The purpose of this paper is to develop a typology of dark tourists through an investigation of people's motivations to visit burial grounds. This research extends Stone's Dark…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a typology of dark tourists through an investigation of people's motivations to visit burial grounds. This research extends Stone's Dark Tourism Spectrum and Seven Dark Suppliers framework by identifying nine types of dark tourists.
A comparative case study approach was selected where 23 interviews were conducted at three burial grounds. Interview transcripts were analysed in order to identify emerging themes in motives and experiences of dark tourism consumers. The sites selected were Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, London, St Mary's Graveyard, Whitby, and Weaste Cemetery, Salford.
From this research a Dark Tourist Spectrum has been formulated which presents a typology of the dark tourist. The spectrum identifies different categories of visitors identified at the burial grounds, ranging from “darkest” to “lightest” tourists.
Research limitations/implications
Limitations of the research regard time and resource constraints. This affected the sample size of participants for interview and the selection of sites as case studies.
This study begins to fill the gap in research on people's motivations to visit sites that lie within the mid‐shades of Stone's Dark Tourism Spectrum, specifically burial grounds. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of dark tourism consumption with a new model presented in the form of a Dark Tourist Spectrum.
Alan Withoff, John Gaboury, Roger Graves, Mary Ellen Pellington, Glenda Segars, Helen Soule and Alan Withoff
Library professionals are well aware that a telecommunication revolution is beginning. In Mississippi it is well underway; almost 20 percent of the national supercomputing power…
Library professionals are well aware that a telecommunication revolution is beginning. In Mississippi it is well underway; almost 20 percent of the national supercomputing power is located in the state: MTel, WorldCom (formerly LDDS) and Mobile Telecommunications—all major players in the telecommunications field—have headquarters in Mississippi and are serving the business sector of America.
The Donner expedition to California in 1846‐1847 is one of the darkest tales of the great migrations west. While much has been written about the tragedy, a group analysis based on…
The Donner expedition to California in 1846‐1847 is one of the darkest tales of the great migrations west. While much has been written about the tragedy, a group analysis based on business research has not been undertaken. The purpose of this paper is to suggest that the story of the Donner Party is primarily a group failure, with implications for practicing managers employing temporary groups in uncertain situations.
Group theories concerning the nature of temporary work groups, interdependence, diversity, social identity, and leadership are employed to explain how negative group processes likely contributed to the disaster.
Based on books and a film about the incident, the Donner Party suffered a social breakdown based on: the changing nature of the goals of the expedition in mid‐course, which is difficult for temporary teams to handle; destructive forms of diversity based on cultural background and social status; and a lack of critical skills and effective leadership. The story also illustrates that small, cohesive groups had a better survival rate than individuals.
Research limitations/implications
While only a single case, this study demonstrates the special nature of temporary groups and demonstrates that not all diversity is positive. Both issues require strong leadership. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the importance of considering context in group research.
This is an original analysis of the Donner Party using group theories. This study reminds managers of the fragility of temporary groups, and stresses the need to consider the possibilities of accidents/disasters when undertaking large projects.
THE beginning of a new volume is necessarily a time for reflection. Our journal is now forty‐four years old and has appeared without intermission, always with the purpose…
THE beginning of a new volume is necessarily a time for reflection. Our journal is now forty‐four years old and has appeared without intermission, always with the purpose, enunciated by its founder, James Duff Brown—to furnish librarians of all kinds and ages with a thought‐exchange and a medium of expression independent of any other control than the editor's conviction that what was published was sincere in intention and likely to be of use to the profession. This does not mean, as our pages to‐day witness, that matters of controversy or even of severe criticism of those who lead the profession officially are excluded. On the contrary, we believe that the best spur to advance is a critical vigilance. Thus it has occurred occasionally that our writers have been at variance with some current policy of the Library Association, some phases of its examinations or its conference policy. Occasionally, too, there have been criticisms of library authorities which an official journal might hesitate to make because those authorities may be in membership of the Library Association. Such criticism was never more necessary than now. The library movement has to be kept alive under the greatest strain in history; indeed, it should progress.
John Gebhardt, Keith Waryold, Dave Oglesby and John Graves
The demand for higher operating speeds and increasing densification in electronic packages is driving designers to reduce feature sizes in order to accommodate increases in I/O…
The demand for higher operating speeds and increasing densification in electronic packages is driving designers to reduce feature sizes in order to accommodate increases in I/O counts. Consequently, printed circuit board manufacturers are turning to new manufacturing techniques and new materials in order to meet these demands from their customers. Sequential build‐up is one such technique and a plethora of new materials is available to support these innovative routes to high‐density interconnect circuitry. The basic concept involves the addition of extra layers of dielectric and copper on to a multi‐layered board. The additional circuitry is then connected to the underlying board using suitably formed microvias. Focuses on the metallization of microvias using a straight‐through horizontal metallization process. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of equipment design, the chemistry of the solutions used and optimization of fluid exchange to ensure good coverage of these small features.
The action taken by the Council of the British Medical Association in promoting a Bill to reconstitute the Local Government Board will, it is to be hoped, receive the strong…
The action taken by the Council of the British Medical Association in promoting a Bill to reconstitute the Local Government Board will, it is to be hoped, receive the strong support of public authorities and of all who are in any way interested in the efficient administration of the laws which, directly or indirectly, have a bearing on the health and general well‐being of the people. In the memorandum which precedes the draft of the Bill in question it is pointed out that the present “Board” is not, and probably never was, intended to be a working body for the despatch of business, that it is believed never to have met that the work of this department of State is growing in variety and importance, and that such work can only be satisfactorily transacted with the aid of persons possessing high professional qualifications, who, instead of being, as at present, merely the servants of the “Board” tendering advice only on invitation, would be able to initiate action in any direction deemed desirable. The British Medical Association have approached the matter from a medical point of view—as might naturally have been expected—and this course of action makes a somewhat weak plank in the platform of the reformers. The fourth clause of the draft of the Bill proposes that there should be four “additional” members of the Board, and that, of such additional members, one should be a barrister or solicitor, one a qualified medical officer of health, one a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and one a person experienced in the administration of the Poor‐law Acts. The work of the Local Government Board, however, is not confined to dealing with medical, engineering, and Poor‐law questions, and the presence of one or more fully‐qualified scientific experts would be absolutely necessary to secure the efficient administration of the food laws and the proper and adequate consideration of matters relating to water supply and sewage disposal. The popular notion still exists that the “doctor” is a universal scientific genius, and that, as the possessor of scientific knowledge and acumen, the next best article is the proprietor of the shop in the window of which are exhibited some three or four bottles of brilliantly‐coloured liquids inscribed with mysterious symbols. The influence of these popular ideas is to be seen in the tendency often exhibited by public authorities and even occasionally by the legislature and by Government departments to expect and call upon medical men to perform duties which neither by training nor by experience they are qualified to undertake. Medical Officers of Health of standing, and medical men of intelligence and repute are the last persons to wish to arrogate to themselves the possession of universal knowledge and capacity, and it is unfair and ridiculous to thrust work upon them which can only be properly carried out by specialists. If the Local Government Board is to be reconstituted and made a thing of life—and in the public interest it is urgently necessary that this should be done—the new department should comprise experts of the first rank in all the branches of science from which the knowledge essential for efficient administration can be drawn.
Abraham Mulugetta, Hormoz Movassaghi and Raquib Zaman
Describes Standard and Poor’s (S&P: USA) star ranking system for firm performance and presents a study of the impact of ranking changes on share prices. Outlines previous research…
Describes Standard and Poor’s (S&P: USA) star ranking system for firm performance and presents a study of the impact of ranking changes on share prices. Outlines previous research on the effect of ranking changes and examines the share prices for 70 days before and after S&P ranking change announcements 1993‐1995 to assess abnormal returns. Explains the methodology and presents the results, which show significant changes in abnormal returns around the announcement dates, especially where the change is “in leaps rather than in steps”.
I HAVE TRIED TO SHOW on a previous occasion (L.A.R. August, 1956) that successful book provision results from the integration of three factors which govern individual reader…
I HAVE TRIED TO SHOW on a previous occasion (L.A.R. August, 1956) that successful book provision results from the integration of three factors which govern individual reader transactions, namely, readers, books and accessibility.
David Albin, Jean‐Claude Rames, Claudia Dietel, Kai Lenfert, Stephanie Rossi, David Starkey, Joel Down, Ricard Pineda, Juan Carlos Sardon, Martin Goosey, John Graves, Narinder Bains, Frank Cristoph, Frank Smeets and Willy Gilen
In September 1998 six European companies involved in PCB manufacturing and electronic packaging started collaborating in a development project known as “PRIME”. The “Program for…
In September 1998 six European companies involved in PCB manufacturing and electronic packaging started collaborating in a development project known as “PRIME”. The “Program for Re‐engineering and Innovating (PCB) Manufacturing and Equipment” project lost one of its original members in late 1999, and Coates Circuit Products joined as the dielectric supplier. The project is now approaching the mid‐term assessment (MTA), where alternative production scenarios will be discussed and the most attractive carried forward to fabricate test vehicles and ultimately demonstrator patterns. Some essential features of the project have already been demonstrated and these initial results will be presented.
G.D.I. Barr and R.C. van den Honert
In his article “Diversifying Mergers and Risk: Some Empirical Tests”, Thompson (1983) modelled the change in the systematic risk of the acquiring firm before and after merger. We…
In his article “Diversifying Mergers and Risk: Some Empirical Tests”, Thompson (1983) modelled the change in the systematic risk of the acquiring firm before and after merger. We propose a modification to this method which considers the difference between the systematic risk of the merged firm and that predicted by capital market theory on the basis of the constituent firms' betas. Furthermore merger will probably lead to a change in the structure of the acquiring firm, both intrinsically and financially. Thus in order to remove any complications caused by debt restructuring of the combined firm after merger, we suggest that the analysis is carried out using ungeared or intrinsic betas. An empirical study which follows that of Thompson but implements the above modifications is performed, and conclusions are drawn which have implications for studies that have considered the benefits of merger to the acquiring and target firms.