The purpose of this project was to determine if consumers of Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) recovering from depression and/or anxiety would benefit, in terms of a reduction…
The purpose of this project was to determine if consumers of Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) recovering from depression and/or anxiety would benefit, in terms of a reduction in symptomatology and an increase in overall quality of life, from a group program approach.
The Active & Healthy Group Program was developed drawing on evidenced-based psycho-education, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and research on the effects of diet and activity on well-being. The program consists of six weekly sessions, each consisting of 50 min of psycho-education followed by physical and social activity of similar duration. Pre-and post-testing was undertaken using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Kessler 10 (K10) and European Health Interview Survey-Quality of Life-8 Item Index. In addition, participants completed a qualitative post-group survey focussing on their evaluation of the group, strengths and suggested improvements. The pre- and post-group measures were subjected to statistical analysis.
According to pre- and post-test measures, the majority of group participants showed significant reductions in depressive symptoms and psychological distress (GDS and K10). This aligned with an overall increase in measures of quality of life (WHO QOL 8).
This paper contributes to the emerging evidence that older people are often open to education and change, given a friendly non-confrontational environment where evidence is presented that challenges the negative stereotypes so often put forward about old age. Given the nature of the outcomes, Active & Healthy, perhaps, has the potential to impact on service transformation to incorporate group work of this type as a valuable adjunct to core service provision.
Steven Coissard and Liliane Perrin-Bensahel
This chapter aims to present the implementation of the United Nations 1325 resolution about the rights of women, including their protection against violence. This resolution is…
This chapter aims to present the implementation of the United Nations 1325 resolution about the rights of women, including their protection against violence. This resolution is the main international instrument which incorporates and mandates a gender perspective in all aspects of peace building, from prevention to conflict resolution. It is part of a necessary evolution of gender relations in peace building since 1975 and the Conference of Mexico. More broadly, this text would lead to improve the women’s representation presence in the social and economic sphere and their important role in development.
The Russian poet, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (1886–1921), was arrested in 1921 on the false charge of conspiracy and was shot. The Soviet Union's existence ended as abruptly and…
The Russian poet, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (1886–1921), was arrested in 1921 on the false charge of conspiracy and was shot. The Soviet Union's existence ended as abruptly and unexpectedly as did Gumilev's. No major political structure in modern history has collapsed so rapidly. Left is the scarred memory of an enormously rich history. Libraries are the souls of memory. Russian libraries face an extremely important role as the skins of the past are shed for a new soul.
The main purpose of this article is to get a better understanding of the child’s cents‐off sensitivity and his brand sensitivity in influence situations. This study, carried out…
The main purpose of this article is to get a better understanding of the child’s cents‐off sensitivity and his brand sensitivity in influence situations. This study, carried out on 702 parents and 702 children, underlines the important influence of the child’s product involvement on his cents‐off sensitivity and on his brand sensitivity. Moreover, this research shows the non‐linear influence of the child’s cognitive development on his cents‐off sensitivity as well as the role of parents’ socialization. Furthermore, it appears that the child’s cents‐off sensitivity shapes his brand sensitivity and his influence strategies.
In this paper the author concludes the review of the British Library on the completion of its first decade which began with the Spring issue of LR. He writes not as executive…
In this paper the author concludes the review of the British Library on the completion of its first decade which began with the Spring issue of LR. He writes not as executive director of the Centre for the Book in the Library of Congress but as an individual contributor setting down his own perceptions.
John Cole shows how consumer demand for fewer additives provides the smaller food manufacturers with an ideal opportunity for product development.