THE shortened runway has become an order of the day. Commercial operators want to offer jet service to communities with small airports. Military services seek to use small…
THE shortened runway has become an order of the day. Commercial operators want to offer jet service to communities with small airports. Military services seek to use small, unprepared fields—or no fields at all, just clearings.
The necessity of standards of purity for certain kinds of agricultural produce being now recognised by the new Adulteration Act—4, (1)—no apology is needed for attempting to bring…
The necessity of standards of purity for certain kinds of agricultural produce being now recognised by the new Adulteration Act—4, (1)—no apology is needed for attempting to bring the application of the principle into actual practice. Some few standards have already been generally adopted, and the legalization of limits relating to many of those substances with which the Adulteration Acts deal would undoubtedly be welcomed.
– The purpose of this column is to review several recent library partnerships and highlight the benefit of such endeavors for the libraries and their partner institutions.
The purpose of this column is to review several recent library partnerships and highlight the benefit of such endeavors for the libraries and their partner institutions.
This is a literature review and commentary on this topic that has been addressed by professionals, researchers and practitioners.
Visibility and access to the library in some unexpected locations, thanks to a number of creative partnerships, can serve as greater a function to the library as to its partner and the community. The vitality of the library can be at least partially sustained by its partnerships and can serve as a model for other public/private and public/public associations where both sides of the partnership benefit in the estimation of the public.
The value in addressing this issue is to examine the creative public/private and public/public partnerships of which libraries can avail themselves in an effort to best serve their patrons.