Jorge Armando López-Lemus, María Teresa De la Garza Carranza, Monica Lucia Reyes-Berlanga and Jose Guadalupe Lopez-Lemus
This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.
This study aims to identify the influence exerted by the performance of human resources (HR) through effectiveness and efficiency in the success of business projects in Mexico.
The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory, observational and transversal, where a sample of 502 was used. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed using the statistical software AMOS v25 to test the hypothesis. SPSS v25 was used for data analysis. Regarding the goodness and fit indices of the SEM, χ2 = 388.83/df = 143; χ2/df = 2.71; p < 0.001; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.91; CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95; NFI = 0.94; IFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.05; RMR = 0.04; SRMR = 0.03, which turned out to be acceptable.
Through the results obtained through the SEM, it is shown that there is a positive and significant relationship between the performance of HR through their effectiveness (r = 0.65, p < 0.01) and efficiency (r = 0.64, p < 0.01) with respect to the success of the business projects. Likewise, the effectiveness of HR has a positive and significant influence on the efficiency (ß2 = 0.46; p < 0.001) and the success of business projects (ß3 = 0.89; p < 0.001) in Mexico. In the same way, efficiency positively and significantly influences the success of enterprises (ß4 = 0.35; p < 0.001) in Mexico.
Research limitations/implications
In this research, only the performance of the HR was assessed through efficiency and effectiveness as one of the variables that intervene in the development of the business project, and that is one of the main factors of analysis to achieve the success of the enterprise. In this sense, the results are limited to the extent that the findings can be generalized to business projects that are developed in different entities such as universities, incubators and other instances that promote the development of business projects and thereby guarantee success. In this sense, it is considered to carry out more research regarding these variables and others that can study the phenomenon and generate new scientific research.
Practical implications
HR performance is considered as one of the main factors that allow the success of business projects. However, some practical limitations are determined by the vision, strategies, as well as the orientation that entities such as universities, and incubators, among other organizations, determine to develop the business project and thus guarantee its success. Other practical implications lie in the leadership that the entrepreneur exercises in his/her work team and collaborators to generate synergy between them considering culture and identity, as well as the commitment to the business project.
The findings are relevant and of great value because they support entrepreneurship models, giving an alternative focus in the study to achieve success, specifically in the state of Guanajuato, which represents one of the main states that have with a greater number of ventures focused on the automotive, food, leather and footwear cluster, among other SMEs that promote business projects and is one of the main states of the Mexican Republic that contributes to the economic development of the region as well as the nation. Likewise, the study is relevant because there is currently not enough research focused on the variables analyzed on the success of business projects in the Mexican context.
Jorge Armando López-Lemus, María Teresa De la Garza Carranza, Quetzalli Atlatenco Ibarra and José Guadalupe López-Lemus
The objective of this research is to know the degree of influence that strategic planning (SP) exerts on the tangible and intangible results of business microenterprises in the…
The objective of this research is to know the degree of influence that strategic planning (SP) exerts on the tangible and intangible results of business microenterprises in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory, observational and cross-sectional, where a sample of 407 young leaders of microenterprises from the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, was obtained. To evaluate hypotheses, a structural equation model (SEM) was developed. Regarding the goodness and adjustment indices of the SEM, they were absolutely acceptable.
The results obtained through Pearson’s correlation show that there is a positive and significant relationship between SP and the tangible and intangible results of microenterprises. In addition, through the results obtained with the SEM model, it is statistically demonstrated that SP positively and significantly influences the tangible and intangible results of microenterprises in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Research limitations/implications
In this research, only SP was valued as a variable that intervenes in the process of achieving tangible and intangible results to achieve the business objectives of entrepreneurial microenterprises in the state of Guanajuato. It is essential to point out that other variables that intervene in the process must be considered to generate tangible and intangible results. It is recommended to carry out further research under these variables to identify strategies for improving entrepreneurial microenterprises for their growth, sustainability and rapid positioning in a highly competitive market.
Practical implications
SP represents one of the tools to achieve the success of microenterprises through tangible and intangible results. However, microenterprises show a need to involve the use and application of SP to define clear indicators that contribute to obtaining satisfactory tangible and intangible results.
The findings are relevant and of great value, because there is currently not enough research that focuses on the variables analyzed, in this sense, SP and the tangible and intangible results of young entrepreneurial leaders of microenterprises in the Mexican context. The limitations of this study lie in the low participation and interest of young microenterprise entrepreneurs in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer el grado de influencia que ejerce la planificación estratégica sobre los resultados tangibles e intangibles de las microempresas empresariales en el estado de Guanajuato, México.
Diseño y Metodología
El diseño metodológico fue cuantitativo, explicativo, observacional y transversal, donde se obtuvo una muestra de 407 jóvenes líderes de microempresas del estado de Guanajuato, México. Para evaluar hipótesis, se desarrolló un modelo de ecuación estructural (SEM). En cuanto a los índices de bondad y ajuste del SEM resultaron absolutamente aceptables.
Los resultados obtenidos mediante la correlación de Pearson muestran que existe una relación positiva y significativa entre la planificación estratégica y los resultados tangibles e intangibles de las microempresas. Además, a través de los resultados obtenidos a través del modelo SEM, se demuestra estadísticamente que la planificación estratégica influye positiva y significativamente en los resultados tangibles e intangibles de las microempresas del estado. de Guanajuato, México.
Implicaciones Prácticas
La planeación estratégica representa una de las herramientas para lograr el éxito de las microempresas a través de los resultados tangibles e intangibles. Sin embargo, las microempresas muestran necesidad en el involucramiento del uso y aplicación de la planeación estratégica para la definición de indicadores claros que contribuyan a obtener resultados tangibles e intangibles satisfactorios. En base a lo anterior, resulta ser motivante para los académicos, empresarios y legisladores para motivar el uso de la planificación estratégica en las microempresas debido a las bondades que atrae en garantizar el éxito de la microempresa como lo ha sugerido el Instituto del fracaso, así como también el Desarrollo de la Competitividad Empresarial. Asimismo, la planeación estratégica identifica y analiza los factores relevantes que pueden servir como apoyo a las microempresas así como a los diferentes modelos de emprendimiento que se desarrollan a través de la literatura, ofreciendo una alternativa en el enfoque de su estudio, mismos que se van ajustando a las nuevas tendencias que van surgiendo desde ámbitos nacionales como internacionales, y en particular, en el estado de Guanajuato (México) que representa uno de los estados importantes debido a su actividad económica en los sectores de agroindustria, manufactura (especialmente automotriz) y de servicios del país.
Los hallazgos son relevantes y de gran valor, pues actualmente no existe suficiente investigación que se enfoque en las variables analizadas, en este sentido, la planificación estratégica y los resultados tangibles e intangibles de jóvenes líderes emprendedores de microempresas en el contexto mexicano. Las limitaciones de este estudio radican en la baja participación e interés de los jóvenes emprendedores de microempresas del estado de Guanajuato. México
o objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer o grau de influência que o planejamento estratégico exerce sobre os resultados tangíveis e intangíveis das microempresas empresariais do estado de Guanajuato, México.
Desenho e Metodologia
O desenho metodológico foi quantitativo, explicativo, observacional e transversal, onde foi obtida uma amostra de 407 jovens líderes de microempresas do estado de Guanajuato, México. Para avaliar as hipóteses, foi desenvolvido um modelo de equações estruturais (SEM). Com relação aos índices de bondade e ajuste do SEM, eles foram absolutamente aceitáveis.
Os resultados obtidos por meio da correlação de Pearson mostram que existe uma relação positiva e significativa entre o planejamento estratégico e os resultados tangíveis e intangíveis das microempresas. Além disso, pelos resultados obtidos por meio do modelo SEM, é estatisticamente demonstrado que o planejamento estratégico influencia positiva e significativamente os resultados tangíveis e intangíveis das microempresas no estado. de Guanajuato, México.
Implicações práticas
O planejamento estratégico representa uma das ferramentas para alcançar o sucesso das microempresas por meio de resultados tangíveis e intangíveis. No entanto, as microempresas mostram a necessidade de envolver o uso e a aplicação do planejamento estratégico para definir indicadores claros que contribuam para a obtenção de resultados tangíveis e intangíveis satisfatórios. Com base no exposto, acaba sendo motivador para acadêmicos, empresários e legisladores motivar a utilização do planejamento estratégico nas microempresas pelos benefícios que atrai para garantir o sucesso da microempresa sugeridos pelo Instituto do Fracasso, também bem como o Desenvolvimento da Competitividade Empresarial. Da mesma forma, o planejamento estratégico identifica e analisa os fatores relevantes que podem servir de suporte às microempresas, bem como os diferentes modelos de empreendedorismo que se desenvolvem na literatura, oferecendo uma alternativa no foco de seu estudo, que são ajustando-se às novas tendências que estão surgindo nas esferas nacional e internacional, e em particular, no estado de Guanajuato (México) que representa um dos estados importantes pela sua atividade econômica no agronegócio, manufatura (especialmente automotiva) serviços do país.
Os achados são relevantes e de grande valor, uma vez que atualmente não há pesquisas suficientes que enfoquem as variáveisanalisadas, neste sentido, o planejamento estratégico e os resultados tangíveis e intangíveis de jovens líderes empreendedores de microempresas no contexto mexicano . As limitações deste estudo residem na baixa participação e interesse dos jovens empreendedores da microempresa no estado de Guanajuato. México