María Engracia Rochina-Barrachina and Jorge Antonio Rodríguez
The purpose of this paper is to study which are the drivers of different types of innovations for manufacturing firms. The considered innovation types are product, process…
The purpose of this paper is to study which are the drivers of different types of innovations for manufacturing firms. The considered innovation types are product, process, organizational and marketing innovations. In addition, this study also aims to understand why most types of innovation (with the exception of organizational innovation) have decreased over time.
The two non-overlapping waves of the Ecuadorian National Innovation Activities Survey 2013 and 2015 (NIAS) are used. To identify the determinants of the different types of innovations and to check whether the decisions to innovate are correlated, a tetravariate probit model is used.
The results obtained point to some relevant differences in terms of the drivers of the different types of innovation. In addition, it is also evident that with the passage of time, certain problems that may be reducing the incentives to innovate have become more acute.
The study adds new empirical evidence to the literature on the role of investments in incorporated technology in innovation in developing countries. In particular, for Ecuadorian firms, the acquisition of incorporated technology in capital goods seems to be very relevant. This highlights the existence of a supply-driven innovation strategy. However, there is also room for innovation strategies driven by demand conditions.
El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar cuáles son los impulsores de los diferentes tipos de innovaciones para las empresas manufactureras. Los tipos de innovación considerados son las innovaciones de producto, proceso, organizativas y de marketing. Además, este estudio también pretende comprender por qué la mayoría de los tipos de innovación (con la excepción de la innovación organizativa) han disminuido con el tiempo.
Se utilizan las dos olas de la Encuesta Nacional de Actividades de Innovación de Ecuador 2013 y 2015 (NIAS). Para identificar los determinantes de los diferentes tipos de innovaciones y para verificar si las decisiones de innovación están correlacionadas, se utiliza un modelo probit tetravariante.
Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a algunas diferencias relevantes en términos de los impulsores de los diferentes tipos de innovación. Además, también es evidente que con el paso del tiempo ciertos problemas que pueden estar reduciendo los incentivos a innovar se han agudizado.
El estudio agrega nueva evidencia empírica a la literatura sobre el papel de las inversiones en tecnología incorporada en la innovación en los países en desarrollo. En particular, para las empresas ecuatorianas la adquisición de tecnología incorporada en bienes de capital parece ser muy relevante. Esto pone de relieve la existencia de una estrategia de innovación basada en la oferta. Sin embargo, también hay espacio para estrategias de innovación impulsadas por las condiciones de la demanda.
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar quais são os direcionadores de diferentes tipos de inovações para empresas de manufatura. Os tipos de inovação considerados são inovações de produto, processo, organização e marketing. Além disso, este estudo também visa entender por que a maioria dos tipos de inovação (com exceção da inovação organizacional) diminuiu com o tempo.
São utilizadas as duas ondas da Pesquisa Nacional de Atividades de Inovação do Equador 2013 e 2015 (NIAS). Para identificar os determinantes dos diferentes tipos de inovações e verificar se as decisões de inovação estão correlacionadas, um modelo probit tetravariant é usado.
Os resultados obtidos apontam para algumas diferenças relevantes em termos dos direcionadores dos diferentes tipos de inovação. Além disso, também é evidente que, com o passar do tempo, certos problemas que podem estar reduzindo os incentivos para inovar tornaram-se mais agudos.
O estudo acrescenta novas evidências empíricas à literatura sobre o papel dos investimentos em tecnologia incorporada à inovação nos países em desenvolvimento. Em particular, para as empresas equatorianas, a aquisição de tecnologia incorporada em bens de capital parece ser muito relevante. Isso destaca a existência de uma estratégia de inovação baseada na oferta. No entanto, também há espaço para estratégias de inovação impulsionadas pelas condições de demanda.
Sebastián Ramón Pérez Chacón, Jose Luis Rodriguez Vilchez, Jorge Antonio Cabrera Berrios, Carlos Arturo Raymundo Ibañez and David Santos Mauricio
Low citizen adoption rates jeopardize the success and proliferation of e-government systems. This study aims to understand how the perception of environmental sustainability (ES…
Low citizen adoption rates jeopardize the success and proliferation of e-government systems. This study aims to understand how the perception of environmental sustainability (ES) can influence a citizen’s intention to use e-government systems.
In a case study in Peru, the technology acceptance model (TAM) adoption model is extended with the construct of ES and evaluated with structural equation modeling. An 18-element, in-person survey was constructed and administered to citizens of Lima, Peru who had prior exposure to e-government systems.
The results show that citizens can be positively influenced to adopt e-government systems if they perceive that doing so will contribute to ES.
Research limitations/implications
As this was a preliminary study, further research should focus on specific, as opposed to general, e-government systems, as well as encompassing a broader cross section of the population.
Practical implications
Administrators of e-government initiatives can consider public-interest factors, alongside of the common self-interest factors, when looking to improve adoption rates of e-government systems.
This is the first time that TAM has been extended with the construct of ES.
This issue includes five of the best papers, from six different countries, presented in the Cladea Assembly of 2015. This introduction summarises the papers and presents an…
This issue includes five of the best papers, from six different countries, presented in the Cladea Assembly of 2015. This introduction summarises the papers and presents an analysis of Latin American publications on management, and of the advantages and conditions for international collaboration. The first article looks at the positive impact of the decentralization of decision-making processes and the formalisation of work in the innovation of small and medium enterprises. The second studies the fear of failure in work and its relationship to demographic variables. The third analyses the impact of the domestic violence suffered by workers on customer services in Puerto Rican companies. The fourth discusses the relationship between teleworking and the work-family conflict, and finally, the fifth is aimed at optimising the management of dependent demand inventory systems.
This issue includes five articles chosen among the best papers presented at the Cladea Assembly of 2015 organised by Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile). The articles were sent in from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, and Puerto Rico, and were the best assessed in the fields of organisational behaviour, leadership and human capital management, entrepreneurships and SMEs, technology management and innovation, and operations management and value chains.
The selection process began with the evaluation of the works sent to the conference for each topic. The author wish to thank the organisers, those in charge of each topic, and all the evaluators that helped select the best works. In particular, we thank Sergio Olavarrieta, José Ernesto Amorós, Jorge Ayala, Silvio Borrero, Daniel Cabrera, Reinaldo Calvo, Consuelo García, Valeska Geldres, Jorge Gilbert, Olga Pizarro, José Antonio Robles, and Jorge Tarzijan. Authors interested in publishing their articles were asked to send in a revised version. These new versions were then subjected to a double blind evaluation, and subsequent revisions until reaching the current publication. This has been a collective process in which dozens of academics from all the Cladea schools and countries have taken part.
Este número incluye cinco de los mejores trabajos presentados en la asamblea de Cladea 2015, provenientes de seis países. En la presente introducción se resumen y comentan los trabajos, se ofrece un análisis acerca de las publicaciones latinoamericanas sobre gerencia y de las ventajas y condiciones de la colaboración internacional. El primer artículo analiza el positivo impacto de la descentralización de las decisiones y la formalización del trabajo en la innovación de las PYMES. El segundo estudia el miedo al fracaso en el trabajo y su relación con variables demográficas. El tercero analiza el impacto en el servicio al cliente de la violencia doméstica experimentada por trabajadoras en empresas de Puerto Rico. El cuarto estudia la relación entre el trabajo a distancia en el hogar (teletrabajo) y el conflicto familia-empresa. El quinto se orienta a optimizar el manejo de inventarios en sistemas con demanda dependiente.
En este número publicamos cinco artículos escogidos entre las mejores ponencias presentados en la Asamblea de CLADEA 2015 organizada por la Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile). Los artículos provienen de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, España y Puerto Rico, y fueron los mejor evaluados en los temas de comportamiento organizacional, liderazgo y gestión del capital humano, emprendimientos y PYMES (pequeña y mediana empresa), gestión tecnológica e innovación, y gestión de operaciones y cadena de valor.
El proceso de selección se inició por las evaluaciones que se hicieron en cada tema para aceptar los trabajos enviados a la asamblea. Debemos agradecer a los organizadores, a los encargados de cada tema y a todos los evaluadores que permitieron tener una selección de los mejores trabajos, en especial a Sergio Olavarrieta, José Ernesto Amorós, Jorge Ayala, Silvio Borrero, Daniel Cabrera, Reinaldo Calvo, Consuelo García, Valeska Geldres, Jorge Gilbert, Olga Pizarro, José Antonio Robles, y Jorge Tarzijan. Posteriormente desde esta revista procedimos a solicitar versiones revisadas a los autores que estuvieran interesados en publicarlos, versiones sometidas a evaluación doble ciego, que llevaron a posteriores revisiones hasta la publicación actual. Ha sido un proceso colectivo donde participaron docenas académicos de todas las escuelas y países de Cladea.
Barbara de Lima Voss, David Bernard Carter and Bruno Meirelles Salotti
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in…
We present a critical literature review debating Brazilian research on social and environmental accounting (SEA). The aim of this study is to understand the role of politics in the construction of hegemonies in SEA research in Brazil. In particular, we examine the role of hegemony in relation to the co-option of SEA literature and sustainability in the Brazilian context by the logic of development for economic growth in emerging economies. The methodological approach adopts a post-structural perspective that reflects Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. The study employs a hermeneutical, rhetorical approach to understand and classify 352 Brazilian research articles on SEA. We employ Brown and Fraser’s (2006) categorizations of SEA literature to help in our analysis: the business case, the stakeholder–accountability approach, and the critical case. We argue that the business case is prominent in Brazilian studies. Second-stage analysis suggests that the major themes under discussion include measurement, consulting, and descriptive approach. We argue that these themes illustrate the degree of influence of the hegemonic politics relevant to emerging economics, as these themes predominantly concern economic growth and a capitalist context. This paper discusses trends and practices in the Brazilian literature on SEA and argues that the focus means that SEA avoids critical debates of the role of capitalist logics in an emerging economy concerning sustainability. We urge the Brazilian academy to understand the implications of its reifying agenda and engage, counter-hegemonically, in a social and political agenda beyond the hegemonic support of a particular set of capitalist interests.
Jorge Mota, António Moreira, Rui Costa, Silvana Serrão, Vera Pais-Magalhães and Carlos Costa
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the main firm-level performance indicators and group them in dimensions that support…
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the main firm-level performance indicators and group them in dimensions that support decision-making in the wine industry.
To achieve this goal, an SLR approach was conducted in the Scopus database from 2009 to 2019. From a set of 607 articles, only 25 studies related to firm-level performance indicators were considered and, following an inductive thematic analysis and an interpretative synthesis, separated into different specific foci that include social, economic and environmental dimensions.
There is a limited number of papers identifying indicators regarding the firm-level performance of wine firms, and even fewer studies including indicators on an integrated approach to measure the different dimensions of firm performance. This paper documents that economic and environmental indicators cover 78.2% of all SLR indicators analyzed. As this group of indicators is limited to a set of sub-dimensions, this paper found that several groups of indicators are misrepresented, such as product portfolio or certifications related to marketing activities and indicators covering purchasing and supply chain activities, which play a crucial role in the competitiveness of the wine industry.
Practical implications
For practitioners, it discloses the most pertinent indicators they need to improve to craft their business strategies. This framework is of added value for policymakers to customize their support programs for specific producers to develop their competitive strategies. It could be deployed in teaching programs as a tool to address the importance of aligning different types of indicators to achieve firm-level performance in the wine industry.
This study contributes to the literature identifying a framework of analysis that includes indicators of four dimensions, namely, economic, social, territorial and environmental. This framework aims to relate performance measures to corporate strategy as a management control tool. The framework intends to improve the fit between firms’ activities and their competitive context and to be flexibly adapted to various products/firms in the wine industry.
Jorge Martín-Magdalena, Carlos Martínez-de-Ibarreta, Jose Antonio Gonzalo-Angulo and Aurora García Domonte
This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the impact of financial control or “financial fair play” (FFP) regulations on the financial performance of the Spanish…
This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the impact of financial control or “financial fair play” (FFP) regulations on the financial performance of the Spanish professional football league (LaLiga) by examining the moderating role of club size. The authors argue that introducing FFP positively impacted the financial performance of small clubs but increased the economic gap between large and small clubs.
A 12-year dataset covering 22 football clubs is used to test the hypotheses. Panel regression models are estimated for eight measures of financial performance indicators, comprising three financial dimensions: profitability, liquidity and solvency. The Gini index is applied to clubs' economic and sports variables to determine the degree of economic imbalance between the largest and smallest clubs.
The results show that FFP significantly and positively impacted the profitability of small clubs and the solvency of medium-sized clubs but has not impacted the largest clubs' financial performance. After these regulations, economic inequality in Spanish LaLiga increased.
The authors find evidence that club size moderates the effect of FFP on financial performance. The moderating role of club size may explain the mixed results found in previous research. The authors’ findings contribute to improving the literature on the impact of FFP on the financial performance of European football clubs.
Águeda Gil-López, Elena San Román, Sarah L. Jack and Ricardo Zózimo
This chapter explores how network bricolage, as a form of collective entrepreneurship, develops over time and influences the shape and form of an organization. Using a historical…
This chapter explores how network bricolage, as a form of collective entrepreneurship, develops over time and influences the shape and form of an organization. Using a historical organization study of SEUR, a Spanish courier company founded in 1942, the authors show how network bricolage is implemented as a dynamic process of collaborative efforts between bricoleurs who draw on their historical experience to build and develop an organization. Our study offers two main contributions. In combining network bricolage with ideas of collective entrepreneurship, the authors first extend knowledge about the practice of bricolage and the role of the bricoleur in the entrepreneurial context beyond start-up. Second, the authors show that, while entrepreneurs’ decisions are historically contingent, it is how entrepreneurs wed past experience with current context which informs their actions in the present, shaping the enterprise for the future.
Cristian Armando Yepes-Lugo, Robert Ojeda-Pérez and Luz Dinora Vera-Acevedo
This paper aims to evaluate the evolution of the organizational field in the Colombian coffee industry between 1960 and 2020 and explain how peripheral actors influenced…
This paper aims to evaluate the evolution of the organizational field in the Colombian coffee industry between 1960 and 2020 and explain how peripheral actors influenced institutional change.
The methods analyze historical processes from a hermeneutical and interpretative perspective. The authors used data collection techniques through interviews, archive data, publications and media reports, embracing an interdisciplinary and qualitative documentary approach. This approach helps the authors unravel the temporal dimensions of the historical discourse related to coffee and the involvement of various actors within organizational structures.
The authors found that, unlike the literature regarding the change in organizational fields, recently, within the coffee sector in Colombia, the institutional work of peripheral actors (small producers, local associative groups and coffee women, among others) is changing the field as follows: (1) women are changing traditional behaviors moving from hierarchical family structures and lack of gender awareness, to empowered, horizontal and sustained relationships, (2) indigenous people include rituals and other traditional practices in coffee production and (3) ex-guerrilla members are helping to strengthen the peace process implementation in Colombia through coffee production.
Research limitations/implications
The authors did not conduct statistical or computational analysis to simulate the emergence of new organizational forms. Instead, the authors attempted to elucidate narratives and discourses that reflect the tensions between central and peripheral actors from a historical perspective.
Practical implications
This study seeks to help leaders and managers overcome processes or organizational change in which peripheral actors are crucial. From that perspective, allocating resources and capabilities can become more effective.
This paper offers a new perspective of change within organizational fields from the roles of peripheral actors, which are fundamental in change processes within organizational fields, especially in the global south, where tensions between elites and vulnerable people are familiar.
Jose O. Diaz and Karen R. Diaz
“When James Boswell returned from a tour of Corsica in 1765 he wrote: ‘It is indeed amazing that an island so considerable, and in which such noble things have been doing, should…
“When James Boswell returned from a tour of Corsica in 1765 he wrote: ‘It is indeed amazing that an island so considerable, and in which such noble things have been doing, should be so imperfectly known.’ The same might be said today of Puerto Rico.” Thus began Millard Hansen and Henry Wells in the foreword to their 1953 look at Puerto Rico's democratic development. Four decades later, the same could again be said about the island.
Hernan Ramirez-Asis, Jorge Castillo-Picon, Jenny Villacorta Miranda, José Rodríguez Herrera and Walter Medrano Acuña
Financial inclusion in Peru has been addressed through coverage, quality of financial services, movement of transactions, and service points. The purpose of this chapter is to…
Financial inclusion in Peru has been addressed through coverage, quality of financial services, movement of transactions, and service points. The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate for the department of Ancash, Peru, the link between financial inclusion and its socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic variables and financial inclusion of the Ancash department of the National Household Survey are taken as indicators, later contrasted through the logit model, with the financial inclusion variable being the explained variable.
There is evidence of positive and negative relationships between financial inclusion and socioeconomic variables; these are important components for planning financial inclusion. Raising the levels of formal employment, the educational level and considering the area of residence would be a strategy to generate a dynamic of inclusion in the department of Ancash.