Jonathan Smith and John Rayment
Businesses operate in a world facing a range of urgent global issues (UGIs). Unless an effective response is made in the near future, extremely damaging consequences are forecast…
Businesses operate in a world facing a range of urgent global issues (UGIs). Unless an effective response is made in the near future, extremely damaging consequences are forecast. The purpose of this paper is to offer assistance to business leaders in balancing the short‐term local pressures with the long‐term global demands from these urgent issues.
The paper offers proposals for four initial steps that can be considered by leaders for responding effectively to this global crisis.
Four initial steps are proposed, and these steps are interconnected. The proposal includes a new conceptualisation of fitness and highlights the need for leadership fitness to responding effectively to this global crisis.
Practical implications
The paper offers powerful reasons why business leaders have to engage more fully with global issues and proposes four pragmatic initial steps that will enable them to do this effectively.
Social implications
The paper will encourage business leaders to engage more with resolving UGIs, which may ultimately save our planet.
The paper provides an original and valuable contribution through the combination of the four initial steps that are proposed for moving towards a resolution of these UGIs.
Jonathan A. Smith and John J. Rayment
Although there is a growing emphasis on the importance of spirituality in the workplace, the majority of calls for leaders to consider the spiritual dimension fail to offer…
Although there is a growing emphasis on the importance of spirituality in the workplace, the majority of calls for leaders to consider the spiritual dimension fail to offer assistance in a meaningful way, and in a language to which leaders can relate, with the challenges of doing this. The purpose of this paper is to offer leaders practical guidance. After providing a summary of the reasons for a leader to examine spirituality in the workplace, questions are highlighted which look at how to nurture the spiritual dimension in the workplace.
The authors have developed a holistic framework, and use this to guide leaders through the complexities of working with the spiritual phenomenon. They draw on their experience as leaders and on Smith's research with leaders of organisations, and his PhD, which explored the possibility of a greater spiritual focus within the UK police.
Eight key questions for leaders are identified as the route through the complexities of this topic. The authors share their thoughts and the research evidence related to these questions and, while there are no easy answers, these questions can be used by the reader to help them decide for themselves what to do in the context of their own organisation.
Practical implications
There are many calls for leaders to embrace the spiritual dimension in their leadership role, and many explanations as to why they should do this. However, there are a number of practical issues to be considered if this is to be done effectively, and the majority of calls do not examine these questions. This paper addresses this need and identifies the important practical questions that leaders will need to consider.
The paper's unique contribution is to offer a framework that incorporates the spiritual dimension into a holistic approach, and guides leaders on all the areas to consider in this approach. The eight questions identified are original and provocative and encourage leaders to consider the practical issues of nurturing spirituality in the workplace. The framework and questions also offer an excellent structure on which future research can be built.
John Rayment and Jonathan Smith
Considerable debate since the global financial crisis has been evident concerning the role of business schools. This article aims to outline the authors’ research on their role.
Considerable debate since the global financial crisis has been evident concerning the role of business schools. This article aims to outline the authors’ research on their role.
The paper begins with an overview of the significant literature highlighting the current debates impacting on business schools and their leaders. From this the authors argue that the most significant challenge is the role business schools should play in the resolution of urgent global issues. The paper then details and analyses the research and provides recommendations.
The authors argue that the most significant challenge is the role business schools should play in the resolution of urgent global issues. The main finding from the research was that the leaders of participating business schools did not convey the impression that steering business toward helping humanity achieve a sustainable future and tackling urgent global issues was seen by them as one of their main current or future roles.
Research limitations/implications
Funding constraints and the desire to make a timely contribution to the debate mean that this research is limited in scale. It is therefore viewed as a scoping study, paving the way for more detailed investigation and analysis, and recommendations for further research are provided.
The authors argue that, rather than make the same mistakes as the West, BRIC economies and related business school leaders should be looking for an alternative strategy that would lead to a just, sustainable and fulfilling human presence on the planet. The authors also suggest that Type 1 European business schools are well advised to focus their limited resources locally but should be aware of global issues and bear them in mind in their actions.
The purpose of this paper is to consider the nature of leadership in the current context where the crisis in global capitalism seems to be encouraging a mechanistic approach to…
The purpose of this paper is to consider the nature of leadership in the current context where the crisis in global capitalism seems to be encouraging a mechanistic approach to the management of healthcare. The paper urges an holistic leadership ethos to encourage an holistic approach to care and treatment.
The paper utilises an extensive overview of the leadership literature, and also used practical examples of care and leadership practice.
Care and capability need to be partners, but concern has been expressed at all levels of society that a reductionist model is being implemented in many caring professions.
Practical implications
The implications for leadership are that one of the most vital current requirements is to encourage a spirit-filled leadership at all levels in the organisations that provide care.
The paper addresses the issue that leadership can never be a purely intellectual or emotional activity, it must combine all aspects of the person in an holistic approach.
Susan Rayment-McHugh, Dimity Adams and Nadine McKillop
Intervention for young people engaging in harmful sexual behaviour has been largely based on individual-level conceptualisations and assessment. Prevention efforts reflect this…
Intervention for young people engaging in harmful sexual behaviour has been largely based on individual-level conceptualisations and assessment. Prevention efforts reflect this individual-focus, relying primarily on offender management and justice responses. Risk of sexual abuse, however, is often situated outside the individual, within the broader social and physical systems in which young people are embedded. Lack of recognition for how contextual factors contribute to sexual abuse narrows the focus of prevention and intervention, overlooking the very contexts and circumstances in which this behaviour occurs. This paper aims to demonstrate the utility of contextual practice with young people who sexually harm, and implications for prevention.
An Australian case study is used to showcase the “why”, “what” and “how” of a contextual approach to assessment and treatment of young people who sexually harm.
Contextual approaches extend the focus of clinical practice beyond the individual to include the physical and social contexts that may contribute to risk. Adding a contextual lens broadens the approach to assessment, affording new opportunities to tailor the intervention to local contextual dynamics, and identifying new targets for primary and secondary prevention.
This is the first known attempt to extend understanding of contextual approaches to clinical assessment and intervention for young people who sexually harm, using a case study method. The case study showcases contextual assessment and intervention processes that challenge traditional thinking and practice in this field. Importantly, the case study also reveals new opportunities for primary and secondary prevention that emerge through this contextual clinical practice.
Jonathan Smith and Andrew Malcolm
Managers in the UK's National Health Service (NHS) carry responsibility for achieving government targets on the provision of quality care and service to patients. The demands on…
Managers in the UK's National Health Service (NHS) carry responsibility for achieving government targets on the provision of quality care and service to patients. The demands on managers to achieve these targets is significant in itself, but are often multiplied because of having to cope with the conflicting pressures of an organisation that operates with a ‘business’ focus, yet is essentially a caring body that is service‐oriented at heart. These two areas of business and service are not naturally compatible and can create tension. Leaders are expected to bridge the two with ease, with little preparation on how to cope with the conflict that these two paradigms can create.This paper, detailing the authors' work with managers in an NHS acute trust, provides unique insights into ways of dealing with the tensions and challenges that leaders experience. The authors argue that a holistic approach to leadership is required to enable this tension to be managed effectively, which considers the physical, mental and spiritual. Of these three elements it is the spiritual dimension that is the most contentious, difficult and most often avoided aspect to leadership and the authors also found this in their work with this NHS acute trust. The paper introduces a model that highlights the three elements to the holistic approach, and goes on to use it in an analysis of the situation faced by managers. The analysis highlights the importance of balance and need for including more consideration of the spiritual dimension in leaders' activities.
Tim Prenzler, Nadine McKillop, Sue Rayment-McHugh and Lara Christensen
This paper aims to report on the results of a global search to identify the characteristics of successful sexual offender treatment programs, with a view to providing guidance for…
This paper aims to report on the results of a global search to identify the characteristics of successful sexual offender treatment programs, with a view to providing guidance for program development.
A keyword search was conducted of criminology and social science databases. Successful programs were selected on evaluations that used standard scientific designs.
This study identified 18 evaluations of 16 programs showing significant reductions in reconvictions. Most programs used cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), with both group and individual sessions; and many evidenced multisystemic therapy (MST) approaches involving families and/or local communities. CBT-based approaches were also common in the 20 unsuccessful programs identified in the study, although fewer MST-oriented features were in evidence. Noncustodial settings, and combined custodial-noncustodial settings, were also more prominent in the successful programs.
Research limitations/implications
There is a shortage of studies focused on the specific components of successful treatment programs for sexual offenders, including for subsets of offenders, such as ethnic minority groups and women.
Practical implications
The findings demonstrate the need for more investment in treatment programs with strict evaluation processes. New and modified programs are likely to benefit from the application of CBT, MST and a community-based reintegration component. More research is needed on effective elements of sexual offender treatment programs.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this appears to be the first study that examines features of successful sexual offender treatment programs, compared to unsuccessful programs, using a case-study approach. The findings reinforce the known value of CBT and systemic approaches as core features of programs but raise important questions about what other components are key to activating success.
The following is an introductory profile of the fastest growing firms over the three-year period of the study listed by corporate reputation ranking order. The business activities…
The following is an introductory profile of the fastest growing firms over the three-year period of the study listed by corporate reputation ranking order. The business activities in which the firms are engaged are outlined to provide background information for the reader.
Suvayan Neogi and Pragati Sharma
International trade is a long-standing issue for the development of any country. In the traditional theory of trade exports or trade pattern arises because of supply side…
International trade is a long-standing issue for the development of any country. In the traditional theory of trade exports or trade pattern arises because of supply side differences between countries such as technological or factor endowment differences. Such theories predict inter-industry trade but not intra-industry trade (IIT). But in contrary, the simultaneous export and import of products of the same sector was led after the industrialization of developed countries from the 1960s onwards, which was described as “IIT” by [Balassa, B. (1986). Oxford Economic Papers, 38, 220–233]. In this study, India's bilateral IIT with major Asian trading partners was analyzed and the trends in IIT level for horizontal and vertical IIT were observed separately, along with gravity model for the year 2009–2018. This study examined the geographic component in knowledge flows, which could be found at the international level and whether or not an exchange of knowledge is related to foreign trade, particularly IIT. To measure the IIT level for investigating trade patterns between India and member countries of major Asian trading partners, IIT index will be used, known as Grubel-Lloyd index.