States that the ongoing success of a mature product depends largely on the product manager’s ability to identify creative new ways to market the product. Suggests that one reason…
States that the ongoing success of a mature product depends largely on the product manager’s ability to identify creative new ways to market the product. Suggests that one reason why many marketing programs lack creative initiatives is that product managers operate under significant time pressure, and time pressure kills creativity. Highlights four business practices (formal planning process, use of teams, interaction with other functional areas, experience with the product category) which were expected to help product managers to cope with time pressure. Finds, however, through a survey of consumer goods product managers, that only experience with the product category worked as expected. Concludes, therefore, that top management must directly reduce time pressure by examining policies on practices such as frequent product reassignment and downsizing, and the proliferation of line extensions.
Daniel C. Smith, Jonlee Andrews and Timothy R. Blevins
Considers the importance of implementing a market orientation,highlighting the difficulty in focusing on competitors rather thancustomers. Offers an approach to competitive…
Considers the importance of implementing a market orientation, highlighting the difficulty in focusing on competitors rather than customers. Offers an approach to competitive analysis taking into account the validity of both competitor and customer orientations. Argues that this type of method can help managers to maintain or build their position in relation to competition. Illustrates the stages involved in customer‐based competitive analysis with a case example.
Judith Y. Weisinger and Paul F. Salipante
This study examines the method of scenario analysis as a means of exposing hidden assumptions which cause misattributions that lead to multicultural conflict and as a way of…
This study examines the method of scenario analysis as a means of exposing hidden assumptions which cause misattributions that lead to multicultural conflict and as a way of assessing cross‐cultural understanding. Results from thirty‐five critical incident interviews of technical professionals and semi‐structured scenario questionnaires from graduate business and engineering students are presented. The results provide support for the use of scenarios as a method of exposing hidden assumptions leading to multicultural conflict and as a process which helps participants deal with the conflict. Implications for organizational research and practice are discussed, including the use of scenario analysis as an evaluation and measurement tool for culturally‐related conflict in organizations.