María Jesús Yáñez-Galdames, José A. Alfaro-Tanco and Elena Gutiérrez-García
This study aims to identify the main barriers and drivers that influence the role of communication in open innovation (OI) activities, and how these can support and enhance the…
This study aims to identify the main barriers and drivers that influence the role of communication in open innovation (OI) activities, and how these can support and enhance the innovative capacity of companies in the automotive industry. In order to get this, we carry out in an assembly plant of an automotive firm.
An action research study is carried out with the participation of the researchers, the Innovation and Communication managers of the assembly plant and four external stakeholders who have participated in OI dynamics carried out by the company.
It is observed that collaborative practices are integrated within the culture of the assembly plant. This is carried out according to the specific needs of the company, which limits the specificity of the stakeholders with which it collaborates. In terms of communication, the proposed functions are evidenced in practice. However, it is advisable to systematize these functions and to acquire, in the case of communication professionals, specific skills to support the integration of open practices.
Although studies exist that analyze OI in the automotive process, none have focused on how communication may help reinforce it. In addition, this study shows how communication may play a significant role in an assembly plant where research and development activities may not be important. Thus, the contribution of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it enriches the literature on OI; on the other hand, it proposes policies to improve the performance of OI practices by involving communication at all stages.
A gestão da inovação aberta (IA) sob uma perspectiva comunicativa tem sido um tema pouco estudado. Entretanto, estudos anteriores revelam que a comunicação poderia contribuir para a integração da dinâmica aberta, preparando as organizações para sua adoção. Por meio de um estudo realizado em uma montadora de veículos da indústria automotiva, temos por objetivo identificar as principais barreiras e os fatores determinantes que influenciam o papel da comunicação nas atividades de inovação aberta e como eles podem apoiar e melhorar a capacidade inovadora das empresas na indústria automotiva.
Um estudo de pesquisa-ação é realizado com a participação dos pesquisadores, dos gerentes de inovação e comunicação da montadora e representantes de quatro entidades externas que participaram da dinâmica de OI realizada pela empresa. As perspectivas destas partes interesadas sobre o papel que a comunicação tem e poderia ter na gestão da inovação na indústria nos permitem desenvolver uma nova proposta de comunicação com cinco funções comunicativas que poderão ajudar as empresas a lidar com os desafios da inovação aberta.
Observa-se que as práticas colaborativas estão integradas dentro da cultura organizacional da montadora. Em termos de colaboração, isto é realizado de acordo com as necessidades específicas da matriz, o que somado ao contexto da montadora limita o número e a especificidade das partes interessadas com as quais ela colabora. Em termos de comunicação, as funções propostas são evidenciadas na prática. Entretanto, é possível identificar a necessidade de formalizar e sistematizar estas funções e adquirir, no caso dos profissionais de comunicação, habilidades específicas para apoiar a integração de práticas abertas propostas pela IA.
Embora existam estudos que analisam a IA no processo automotivo, nenhum deles se concentrou em como a comunicação pode ajudar a reforçá-la. Além disso, mostramos como a comunicação pode desempenhar um papel significativo em uma montadora onde as atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento podem não ser importantes. Portanto, a contribuição deste estudo é dupla. Por um lado, enriquece a literatura sobre IA e, por outro lado, propõe políticas para melhorar o desempenho das práticas de IA, envolvendo a comunicação em todas as etapas.
Identificar las principales barreras y facilitadores que influyen en el papel de la comunicación en las actividades de innovación abierta en el contexto específico de una planta de ensamblaje en la industria de automoción.
Se lleva a cabo un estudio de investigación de acción, en el que investigadores y profesionales emprenden un proyecto en una planta de ensamblaje de automóviles. Ambos definen objetivos duales, y se describen las etapas de la metodología de investigación en acción. Dentro de este estudios, la recolección de información se realiza a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas.
Se observa que las prácticas colaborativas se integran dentro de la cultura de la planta ensambladora. Esto se lleva a cabo de acuerdo con las necesidades específicas de la empresa, lo que limita la especificidad de los grupos de interés con los que colabora. En términos de comunicación, las funciones propuestas se evidencian en la práctica. Sin embargo, es recomendable sistematizar estas funciones y adquirir, en el caso de los profesionales de la comunicación, habilidades específicas para apoyar la integración de prácticas abiertas.
Aunque existen estudios que analizan la IA en automoción, el doble análisis de la comunicación y la planta de ensamblaje es original dentro del ámbito de esta literatura. La creación de un marco de referencia propio para este contexto puede ayudar a las empresas a determinar los aspectos claves para que la IA tenga una mayor relevancia en este tipo de plantas. Cabe destacar también que la utilización de la metodología de investigación en acción aporta un valor añadido y originalidad, en cuanto que fomenta las relaciones colaborativas empresa-universidad.
Maria Isabel Rodriguez Ferradas, José A. Alfaro Tanco and Francesco Sandulli
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevant factors that influence the implementation of innovation contests, an open innovation (OI) practice that has been extensively…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevant factors that influence the implementation of innovation contests, an open innovation (OI) practice that has been extensively reported in the literature as a managerial tool for external knowledge search. The authors focus the study on the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The approach is a retrospective case study. This methodology allows an in-depth view into a Spanish SME that successfully undertook two new product development processes thanks to the deployment of innovation contests.
The main context factors influencing innovation contests as managerial tool are ambidexterity, technological and marketing turbulence and intermediaries, among others. Regarding design factors, this work highlights the role of attraction and facilitation. Additionally, the repetitive implementation of innovation contests creates a corporate culture that promotes OI activities.
Practical implications
Managers will understand that they can use innovation contests as a managerial tool, and knowing the factors that need to be taken into account when implementing an innovation contest will help SMEs managers to make better use of this practice.
This case study enriches the literature of both innovation contests and topics relevant to SMEs. Based on a theoretical framework of the design factors that influence the implementation of innovation contests, the authors propose a research framework that incorporates those context factors in association with an SME.
Jesús F. Lampón, Guillermo Pérez-Elizundia and José Alfredo Delgado‐Guzmán
This study examines the motives and enabling factors regarding reverse factoring (RF) adoption in the automobile industry's supply chain.
This study examines the motives and enabling factors regarding reverse factoring (RF) adoption in the automobile industry's supply chain.
This is a qualitative case study based on in-depth interviews with financial institutions in two countries having different statuses within the automobile industry global value chain: Mexico as a peripheral and Spain as a semi-peripheral country.
The RF is more widely deployed in Spain than in Mexico. The differences in the adoption of RF between the two countries stem from the availability of programs for suppliers at different supply levels, their efficient implementation and a robust regulatory framework, but especially from the cooperative approach adopted. The motives and enablers of RF adoption in the automobile industry can be explained under a framework of different supply chain management models. The RF programs driven by self-interest financial motives are characterized by an asymmetric distribution of benefits among supply chain participants. The RF programs that combine self-interest with cooperative motives are partially characterized by balanced benefits. In addition, they favor involvement practices and strengthen long-term relationships among supply chain participants. In this cooperative approach, trust, transparency and especially sharing information are considered relevant enablers. Finally, the specific automobile industry's features that determine RF adoption are linked to the structure and governance mode of the supply chain. The structure in terms of length – multiple supply levels – conditions the design of RF programs based on the buyer's position in the supply chain. The governance mode, particularly how the relationships are established, conditions the factors and requisites for efficient adoption of the RF programs.
This research analyzes the RF framed in the dynamics of buyer–supplier relationships and different models of supply chain management, allowing us to identify cooperation motives and their impact on RF adoption, beyond the traditional economic and financial motives highlighted by previous literature.
Ignacio Odriozola-Fernández, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent and José M. Merigó-Lindahl
The open innovation (OI) paradigm suggests that firms should use inflows and outflows of knowledge in order to accelerate innovation and leverage markets. Literature examining how…
The open innovation (OI) paradigm suggests that firms should use inflows and outflows of knowledge in order to accelerate innovation and leverage markets. Literature examining how firms are adopting OI practices is rich; notwithstanding, little research has addressed this topic from the perspective of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Given the relevance of SMEs in worldwide economies, the purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of research on OI in SMEs.
In total, 112 academic articles were selected from the Web of Science database. Following a bibliometric analysis, the most relevant authors, journals, institutions and countries are presented. Additionally, the main areas these articles cover are summarized.
Results are consistent in that the most prolific authors are affiliated with the universities leading the ranking of institutions. However, it is remarkable that top authors in this field do not possess a large number of publications on OI in SMEs, but combine this research topic with other related ones. At the country level, European countries are on the top together with South Korea.
Research limitations/implications
Despite following a rigorous method, other relevant documents not included in the selected databases might have been ignored.
Practical implications
This paper outlines the main topics of interest within this area: impact of OI on firm performance and on organizations’ structure, OI as a mechanism to hasten new product development, the analysis of the inbound/outbound dimensions of OI, and legal issues related to intellectual property right management when OI is implemented.
The study uses a combination of bibliometric indicators with a literature review.
Alfonso Expósito, José Fernández-Serrano and Francisco Liñán
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of open innovation (OI) cooperation strategies on innovation outcomes of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), considering…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of open innovation (OI) cooperation strategies on innovation outcomes of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), considering the mediating effect of firm age. The data come from six Spanish regions in the period 2009–2011. The authors analyse the impacts of two different types of innovation cooperation (with market and institutional agents) on four types of innovation outcomes: product, process, organisational and marketing.
The analytical method is based on logit regressions in order to assess the impact of OI variables on SMEs’ innovation outcomes. The regressions include a number of control variables related to the characteristics of the business, the entrepreneur and the environment.
The empirical results show that OI plays a significant role in explaining the innovation outcome of SMEs. Firm age is found to moderate this relationship. R&D cooperation with market agents exhibits the highest relationship to innovation, while the impact of institutional cooperation is comparatively lower.
There are few studies on OI addressing OI practices in SMEs. This research contributes to shedding light on the role of OI in innovation processes in SMEs. It also shows how this relationship changes depending on the partner, the type of innovation and the age of the firm.
Nor Aida Abdul Rahman, Aidi Ahmi, Luai Jraisat and Arvind Upadhyay
This research aims to shed light on the trend of humanitarian supply chain (HSC) studies in the era of pre, during and post coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic…
This research aims to shed light on the trend of humanitarian supply chain (HSC) studies in the era of pre, during and post coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic outbreaks. This study provides comprehensive bibliometric mapping published in the 21 top vintage sources globally providing detailed metadata on HSC articles. The manuscript objectives are threefold: to explore the documents that are published in the field of humanitarian logistics and supply chain; second, to identify details of articles in humanitarian logistics and supply chain and thirdly, to explore research the critical area published in the HSC in pre, during and post era of pandemic COVID-19.
This research adopts bibliometric analysis of HSC studies using the Biblioshiny, a shiny app for the Bibliometrix R package. The tool employed in this study decodes the data extracted from the Scopus database to various visualized forms. The review of the HSC studies in this research covers all related publications from 2006 to early 2022. The record of the article was scanned and refined accordingly.
A multi perspectives of HSC studies were explored, discussed and identified. The bibliometric analysis findings offer significant information on the current and future trend publications in the area of humanitarian logistics and supply chain. Additionally, it also provides significant information on the highly cited documents in humanitarian logistics and supply chain studies, most productive contributors, keywords analysis findings, most productive countries and sources, network analysis data on co-occurrence network and themes mapping information in the field of humanitarian logistics supply chain before and after pandemic COVID-19.
Research limitations/implications
A multi-perspective of HSC studies was explored only within the online Scopus database. It excludes other articles published in other databases. Future research could explore related articles published in other recognized databases.
Practical implications
Practitioners can use multi perspectives findings from pre, during and post-pandemic COVID-19 issues discussed in this paper to get new insight and perception of the issue to facilitate their current and future operation and strategy.
To the best of the researchers’ knowledge, this is the first bibliometric study to analyze the trend of HSC studies using Biblioshiny focusing on pre, during and post COVID-19 pandemic. The review highlights annual publication trends, most productive authors, most cited papers, most productive countries, most productive institutions and most productive sources, which leads to a number of future research agendas for future studies.