that portion of down time during which the system is worked on to effect a repair. Repair time includes preparation time, diagnostic time, correction time…
Active repair time is that portion of down time during which the system is worked on to effect a repair. Repair time includes preparation time, diagnostic time, correction time and final checkout time. Systems such as airborne communications transceivers, switching circuits and radar‐missile units usually suffer an initial high rate of wear and failure. Improvement in this area requires actions to reduce the frequency of failure and to increase ease of repair. This paper advances the first passage time distribution of Brownian motion as a repairability model. The paper fits the model to observed active repair time of radar systems, obtaining as a result estimates of the mean first passage time, drift and diffusion parameters of the associated Brownian motion. Hypothesizing the first passage time distribution of Brownian motion for active repair time data of radar systems, the Kolmogorov‐Smirnov test shows that the model is accepted and can be chosen as the parent population.
ThuyUyen H. Nguyen, Joseph S. Sherif and Michael Newby
Customer relationship management (CRM) is an information system that tracks customers' interactions with the firm and allows employees to instantly pull up information about the…
Customer relationship management (CRM) is an information system that tracks customers' interactions with the firm and allows employees to instantly pull up information about the customers such as past sales, service records, outstanding records and unresolved problem calls. This paper aims to put forward strategies for successful implementation of CRM and discusses barriers to CRM in e‐business and m‐business.
The paper combines narrative with argument and analysis.
CRM stores all information about its customers in a database and uses this data to coordinate sales, marketing, and customer service departments so as to work together smoothly to best serve their customers' needs.
The paper demonstrates how CRM, if used properly, could enhance a company's ability to achieve the ultimate goal of retaining customers and gain strategic advantage over its competitors.
Bhushan Kapoor, Pramod Pandya and Joseph S. Sherif
This paper seeks to advance research and strategies that lead to a heightened awareness of the need to protect data from disclosure, to guarantee the authenticity of data and…
This paper seeks to advance research and strategies that lead to a heightened awareness of the need to protect data from disclosure, to guarantee the authenticity of data and messages, and to protect systems from network‐based attacks.
The paper introduces the necessary mathematics of cryptography: integer and modular arithmetic, linear congruence, Euclidean and extended Euclidean algorithm, Fermat's theorem, and Elliptic curve.
The results indicate that encryption has expanded beyond confidentiality concerns to include techniques for message integrity checking, sender/receiver identity authentication, digital signatures, interactive proofs, and secure computation.
Practical implications
The results of this research show that all forms of e‐commerce activities such as online credit card processing, purchasing stocks, and banking data processing, if compromised, would lead to businesses losing billions of dollars in lost revenues as well as losing confidence in e‐commerce. In the last few years, it had been reported that organizations that store and maintain customers' private and confidential records were compromised on many occasions by hackers breaking into the data networks and stealing the records from the storage media.
This paper tackles one of the most critical problems of securing data networks. Security problems arise among other things to resource and workload sharing; complexity of interconnected networks; authentication of users; fast expandability of networks; threats to networks such as wiretapping and violations of the seven pillars of security: authentication, authorization, privacy, integrity, non‐repudiation, availability, and audit.
Joseph S. Sherif and David P. Gilliam
The growth of Inter‐ and intranets and the sharing of software have led to a rise in the transmission of viruses, especially among the PC and MAC platforms. However, maintaining…
The growth of Inter‐ and intranets and the sharing of software have led to a rise in the transmission of viruses, especially among the PC and MAC platforms. However, maintaining virus protection software and pattern updates for any large organization is a monumental problem, especially when the organization supports multiple platforms and operating systems. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and other National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Centers have had problems maintaining current virus protection software and pattern files, and so NASA asked the JPL Network and Computer Security (NCS) Group to lead an effort to search for a comprehensive solution. This paper puts forward a study, analysis and recommendations concerning anti‐virus software solutions, problems encountered and their resolutions. One of the key issues was finding a single‐source anti‐virus software solution. Selection and deployment of single‐source anti‐virus software were successful. The lessons learned in the deployment of a software product site‐wide may benefit other organizations facing a similar situation.
William Lau, Pramod Pandya and Joseph S. Sherif
Corporations with multiple national and international sites rely on telecommunication services such as public switched telephone network (PSTN) to deal with their customers and…
Corporations with multiple national and international sites rely on telecommunication services such as public switched telephone network (PSTN) to deal with their customers and with vendors. Over the last few years, the cost of using PSTN for telecommunication has increased, thus adding considerable cost to business. The infrastructure of the internet is well placed now, and the continued growth of information technologies have made it cost effective to route voice calls over the internet, known as voice over internet protocol (VoIP). The purpose of this paper is to advance research, strategies and a predictive decision model that analyzes the cost of routing voice‐based traffic either via VoIP network or PSTN. This predictive decision model is based on the beta‐binomial distribution, and it computes the cost differential in tariff with respect to choice of routing the voice traffic between the VoIP network and the PSTN.
A call supported by the PSTN involves the establishment of an end‐to‐end circuit that is maintained for the duration of the call. A call supported by VoIP technology, by contrast, involves the transmission of many individual packets over an IP network. The cost of a VoIP call thus depends in part on the number and size of the packets that must be transmitted, i.e. the bandwidth required.
Great savings are realized when optimal number of calls would be routed through CCS vendors, as determined by the VoIP allocation model. The available bandwidth on the internet is capable of supporting VoIP at much cheaper rate than the expensive PSTN. Business could still buy into PSTN service if they require secured telecommunication services.
The paper tackles one of the most critical problems of minimizing the burden and costs of telecommunications by PSTN and VoIP.
Bhushan Kapoor and Joseph Sherif
While many organizations are starting to use business intelligence (BI) in many areas of their businesses and make substantial gains, they have taken little advantage of this in…
While many organizations are starting to use business intelligence (BI) in many areas of their businesses and make substantial gains, they have taken little advantage of this in the human resources (HR) management area. The purpose of this paper is to advance BI and data analytics technologies as precursors to the design of HR management protocols and database strategies.
The paper discusses the fact that the increasing prevalence of globalization is driven by a number of factors including growing consumers in developing countries, technological progress, and worldwide workforce diversity. HR departments of global companies must implement BI techniques and assemble global databases that obtain information such as employee's attrition and hiring, compensation and benefits, ethnic, gender, cultural, and nationality distributions. By applying advanced analytical techniques on the global database, human resources professionals will acquire intelligent business insight, predict changes and make informed decisions at operational and strategic levels.
The business environment is constantly evolving into a more complex system and with global competition, decision making in organizations has become increasingly intricate and convoluted. This creates challenges for global organizations' HR departments to manage a workforce diverse in cultures, time zones, expertise, benefits and compensations.
Practical implications
Only those multinational enterprises willing to adapt their human resource practices to the changing global labor market conditions will be able to attract and retain high performing employees. BI and data analytics can aid in making informed decisions based on knowledge extracted from the data and options at hand. Organizations that have successfully implemented BI are able to make decisions quickly and with more accuracy. They have better and faster access to the key activities and processes that the organizations and its functional departments must pursue to meet their goals and objectives.
The paper tackles one of the most critical problems of educating multinational enterprises to adapt their HR practices to the changing global labor market conditions. By incorporating BI and data analytics in the design of HRM protocols and database strategies they can attract, develop and retain high performing employees and succeed in the global business competition.
Rahul Bhaskar, Bhushan Kapoor and Joseph Sherif
This paper aims to analyze provisions in the existing US laws and government directives for deployment, vigilance and persistence in managing homeland security.
This paper aims to analyze provisions in the existing US laws and government directives for deployment, vigilance and persistence in managing homeland security.
Within about a year after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the US Congress passed various new laws and the executive branch of the government issued a series of directives to maintain domestic security. The approach of the study is to analyze the provisions of the laws and the directives with an aim of seeing how these will enable risk management considering that the resources are not unlimited.
The existing laws and directives enhance the ability of the USA to manage domestic incidents by establishing a single, comprehensive national incident management system. However, the major impediment to risk management is currently the lack of ability to share critical information among federal, state, local, tribal, public and private sector organizations. The government and private sectors should work together to form partnerships and to improve the flow of information. To make risk management processes truly effective, people need to be educated on their advantages and disadvantages so that they can use such tools appropriately to help them prioritize and allocate resources.
The paper advances research and strategies to manage homeland security and eliminate or at least reduce the risk of terrorist attacks.
Joseph S. Sherif, Rod Ayers and Tommy G. Dearmond
Organizations more often than not lack comprehensive security policies and are not adequately prepared to protect their systems against intrusions. This paper puts forward a…
Organizations more often than not lack comprehensive security policies and are not adequately prepared to protect their systems against intrusions. This paper puts forward a review of state of the art and state of the applicability of intrusion detection systems and models. The paper also presents a classification of literature pertaining to intrusion detection.