Francisca Orihuela-Gallardo, Mariluz Fernández-Alles and José Ruiz-Navarro
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the profile of cultural entrepreneurs (CE), in terms of their demographic characteristics and resources, on the…
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of the profile of cultural entrepreneurs (CE), in terms of their demographic characteristics and resources, on the performance of cultural and creative firms (CCFs).
Departing from demographic theory and resource-based view, two hypotheses have been formulated and empirically tested, using a multiple regression model, with a sample of 80 Spanish CCFs. The CCF performance has been measured through two objective (employment growth and profitability) and one subjective/perceptual measurements (satisfaction of the CE with the attainment of objectives).
With respect to the demographic variables, a negative relationship between the CE’s age and employment growth, and a partial positive influence of the CE’s prior experience on employment growth and the subjective measurement of performance have been found. Regarding to the CE’s resources, the empirical evidence shows that there is no direct relationship between the CE’s possession of any resources studied − financial, knowledge and social connections − and CCF performance.
This work makes three important contributions as it analyses the CE and focuses on CCF management, a topic little discussed in the entrepreneurship literature. Second, there is an analysis of some of the variables pertaining to the entrepreneur’s demographic profile that have been applied to top management teams and in a more or less isolated way in the entrepreneurship area. And, finally, a multidimensional measurement is used to explain the CCF performance.
El propósito de este artículo es analizar la influencia del perfil de los emprendedores culturales (EC), en relación a sus características demográficas y los recursos que posee, sobre el rendimiento de las empresas culturales y creativas (ECCs) creadas y dirigidas por ellos.
A partir de la Teoría Demográfica y la Teoría Basada en los Recursos, se han formulado dos hipótesis que han sido testadas empíricamente, usando un modelo de regresión múltiple, sobre una muestra de 80 ECCs españolas. Para medir el rendimiento de la ECC, se han utilizado dos medidas objetivas (crecimiento del empleo y rentabilidad) y una subjetiva (grado de satisfacción del EC con la consecución de los objetivos).
El estudio realizado pone de manifiesto, respecto a las variables demográficas, una relación negativa entre la edad del EC y el crecimiento del empleo, y una influencia positiva parcial de la experiencia previa del EC sobre el crecimiento del empleo y la medida subjetiva del rendimiento. En cuanto a los recursos del EC, nuestros resultados muestran que no existe relación directa entre la posesión de los recursos analizados —financieros, de conocimiento y sociales— y el rendimiento de la ECC.
Este trabajo realiza tres contribuciones importantes, ya que analiza la figura del CE, centrándose en la dirección de las ECCs, un tema poco estudiado en la literatura de emprendimiento. Se estudian algunas variables del perfil demográfico del emprendedor que han sido aplicadas a equipos de alta dirección y de manera más o menos aislada en el campo del emprendimiento. Y, finalmente, se utiliza una medida multidimensional para explicar el rendimiento de las ECCs.
Claudia Alvarez, David Urbano, Alicia Coduras and José Ruiz‐Navarro
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of environmental factors on entrepreneurship at the Spanish regional level, using institutional economics as the…
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of environmental factors on entrepreneurship at the Spanish regional level, using institutional economics as the theoretical framework for the research. Additionally, this work aims to emphasize how environmental conditions have different effects according to the gender of entrepreneurs.
Regional panel data (19 Spanish regions and the 2006‐2009 period) from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), specifically from the Spanish National Expert Survey (NES) for environmental conditions and the GEM Adult Population Survey (APS) for entrepreneurial activity were analysed within a fixed effects model with panel corrected standard errors.
The main findings of the study indicate that both informal (cultural and social norms, perception of opportunities to start‐up and entrepreneur social image) and formal factors (intellectual property rights) influence entrepreneurship, but the informal are more determinant than the formal. Concerning the gender issues, informal and formal institutions are also determinant, but female entrepreneurship is significantly associated with the women's support to start‐up, whereas primary and higher education are associated only with male entrepreneurial activity.
Research limitations/implications
The results of the research should be interpreted carefully, because the availability of data constrained the analysis to a time period that is not reflective of the economic cycle; on the contrary, the data correspond to a period of recession, and thus the results cannot be generalized. Also, the study could extend the analysed period and compare the obtained results with international data, considering the global number of participant countries in the GEM Project.
The study provides a methodology to analyse the environmental factors for new firm creation at a regional level, combining GEM data and institutional economics.
Leslier Valenzuela-Fernández, Carolina Nicolas and Jose M. Merigo
The purpose of this paper is to present a general overview of the most influential countries according to their scientific contributions in marketing for the 1990–2014 period. In…
The purpose of this paper is to present a general overview of the most influential countries according to their scientific contributions in marketing for the 1990–2014 period. In this bibliometric-based research, the authors generate a ranking of the 50 most influential nations according to the H-index and citations per paper, co-authorship, citation analysis and bibliographic coupling. The study provides a map that identifies the networks of researchers between countries.
The method used is bibliometric analysis. The relevant research in marketing was extracted from Web of Science Database Core Collection, during the 1990–2014 period; 29,947 published articles in 50 countries were obtained. The investigation used: H-index as the first criterion in creating the country ranking, number of articles (TP) as a proxy for the productivity of each country, the average citation per article (C/P) and the number of citations (TC) to express the influence of a country’s articles. In addition, the study adopts VOSviewer software to identify the collaboration networks of researchers between countries and the links between countries.
The results reveal a general level that 54 percent of countries have a category H-index greater than 20. In turn, the authors see a steady increase in the number of publications over the five-year periods. The first ten countries account for over 80 percent of all publications of the sample. The USA is presented here as the leader in all indicators and highlights the important role that China has been developing.
Research limitations/implications
Several limitations of the study result from the use of the Web of Science database. For example, each journal, author, university and/or country involved in a specific paper is considered a single unit. Therefore, in research papers with more than one author or with authors from different universities and/or countries, only the lead author is considered in the analysis. In addition, the study does not include new trends in publications between 2014 and 2018. However, there are other databases that could have been used such as: Scopus, Google Scholar, among others.
Practical implications
The findings are relevant for students, academics, organizations and governments, which may use this information for decision making on future research, identifying countries concerning the area and their relationships.
This paper shows progress and contribution of the most influential countries according to their scientific contribution in marketing during the period 1990–2014. This research is relevant because until now there has been no study with the sole purpose of ranking countries according to their marketing publications. In this sense, the study is useful to academics, publishers, educational institutions or other interested in marketing. The study provides a knowledge domain map that identifies the collaboration networks of researchers between countries and the links between countries.
Óscar Rodríguez‐Ruiz and José Fernández‐Menéndez
The aim of this paper is to monitor the scientific development of the intellectual capital (IC) field by analyzing the citation patterns of the IC articles published in ISI…
The aim of this paper is to monitor the scientific development of the intellectual capital (IC) field by analyzing the citation patterns of the IC articles published in ISI journals in the period 1997‐2007. Our research examines the extent to which citation is allocated according to a normative process of universalism or a social process defined by particularistic variables. The results of a regression analysis summarizing both approaches shows that some universalistic predictors of quality such as the impact factor of the journal and the accuracy of the articles are positively related to the number of citations. Thus, the field is slowly moving toward a more universalistic‐oriented discipline, and the practice of citing considering functionally irrelevant characteristics has a limited influence. It seems clear that IC is, more than a fashionable topic, a loose collection of ideas that is still developing its scientific paradigm.
Francisco J. Martínez-López, José M. Merigó, Leslier Valenzuela-Fernández and Carolina Nicolás
The European Journal of Marketing was created in 1967. In 2017, the journal celebrates its 50th anniversary. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a bibliometric…
The European Journal of Marketing was created in 1967. In 2017, the journal celebrates its 50th anniversary. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a bibliometric overview of the leading trends of the journal during this period.
This work uses the Scopus database to analyse the most productive authors, institutions and countries, as well as the most cited papers and the citing articles. The investigation uses bibliometric indicators to represent the bibliographic data, including the total number of publications and citations between 1967 and 2017. Additionally, the article also develops a graphical visualization of the bibliographic material by using the visualization of similarities viewer software to map journals, keywords and institutions with bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis.
British authors and institutions are the most productive in the journal, although Australians’ are growing significantly the number of papers published. Continental European institutions are also increasing the number of publications, but they are still far from reaching the British contribution so far. In the mid-term, however, these zone’s authors and institutions, especially those from big European countries like France, Germany, Italy and Spain, should reach a closer performance to British ones; more as less long, historic, but more recent periods of analysis are considered.
Practical implications
This article is useful for any reader of this journal to understand questions such as papers’ European Journal of Marketing-related scientific productivity in terms of, for instance, contributors/authors, institutions and countries, or the main sources used to back them.
This is the first comprehensive article offering a general overview of the leading trends and researchers of the journal over its history.
Carles Mulet-Forteza, Erika Lunn, José M. Merigó and Patricia Horrach
This study aims to present a bibliometric overview of articles published in the field of tourism, leisure and hospitality and analyzed by researchers mainly affiliated with…
This study aims to present a bibliometric overview of articles published in the field of tourism, leisure and hospitality and analyzed by researchers mainly affiliated with European institutions.
The authors conducted a bibliometric study of journals included in the Web of Science related to the field of tourism, leisure and hospitality in 2019. The review incorporates various techniques to determine the field’s structure from a scientific and intellectual perspective.
The results are valuable for several reasons. First, they will support researchers in identifying those topics with the greatest potential for advancing research in this field. Second, they will constitute an important aid in the design of new policies for journal publishers.
Practical implications
This study can lead to advances in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field, as it identifies the publication trends of researchers who are mainly affiliated with European institutions. It also offers useful information for practitioners and academics in their endeavor to identify gaps in the extant literature and future trends.
No other studies have analyzed this field for a period of this length.
Jose Luis Rivas and Mercedes Adamuz
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the differential effects that institutions have on country IPO activity.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the differential effects that institutions have on country IPO activity.
With a sample of 64 countries over a 15-year period (2000-2014), the authors test the variables rule of law, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity on subsamples of developed (27) and emerging (37) countries to explore their influence on domestic IPO activity level.
For developed countries, only uncertainty avoidance and masculinity are significant. Within emerging countries, it is uncertainty avoidance and rule of law that are significant.
Research limitations/implications
Using different country classification frameworks could yield more detailed and focused results on the influence that country-level variables have on IPO activity.
Practical implications
Multinational firms could use these findings for decisions related to their potential subsidiary IPOs.
This is a novel empirical work relating institutions to IPO activity, using emerging and developed country subsamples. It also focuses on IPO activity instead of IPO underpricing/performance and contributes to extend the scope of the IPO literature to global non-Anglo contexts.
Analizar los efectos diferenciales que las instituciones tienen en OPIs (ofertas públicas iniciales) a nivel país.
En una muestra de 64 países en un periodo de 15 anos (2000-14) probamos las variables: estado de derecho, aversión a la incertidumbre y masculinidad en submuestras de países: desarrollados (27) y emergentes (37) para explorar su influencia en el número de OPIs a nivel país.
En países desarrollados la aversión a la incertidumbre y masculinidad son significativas. Dentro de países emergentes, la aversión a incertidumbre y estado de derecho son significativas.
Limitantes investigación/Implicaciones
Usar diferentes métodos para clasificar países podría resultar en resultados mas detallados y enfocadas para entender la influencia que variables a nivel país tienen en el nivel de OPIs.
Implicaciones practicas
Empresas multinacionales podrían usar estos resultados para decisiones relacionadas a sus subsidiarias potenciales.
Este es un trabajo novedoso que relaciona a las instituciones con la actividad OPI usando submuestras de países desarrollados y emergentes. También se enfoca en actividad OPI en lugar de subvaluación/desempeño OPI y contribuye a extender la literatura OPI a contextos no anglo sajones.
Este artículo se pudo hacer gracias al apoyo parcial de la Asociación Mexicana de Cultura A.C.
OPIs, Emergentes, Desarrollados, Instituciones and Cultura
Analisar os efeitos diferenciais que as instituições têm na atividade de IPO (Oferta pública inicial en inglés) dos países.
Em uma amostra de 64 países em um período de 15 anos (2000-14). Testamos as variáveis: estado de direito, evitação de incerteza e masculinidade em subamostras de países desenvolvidos (27) e, emergentes (37) para explorar sua influência no nível de atividade doméstico do IPO.
Para os países desenvolvidos, apenas a evitação de incertezas e a masculinidade são significativas. Nos países emergentes, a evitação de incertezas e o estado de direito são significativos.
Limitações/implicações de pesquisa
O uso de diferentes estruturas de classificação de países poderia produzir resultados mais detalhados e focados na influência que as variáveis de nível de país têm na atividade de IPO.
Implicações práticas
As empresas multinacionais poderiam usar essas descobertas para decisões relacionadas a seus possíveis IPOs subsidiários.
Este é um novo trabalho empírico que relaciona instituições à atividade de IPO usando subamostras de países emergentes e desenvolvidos. Também se concentra na atividade de IPO, em vez da infravaloración/performance do IPO, e contribui para estender a literatura do âmbito IPO para os contextos globais não-anglo.
IPOs, Emergentes, Desenvolvidos, Instituições, Cultura
María-Elena Lindez-Macarro, Rocio Gallego-Losada, Antonio Montero-Navarro and José-Luis Rodríguez-Sánchez
The purpose of this review is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of financial fraud exploiting the elderly by mapping its evolution, identifying major metrics and discussing…
The purpose of this review is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of financial fraud exploiting the elderly by mapping its evolution, identifying major metrics and discussing directions for future research.
A bibliometric analysis was conducted, based on 434 articles retrieved from the Web of Science that represent the academic literature on the topic from 1995 to the first quarter of 2024. This paper analyses the antecedents of financial fraud exploiting the elderly, the publication trends and the most prolific countries, institutions, journals, research areas and authors. Bibliometric analyses based on co-citation and co-words explore the intellectual structure of the topic. A bibliographic coupling analysis reveals the hottest research trends in this field.
A significant increase in the number of publications in recent years shows the importance gained by this research stream. The bibliometric analysis identifies four clusters throughout the literature: differentiation of types of elder abuse; protection of the elderly from fraud; cognitive and decision-making capacity in ageing; and factors influencing fraud victimization of the eldest. The most recent research lines identified through bibliographic coupling focused on the contextual and personal antecedents of financial exploitation of the elderly, as well as the possible impact of interventions. Several key research gaps and additional suggestions for further studies, as well as action lines for the financial authorities and economic agents, are outlined.
This paper contributes to knowledge about financial fraud exploiting the elderly synthesizing the existing literature, stressing that the banking industry has to deal with such financial fraud in the context of a growing relevance of the silver economy.
Nelson A. Andrade-Valbuena, Jose M. Merigo-Lindahl and Sergio Olavarrieta S.
The remarkable concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted scholars’ attention for its relevance to a firm’s performance. Based on bibliometric and distance-based…
The remarkable concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted scholars’ attention for its relevance to a firm’s performance. Based on bibliometric and distance-based visualization of similarities (VOS) analysis, the purpose of this paper is to outline a broad-spectrum perspective of the structure of research in EO across more than 20 years of publications, identifying the most prominent journals, authors and articles in this field.
The paper uses the Web of Science Core Collection and the VOS viewer software. The analysis searches for all the documents connected to EO available in the database from 1976 to 2017. The graphical visualization maps the bibliographic data using both bibliographic coupling and co-citation data.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Journal, Journal of Business Venturing and Family Business Review are the most relevant journals in the field. Among the many important authors in the EO literature, key contributors are Lumpkin, Payne, Short, Covin, Dess and Wiklund. Three different streams of research are linked to the EO concept; strategy and entrepreneurship, family business and miscellaneous work in psychometrics, methods, marketing and knowledge/capability-based approaches to organizations.
This paper contributes to EO research by providing a global perspective on the concept’s investigation, using bibliometric data and graphical networks.
Yusra Qamar, Rakesh Kumar Agrawal, Taab Ahmad Samad and Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour
An original systematic review of the academic literature on applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the human resource management (HRM) domain is carried out to capture…
An original systematic review of the academic literature on applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the human resource management (HRM) domain is carried out to capture the current state-of-the-art and prepare an original research agenda for future studies.
Fifty-nine journal articles are selected based on a holistic search and quality evaluation criteria. By using content analysis and structural concept analysis, this study elucidates the extent and impact of AI application in HRM functions, which is followed by synthesizing a concept map that illustrates how the usage of various AI techniques aids HRM decision-making.
A comprehensive review of the AI-HRM domain’s existing literature is presented. A concept map is synthesized to present a taxonomical overview of the AI applications in HRM.
Research implications/limitations
An original research agenda comprising relevant research questions is put forward to assist further developments in the AI-HRM domain. An indicative preliminary framework to help transition toward ethical AI is also presented.
This study contributes to the literature through a holistic discussion on the current state of the domain, the extent of AI application in HRM, and its current and perceived future impact on HRM functions. A preliminary ethical framework and an extensive future research agenda are developed to open new research avenues.