Phillip K. Hellier, Gus M. Geursen, Rodney A. Carr and John A. Rickard
This paper develops a general service sector model of repurchase intention from the consumer theory literature. A key contribution of the structural equation model is the…
This paper develops a general service sector model of repurchase intention from the consumer theory literature. A key contribution of the structural equation model is the incorporation of customer perceptions of equity and value and customer brand preference into an integrated repurchase intention analysis. The model describes the extent to which customer repurchase intention is influenced by seven important factors – service quality, equity and value, customer satisfaction, past loyalty, expected switching cost and brand preference. The general model is applied to customers of comprehensive car insurance and personal superannuation services. The analysis finds that although perceived quality does not directly affect customer satisfaction, it does so indirectly via customer equity and value perceptions. The study also finds that past purchase loyalty is not directly related to customer satisfaction or current brand preference and that brand preference is an intervening factor between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The main factor influencing brand preference was perceived value with customer satisfaction and expected switching cost having less influence.
Juliana Juliana, Febika Fitrian Putri, Neni Sri Wulandari, Udin Saripudin and Ropi Marlina
This study aims to investigate the influence of Muslim tourist perceived value (MTPV) on Muslim millennials’ intention to revisit Bandung (Indonesia) with customer satisfaction as…
This study aims to investigate the influence of Muslim tourist perceived value (MTPV) on Muslim millennials’ intention to revisit Bandung (Indonesia) with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable.
Using quantitative methods, this study analyzed responses to a questionnaire distributed to 250 respondents from all over Indonesia. To test the hypothesis, the data were analyzed through Path Analysis using SPSS 24.I software.
The results suggest that MTPV has a significant effect on revisit intention to the city. This finding affirms that Islamic values and customer satisfaction are very important in encouraging millennial Muslims to revisit Bandung (Indonesia).
Practical implications
To increase Muslim millennials’ intention to revisit Bandung (Indonesia), tourist perceived value and satisfaction are central factors. The government's role is central in promoting halal tourism through various platforms, such as social media, seminars, workshops inter alia to increase MTPV and satisfaction rate toward the city. In addition, stakeholders in tourism sector should raise the awareness to support and encourage halal tourism through certifications of halal products and tourism services, and view halal tourism as a promising sector of tourism.
This study is the first to study the effects of Muslim tourists perceived value on revisit intention of millennial Muslims to Bandung (Indonesia) with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This study reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the perceived value of Muslim tourists in influencing millennial Muslims to revisit the city.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
In the House of Commons recently Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister of Health, was asked by Mr. Rickards, the member for the Skipton division of the West Riding, whether “the new…
In the House of Commons recently Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister of Health, was asked by Mr. Rickards, the member for the Skipton division of the West Riding, whether “the new process of adding germicide to milk for destroying bacteria had been brought to his notice?; whether he would have the process tested and investigated?; and consider whether any modification of the Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act would be required to permit of milk so treated being sold on a commercial scale?”—Sir Kingsley Wood in reply disclaimed all official knowledge of the germicide. He also pointed out that to treat milk with a germicide would be contrary to the provisions of the Preservatives Regulations, and of the Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act. We understand “germ” to be a more or less popular term frequently and somewhat loosely used when reference in general is made to pathogenic organisms; and a germicide is a material something that kills, or is supposed to kill, germs when it comes in contact with them, or the medium in which they exist. A disinfectant is a germicide. In the simple judgment of the ordinary householder the more it smells the better it is for purposes of disinfection. When a germicide is used in cither medicine or surgery the term antiseptic is frequently employed. Familiar instances of both disinfectants and antiseptics are chloride of lime, carbolic acid, iodine, boron compounds, formalin, sulphur dioxide, or sulphites.
Tudor Rickards and John Bessant
Feedback from a disinterested observer can be a powerful stimulus for change. In our everyday lives the new mirror in the bathroom can act as the disinterested observer reminding…
Feedback from a disinterested observer can be a powerful stimulus for change. In our everyday lives the new mirror in the bathroom can act as the disinterested observer reminding us of progress (or lack of progress) in the fight against middle‐aged flab. Similarly there are few more salutory experiences than the first time we see ourselves on film or in a video‐taped training excercise. “Do I really act like that?” we might ask incredulously, but rapidly there is acceptance that the answer is “probably yes”, followed by a resolve to do something about that mannerism that had been so disturbing to witness.
Dani Dagustani, Gatot Iwan Kurniawan, Heppy Agustiana Vidyastuti and Rediawan Miharja
West Java, one of the provinces in Indonesia, is trying to develop the coastal tourism sector by applying the eco-tourism concept. The observation results found that there were…
West Java, one of the provinces in Indonesia, is trying to develop the coastal tourism sector by applying the eco-tourism concept. The observation results found that there were differences in the concept applied by the local government, namely toward mass tourism. Therefore, one of the strategies proposed is developing tourist areas using a combination of eco-tourism and mass tourism. The increase in the tourism sector in this area will not only help the economic growth of the local community but also contribute to the improvement of the economy of West Java. This study aims to estimate the risks that will occur if the developer uses the mix-use method. The research was conducted by interviewing and distributing questionnaires to the Tourism Office, National Disaster Relief Agency, Business Actors and Communities, and Tourists. The method used is descriptive with quantitative analysis using a risk matrix based on AS/NZS 4360-2004 (Australian-New Zealand Standard). Meanwhile, the qualitative analysis used the interview method and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The findings in this study are that both quantitative and qualitative analyses can provide input through risk identification and priority. This research also provides theoretical and managerial implications.
During the last decade, numerous elements have combined to produce a new branch of the building industry which has come to be known as ‘in situ timber engineering’.
Rodney McAdam and John McClelland
The aim of this paper is to critique and review the role of individuals and teams in idea generation as part of the overall organisational creativity and innovation process. Key…
The aim of this paper is to critique and review the role of individuals and teams in idea generation as part of the overall organisational creativity and innovation process. Key objectives are to determine organisational development needs and research agendas in this area. Organisations continue to emphasise the need for increased creativity and innovation within their employees and markets. However, the literature and organisational practice relating to these areas remains somewhat lacking in regard to the front end of creativity and innovation, namely idea generation. First, this paper briefly reviews the creativity literature from individual and team perspectives, identifying the need for more research into idea generation as part of creativity. Second, this paper reviews the idea generation literature and identifies agendas for further research.
1916, the most difficult year in the history of the library movement, has passed not without some satisfaction to library workers. The war dominated everything, and in its…
1916, the most difficult year in the history of the library movement, has passed not without some satisfaction to library workers. The war dominated everything, and in its atmosphere most intellectual movements have paused somewhat so far as practical activities were concerned. At the end of the financial year in March, the voice of the Philistine was prominent and strident, and many reductions were made in the rate grants to public libraries. Few, however, did more than cripple their activities, and on the whole a fair measure of public sanity prevailed. In the circumstances the wider progress of the library movement has been small, but there has been progress. Unostentatiously, but systematically, the Carnegie Trustees have urged rural library schemes upon several county councils, and have made grants to urban libraries for new buildings, the erection of which, however, they have required to be postponed until the peace. The tercentenary of Shakespeare found librarians and library authorities awake and interested, and much good work was done. Towards the end of the year commercial libraries were discussed with remarkable unanimity in most of the great cities, and actually materialised in the fine experiment at Glasgow described in our last issue. In so far as librarians are concerned, the year has been eventful for the calling away of nearly all remaining men of military age. In connection with this the military authorities in many districts have shown a complete indifference to the intellectual requirements of the people. It is difficult to say how many library workers are now with the Colours, but six hundred would be a very conservative estimate. Some, alas, of the most promising men in the profession have fallen. An endeavour is being made by the Library Assistants' Association to preserve a record of all who have gone forth for the Empire. Naturally, library appointments have been few, and most of those that have been made have been of a temporary nature. On the literary side, too, librarianship has been practically sterile in this country. The book by Messrs. Gower, Jast and Topley, on photographic record work is a remarkable exception, but is not entirely a book of library methodology. America has not produced very much, but we noted a useful book by Mr. Arthur L. Bailey on library bookbinding, which appeared in the middle of the year. Throughout the year the Library Association has pursued a policy of masterly inactivity, and has missed most of the opportunities for constructive schemes which war time has offered. Its general meetings were abandoned in London, its Council has met irregularly, and it has eluded practically every problem which it ought to have faced. We have been consistently critical of this state of affairs, but we still believe in the Library Association, and our criticism, however trenchant, has not been to destroy but to revivify and accelerate. We do not think that librarians can do without the Association, and in all our attacks upon its stagnation we have kept this view clearly before us. The President of the Association, while condoning the suspension of the general meetings, has generously filled the gap made by their omission with the interesting reunions at the Royal Society of Medicine. Hope of better things has been raised by the belated establishment of the Technical Libraries Committee, to which we look for a forward and aggressive policy. The Library Assistants' Association has wisely refused to follow the example of its seniors. The few monthly meetings it has held have been intensely practical and focussed upon the problems of the hour. We hope they will continue in spite of the increased railway fares which in the new year have added difficulty to travelling. The establishment of the North Central Library Association provided an immensely important part of England with a means of creating and circulating library opinion. This brief chronique of the doings of the year leaves us hopeful if not contented. Financial and staff problems are likely to increase while the war endures, but having surmounted these and our other difficulties thus far, we look forward with confidence to similar success.