Emilio Ruzo, Fernando Losada, Antonio Navarro and José A. Díez
The purpose of this paper is to use the resource‐based view (RBV) to analyze the influence of the resources available for the export activity (deriving from the firm's size…
The purpose of this paper is to use the resource‐based view (RBV) to analyze the influence of the resources available for the export activity (deriving from the firm's size, experience and structure) and the international marketing strategy on export performance.
A sample of Spanish companies is analyzed using logit modeling.
The results show that the resources available are essential antecedents of the type of export strategy chosen by the firm to compete in international markets and of its export performance. Likewise, although the international expansion strategy adopted does not affect export performance, the decision about whether to standardize or adapt the marketing‐mix elements does have an impact.
The paper tries to solve the problem arising from the contradictory results on the effect of export performance antecedents using the RBV as theoretical foundation. With that purpose, the authors analyze jointly the factors proposed as potential determinants in this research.
Urbi Garay, Eduardo Pérez, Jose Casanova and Michelle Kratohvil
The price of a painting is determined by multiple variables, including color-related variables. Colors are important in an economic analysis. This study aims to analyze the…
The price of a painting is determined by multiple variables, including color-related variables. Colors are important in an economic analysis. This study aims to analyze the paintings executed by Jean-Michel Basquiat (the famous street artist from the 1980s' New York City) and sold at auction to study the potential effect of color intensity, luminosity and color contrast on the prices of his paintings. The authors also study the case of the op art master, Carlos Cruz-Diez, as a robustness analysis to the main results. The analysis that the authors present may be of interest to academicians and to participants in the art market.
The authors run a hedonic regression model considering 306 paintings (executed by Basquiat alone), and 41 works painted collaboratively between Basquiat and Warhol and sold at auction (2003–2017). The data and the images corresponding to each painting were hand-collected from the websites of several auction houses and complemented with information obtained from the Artprice and Blouin websites.
Increases in color intensity, luminosity and color contrast have a positive effect on art prices. The authors also find that color intensity is even more recognized (as reflected by higher prices) for paintings belonging to Basquiat's most appreciated (understood as most expensive) artistic period (1980–1983) and during the second part of the sample period (2011–2017). The authors find similar results for Cruz-Diez. The authors also estimate that Basquiat's artworks made collaboratively with Andy Warhol are worth 55% less than those made only by Basquiat. An investment in Basquiat's paintings generated an average annual compounded return of 16.81% (2003–2017), clearly overperforming the S&P 500.
Research limitations/implications
The main limitation of the hedonic regression method lies in the need to have a significant and varied sample to identify the true effect of each variable on the price of the good. Another limitation is that we are only able to use art prices from auctions, as this is the only comprehensive source of data that is publicly available. These two limitations are common to all studies that use the hedonic pricing model. This paper has implications not only for the art pricing (and more generally, asset pricing) literature, but also for the fields of psychology and marketing.
This is the first paper that highlights the importance of analyzing the price impact of color intensity throughout the artistic periods of a painter, finding that color intensity is even more appreciated (as reflected by higher prices) for paintings belonging to an artist's most recognized period. In the case of color contrast, the authors present a novel way to estimate this variable.
El precio de una pintura está determinado por múltiples variables, incluidas las relacionadas con el color. Los colores son importantes en el análisis económico. En este trabajo, se analizan las obras realizadas por Jean-Michel Basquiat (el famoso artista callejero latino de la escena artística neoyorquina de los años 80) y vendidas en subasta, para estudiar el efecto potential que la intensidad del color, la luminosidad y el contraste de sus pinturas pueden tener sobre sus precios También estudiamos el caso del maestro de op-art, Carlos Cruz-Diez, como análisis de robustez a nuestros principales resultados. El análisis que presentamos puede ser de interés tanto para académicos como para participantes del mercado del arte.
Realizamos un modelo de regresión hedónica considerando 306 obras (pintadas solo por Basquiat), y 41 obras realizadas de manera colaborativa entre Basquiat y Warhol y vendidas en subasta (2003–2017). Los datos y las imágenes correspondientes a cada obra fueron recolectados a mano de los sitios web de varias casas de subastas y complementados con información de los sitios web de Artprice y Blouin.
Incrementos en la intensidad, luminosidad y contraste del color (variable para la que proponemos una nueva medida), inciden positivamente en los precios del arte. También encontramos que la intensidad del color es aún más reconocida (como se refleja en los precios más altos en las subastas) para pinturas pertenecientes al período artístico más apreciado de Basquiat (1980–1983), entendido como el más caro, y durante la segunda parte del período muestral (2011–2017). Además, hallamos resultados similares para Cruz-Diez. De igual forma, estimamos que las obras de arte de Basquiat realizadas en colaboración con Andy Warhol valen un 55% menos que las realizadas solo por Basquiat. Una inversión en las pinturas de Basquiat generó un rendimiento compuesto anual promedio del 16,81% (2003–2017), claramente superando el rendimiento total del índice S&P 500.
Limitaciones de la investigación/implicaciones
La principal limitación del método de regresión hedónica radica en la necesidad de contar con una muestra significativa y variada para identificar el verdadero efecto de cada variable sobre el precio del bien en estudio. Otra limitación consiste en que solo es posible utilizar los precios de las obras de arte que son vendidas en subastas, ya que esta es la única fuente completa de datos que está disponible públicamente. Estas dos limitaciones son comunes a todos los estudios que utilizan el modelo de precios hedónicos. El artículo tiene implicaciones no solo para la literatura sobre precios de arte (y, más en general, sobre los precios de los activos), sino también para la literatura sobre psicología y mercadeo, en donde el estudio del impacto de los colores en las emociones y en el atractivo de un producto son de suma importancia.
Este es el primer estudio que destaca la importancia de analizar el impacto en precios de la intensidad del color a lo largo de los períodos artísticos de un pintor, debido a que se determinó que la intensidad de color es aún más apreciada (como se refleja en los precios más altos en las subastas), para las pinturas pertenecientes al período artístico más reconocido de un artista. En el caso del contraste de color, se propuso y utilizó una forma novedosa de estimar esta variable.
María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, César Ignacio García Osorio, José Francisco Díez-Pastor and Luis Jorge Martín Antón
Recent research in higher education has pointed out that personalized e-learning through the use of learning management systems, such as Moodle, improves the academic results of…
Recent research in higher education has pointed out that personalized e-learning through the use of learning management systems, such as Moodle, improves the academic results of students and facilitates the detection of at-risk students.
A sample of 124 students following the Degree in Health Sciences at the University of Burgos participated in this study. The objectives were as follows: to verify whether the use of a Moodle-based personalized e-learning system will predict the learning outcomes of students and the use of effective learning behaviour patterns and to study whether it will increase student satisfaction with teaching practice.
The use of a Moodle-based personalized e-learning system that included problem-based learning (PBL) methodology predicted the learning outcomes by 42.3 per cent, especially with regard to the results of the quizzes. In addition, it predicted effective behavioural patterns by 74.2 per cent. Increased student satisfaction levels were also identified through the conceptual feedback provided by the teacher, arguably because it facilitated a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Research limitations/implications
The results of this work should be treated with caution, because of the sample size and the specificity of the branch of knowledge of the students, as well as the design type. Future studies will be directed at increasing the size of the sample and the diversity of the qualifications.
Learning methodology in the twenty-first century has to be guided towards carefully structured work from the pedagogic point of view in the learning management systems allowing for process-oriented feedback and PBL both included in personalized e-learning systems.
Beatriz Forés and José María Fernández-Yáñez
The purpose of this study is to identify how firms' sustainability performance is affected by external knowledge sources and absorptive capacity, accounting for the influence of…
The purpose of this study is to identify how firms' sustainability performance is affected by external knowledge sources and absorptive capacity, accounting for the influence of being located in a science and technology park (STP).
Drawing on data from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel, the authors estimate the determinants of sustainability performance using fixed effects multiple linear regression models with robust standard errors. The analysis covers the period 2009–2016, with a total panel of 8,874 companies and a total sample of 47,870 observations.
This study highlights the heterogeneity in on-park firms’ sustainability performance, which can be explained by the different capacities of these firms when it comes to embedding themselves in STP networks and processes and effectively absorbing the knowledge from the many knowledge sources that may be on offer in the park.
This paper contributes to the literature by examining the influence of external sources of knowledge and absorptive capacity, and the relationship between them, on sustainability performance. This study approaches sustainability performance as an aggregate measure of firms’ competitiveness and potential for long-term survival from the triple bottom line perspective. In addition, this study examines the effect that location in an STP can have on business sustainability performance and, more specifically, the mediating effect that knowledge sources and absorptive capacity can exert on this relationship.
Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Juan Antonio Antonio Márquez García, García-Chamizo F. and Ronald Rojas-Alvarado
The purpose of this study is to explore and conducts a critical literature review to answer a fundamental question in the industrial district literature: are clusters and…
The purpose of this study is to explore and conducts a critical literature review to answer a fundamental question in the industrial district literature: are clusters and industrial (clusters/IDs) driving sustainability innovation? By intersecting different yet related strands of literature, the authors take stock of what the authors know about sustainability innovation in clusters/IDs.
This paper reviews the literature for conceptualizing sustainability innovation in clusters/districts.
Insights point out that the sustainability innovation process (development and diffusion) in clusters/IDs and their firms couples into mainstream cluster/IDs framework; clusters/IDs enable sustainability innovation through usual mechanisms, fostering collective change toward sustainability innovation, vis-à-vis other settings and strengthening firm sustainability innovation and performance. Sustainability innovation in clusters/IDs requires coupling different multi-scalar institutional systems effectively, and the cooperation of local organizations and policymakers for co-designing dedicated policies. Collective actions are important and firm heterogeneity needs to be considered in the clusters/IDs framework.
This study is original because it provides state-of-the-art on sustainability innovation in clusters/districts, enabling the topic to advance in this direction.
Antonio De Lucas Ancillo, Sorin Gavrila Gavrila, José Raúl Fernández del Castillo Díez and Juan Corro Beseler
Existing studies are scarce, especially on the Industry 4.0 application to firms' innovation and competitiveness, and even more on the application to LATAM and Spanish SMEs. This…
Existing studies are scarce, especially on the Industry 4.0 application to firms' innovation and competitiveness, and even more on the application to LATAM and Spanish SMEs. This paper tries to fill this gap by explaining the results of applying a systematic model, to understand which are the SMEs' strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Industry 4.0 transformation.
A systematic methodology involving documentation analysis, visits to the companies, interviews with employees and managers, making a preliminary diagnosis, crossing their needs with the enablers that can apply. The fieldwork was carried out during a two month period (2019), on a target sample of 22 SMEs operating under industrial productive activity already exporting or planning their internationalization toward LATAM regions.
There are relevant barriers that need to be overcome in order to enter Industry 4.0 and, in this specific analysis, the following major classification was obtained: (1) Technological barrier, (2) Training barrier, (3) Economic barrier and (4) Contextual barrier.
This paper provides new insights and sets a starting point regarding LATAM and Spanish’ Industry 4.0 situation, while contributing to the SMEs competitiveness by providing deeper understanding of the barriers and limitations in adopting Industry 4.0, pointing out some implications and suggestions for organizations to implement.
Propósito/Objetivos del trabajo
Los estudios existentes son escasos, especialmente sobre la aplicación de la Industria 4.0 a la innovación y competitividad de las empresas, y más aún sobre la aplicación a las PYMEs de LATAM y españolas. Este trabajo trata de llenar este vacío explicando los resultados de un modelo sistemático, para entender cuáles son sus fortalezas y debilidades en la transformación hacía la Industria 4.0.
Este modelo sistemático involucra el análisis de documentación, visitas a las empresas, entrevistas con empleados y directivos, realizando un diagnóstico previo, cruzando sus necesidades con los habilitadores que pueden aplicar. El trabajo de campo se ha realizado durante un periodo de dos meses (2019), sobre una muestra potencial de 22 PYMEs que operan bajo actividad productiva industrial y que ya exportan o planean su internacionalización hacia las regiones de LATAM.
Existen barreras relevantes que deben ser superadas para implementar la Industria 4.0 y, en este análisis específico, se identificaron: (1) Barreras tecnológicas; (2) Barreras formativas; (3) Barreras económicas; y (4) Barreras contextuales.
Este trabajo proporciona nuevas perspectivas y establece un punto de partida sobre la situación de la Industria 4.0 en las PYMEs LATAM y españolas, apoyando la competitividad al proporcionar una comprensión más profunda de las barreras y limitaciones en su implementación, al tiempo que señala algunas implicaciones y sugerencias para las organizaciones a implementar.
María Muñoz Sanz-Agero and Carl Antonius Lemke Duque
This study provides a new look at the late 19th-century university issue in Spain. Loss of self-government among universities and the state’s centralization brought a conflict…
This study provides a new look at the late 19th-century university issue in Spain. Loss of self-government among universities and the state’s centralization brought a conflict between science and religion to the fore in the process of the secularization of knowledge.
We first delve into the anti-Darwinian framework associated with the scientific professionalization process, focusing on the case of the jurist Antonio Hernández Fajarnés (1851–1909). Secondly, we study the idea of the university that emerged from the Ateneo de Madrid, analyzing key speeches from the jurist Francisco Fernández de Henestrosa (1855–s.d.) given in 1887/88 and from the pharmacist José Rodríguez Carracido (1856–1928).
The study concludes that the Restoration Era in Spain was characterized by a generalized desire – shared by neo-Scholastics, conservatives and liberal rationalists – to improve the public university system. In this context, French influence was no doubt decisive; however, the Humboldtian university idea had already begun to have notable influence.
This article analyzes sources yet unknown to international research, such as the Ateneo de Madrid debates and Spanish university rectors’ inaugural speeches. It opens up a critical examination of the so-called displacement of educational principles in Spain toward a state-centered system of doctrinal moderantismo as opposed to the nation-centered system of the Cádiz liberalism. At the same time, it identifies key pockets of resistance relative to Spanish university transformation toward increased methodological secularization.
José-Luis Godos-Díez, Laura Cabeza-García, Almudena Martínez-Campillo and Roberto Fernández-Gago
Despite the relevance of firm size in the analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement, there is still much to know about the specific impact of firm size on CSR…
Despite the relevance of firm size in the analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement, there is still much to know about the specific impact of firm size on CSR formalisation. Moreover, in order to better understand such a relation, the interaction effects of development strategies on which companies may base its growth, namely diversification and internationalisation, will be also taken into account. Specifically, this work contributes to shed light on these issues by combining theories related to external and internal drivers of CSR. Using a sample of Spanish listed firms, the results show that firm size affects positively CSR formalisation, and that this effect is stronger in the case of adopting a diversification strategy, while no evidence was found for the moderating effect of internationalisation strategy.
Unai Ortega Lasuen, Maria Arritokieta Ortuzar Iragorri and Jose Ramon Diez
This paper aims to present the results of a study aimed at performing a first diagnosis of energy literacy and energy use in a Faculty of Education, by means of identifying energy…
This paper aims to present the results of a study aimed at performing a first diagnosis of energy literacy and energy use in a Faculty of Education, by means of identifying energy consumption patterns, as well as energy literacy and commitments regarding energy transition. This diagnosis is the basis for establishing the foundations of a path toward energy transition in the faculty and further designing energy saving and education strategies.
Quantitative and qualitative data were collected in a mixed-method approach. A survey was arranged to assess the attitudes, habits and knowledge regarding the current energy system within the community of the Faculty (407 responses). Comparisons among the main collectives that make up the community were performed, i.e. students, teaching and research staff and management and services staff. In parallel, the general electric consumption of the faculty was monitored. The results of these diagnostics were presented at several forums and workshops on energy transition held in the faculty where personal commitments in favor of energy transition were gathered and further categorized (105 initiatives).
Positive attitudes toward energy saving were observed, reflecting in different generic habits. Additionally, some belief or hope for a technological solution for current and future energy problems was detected, as well as a lower level of implication or commitment when specifying personal attitudes. Similarly, widespread ignorance of the current energy context was revealed, regarding both the energy system and household energy consumption. Concerning the undertaking of personal commitments, low impact energy saving habits prevailed, and knowledge was not identified as being a necessary element of energy saving education in attitudes and habits.
Practical implications
This research provides relevant information for the design of educational interventions to promote energy literacy in higher education institutions.
The survey provides valuable insights regarding future educators’ and their current teachers’ energy literacy in a challenging energy context. The lack of general knowledge about the energy context in the community, together with the limited impact of the commitments gathered among students, stresses the need for integration of basic energy contents, both within education degrees and the management strategy of the faculty.
Jose Antonio Belso-Martinez and Isabel Diez-Vial
This paper aims to explain how the evolution of knowledge networks and firms’ strategic choices affect innovation. Endogenous factors associated with a path-dependent evolution of…
This paper aims to explain how the evolution of knowledge networks and firms’ strategic choices affect innovation. Endogenous factors associated with a path-dependent evolution of the knowledge network are jointly considered with a firm’s development of international relationships and increasing internal absorptive capacity over time.
In a biotech cluster, the authors gathered data on the firms’ characteristics and network relationships by asking about the technological knowledge they received in the cluster in 2007 and 2012 – “roster-recall” method. Estimation results were obtained using moderated regression analysis.
Firms that increase their involvement in knowledge networks over time also tend to increase their innovative capacity. However, efforts devoted to building international links or absorptive capacity negatively moderate the impact of network growth on innovation.
Practical implications
Practitioners have two alternative ways of increasing innovation inside knowledge networks: they can increase their centrality by developing their knowledge network interactions or invest in developing their internal absorptive capacity and new international sources of knowledge. Investing in both of these simultaneously does not seem to improve a firm’s innovative capacity.
Coupling firms’ strategic options with knowledge network dynamics provide a more complete way of explaining how firms can improve their innovative capacity.