The status of the practicum (learning by doing) in educationaladministration preparation programmes is discussed. The literature basefor discussion of the issues involved is…
The status of the practicum (learning by doing) in educational administration preparation programmes is discussed. The literature base for discussion of the issues involved is inadequate; research has been limited both in the ways the topic has been studied and what has been found. Possible new directions which research might profitably take are presented.
John C. Daresh and Marsha A. Playko
As a result of increasing attention to the problems faced by beginningschool leaders around the world, this study was conducted to determinethe nature of skills needed by…
As a result of increasing attention to the problems faced by beginning school leaders around the world, this study was conducted to determine the nature of skills needed by beginning principles in the USA. Data were collected from both practising and aspiring principals. It was determined that there are major perceptual differences between these two groups with regard to essential skills for principals. Aspiring administrators believe that demonstration of technical skills is most important, while their experienced colleagues believe that it is more important for novices to show socialization and self‐awareness skills. Based on these findings, notes implications for the improvement of pre‐service, induction and in‐service programmes for school administrators.
Presents an integrative literature review in which the subject ofthe review was recent research on mentoring as part of the professionaldevelopment of educational leaders. It was…
Presents an integrative literature review in which the subject of the review was recent research on mentoring as part of the professional development of educational leaders. It was discovered that research foci and methodologies are limited. Suggestions are provided for the improvement of future research.
Barrie O. Pettman and Richard Dobbins
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
This issue is a selected bibliography covering the subject of leadership.
Kenneth A. Leithwood, Paul T. Begley and J. Bradley Cousins
Growing appreciation for the potential impact of principals ontheir schools has stimulated a significant body of research concerningthe principalship. While many aspects of the…
Growing appreciation for the potential impact of principals on their schools has stimulated a significant body of research concerning the principalship. While many aspects of the principalship have been the object of study, it is often difficult to determine the relationship among these studies and how these studies, as a whole, contribute to a better understanding of the principalship. It is also difficult to judge which aspects of the principalship would provide the most productive focus for subsequent research. The review reported in this article addressed both sets of difficulties by analysing a total of 135 empirical studies conducted between 1974 and 1988; 60 of these studies were reported between 1985 and 1988 and received more attention than the earlier 75. Results of the analysis identify aspects of the principalship about which much is known, approaches to research which appear to have exhausted their usefulness and areas in which further study seems likely to be of most value. One major conclusion from the analysis is that we know most about effective principal practices and least about how such practices develop.
Barry A. Friedman, Mark A. Friedman and Dana Markow
Despite the importance of principals' satisfaction with their school's performance (PSS), few empirical studies have addressed the components and predictors of principals'…
Despite the importance of principals' satisfaction with their school's performance (PSS), few empirical studies have addressed the components and predictors of principals' satisfaction with their school. The purpose of this study is to identify the most salient components of PSS among school satisfaction indices, districts' characteristics, and principals' demographics.
This study was a secondary data analysis of a survey of 431 principals in 29 school districts across the USA conducted by Harris Interactive, Inc. The researchers first identified reliable indices of PSS from the survey instrument responses. PSS was then regressed on districts' characteristics, demographic variables of the principals, and school satisfaction indices.
A total of 11 reliable PSS indices were identified. Negative student behavior, decision‐making involvement, and equipment and facilities indices significantly predicted PSS after district and demographic variables were controlled.
This study offers an explanation of the underlying dimensions of principals' satisfaction of their schools' performance. The findings suggest actions that principals should take in order to improve their school satisfaction and ultimately, school effectiveness.
David Jack and Robert Lobovsky
The purpose of this paper is to examine the initial outcomes of a mentoring program designed to increase the advancement prospects of racialized teachers to vice principal…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the initial outcomes of a mentoring program designed to increase the advancement prospects of racialized teachers to vice principal positions within a Canadian school district.
This program assessment documents evidence that challenges current school leadership paradigms rooted in western dominance and suggests new approaches to leadership informed by research on diversity, equity, and identity.
Survey data from 32 participants (13 mentors and 19 mentees) from Canada’s second largest school district were analyzed thematically and showed that racialized mentees generally rated their satisfaction with the program lower than did mentors (both racialized and non-racialized), particularly as it relates to feelings of inclusion and in the program’s potential to influence the recruitment and advancement of racialized employees in the district.
Research limitations/implications
The findings are limited to a single mentoring program for aspiring racialized leaders within a single, large school district but reinforce similar findings from research conducted in another large Canadian urban center, the USA and UK, and are of interest in other educational contexts where leaders from diverse backgrounds are underrepresented.
The paper reinforces findings from the small number of studies on targeted leadership mentoring for specific populations. While the findings support the practice of mentoring for leaders, the authors challenge the culture-free leadership paradigm that permeates Western education literature and question its role as an underlying barrier for aspiring racialized leaders in schools.
This study followed four novice principals in two urban school districts through one or two years of their leadership coaching experience. The purpose of this study was to…
This study followed four novice principals in two urban school districts through one or two years of their leadership coaching experience. The purpose of this study was to determine principals’ perceived benefits of the coaching experience, principals’ beliefs regarding the most beneficial attributes of a coach, and the match between these findings and the core leadership practices that most dramatically impact student achievement.
This study followed four novice principals in two urban school districts through one or two years of their leadership coaching experience.
Principals in this study appeared to have had a successful coaching experience in part because of: the coach's knowledge of curriculum, schools, and districts; the practicality of the experience; and the coach's ability to collaborate and shape the thinking of principals without being authoritative or intrusive. Principals experienced success on the job as identified by the student achievement on state tests and their advancement to district principal leadership roles.
The focus of the coaching in this study appeared to be centered on the core leadership practices noted to have the most impact on student achievement. The results revealed that the skills sets and knowledge of a coach are critical to the coaching experience. The general effects of a coaching focus on core leadership practices may also play a significant part in principal success; however, more research is needed to make a full determination.
Bruce G. Barnett, Alan R. Shoho and Nathern S.A. Okilwa
When assistant principals experience positive mentoring and professional development, they can obtain valuable knowledge and leadership skills from these learning opportunities…
When assistant principals experience positive mentoring and professional development, they can obtain valuable knowledge and leadership skills from these learning opportunities. To better understand the formal and informal mechanisms assistant principals use to expand their knowledge and skills, the purpose of this paper is to examine important advice mentors provided for them and the professional learning activities that prepare them for their school leadership roles.
Semi-structured interviews with 69 elementary, middle, and high school assistant principals were conducted. Questions focused on the advice mentors have provided and significant learning experiences that have aided in their growth as school leaders.
Results reveal that assistant principals greatly appreciate insights from mentors about how to enhance decision-making skills, improve people and communication skills, reflect on their personal qualities and capabilities, and clarify their values and beliefs. Their preferred means for professional growth is to work with former and current administrators they trust and respect.
This study goes beyond examining the structural and procedural aspects of mentoring by describing highly valued advice provided by mentors affecting assistant principals’ professional development and growth. For mentoring to be effective, this study suggests that mentors should provide opportunities for assistant principals to develop their decision-making, people, and communication skills as well to clarify their personal capabilities, values, and beliefs.