To learn more about successful business/religion relationships today, it is helpful to learn from past examples. The ministry of Norman Vincent Peale offers an in-depth look at a…
To learn more about successful business/religion relationships today, it is helpful to learn from past examples. The ministry of Norman Vincent Peale offers an in-depth look at a historically successful church/business message that seemed to resonate particularly well with American business leaders. Aspects of Peale's approach are compared to contemporary business/religion approaches in order to identify foundational elements that contribute to a successful partnering of religious and business ethics.It is found that business leaders are best reached with straightforward messages that speak to their experiences. Entertainment may be a component of those messages, but the most effective ethical reinforcements come from one's faith community. This suggests that the qualities of proximity, familiarity and reliability (infallibility) are key aspects of a productiveand meaningful business/faith relationship.