As required by law, the U.S. Government Printing Office issues the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications to serve as the “comprehensive index of public…
As required by law, the U.S. Government Printing Office issues the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications to serve as the “comprehensive index of public documents.” The Monthly Catalog was for many years an indispensable, but stodgy, source of bibliographic information about publications of the federal government. Since the mid‐1970s the Monthly Catalog has undergone a number of significant changes. In July 1976 it took on a new look when it first appeared with unit card format citations. The Monthly Catalog's indexing also changed: Library of Congress subject headings were introduced, and new index sections were added. With the adoption of computer techniques, the publication has been able to become more responsive to the demands placed upon it.
As corporate life is influenced by various things, there is no justifiable reason to believe that the spiritual power (capacity) should not be one of them. Thus, the purpose of…
As corporate life is influenced by various things, there is no justifiable reason to believe that the spiritual power (capacity) should not be one of them. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to argue that workers need to develop another core competency, knowledge and skill, that is, spiritual intelligence (SI).
This paper draws on a literature review to support its conclusions. In this sense, this paper carefully examines relevant popular and academic books, handbooks, articles, papers, thesis and doctoral dissertations related to SI. In addition, this paper depicts a conceptual model of SI that is made up of some research propositions, namely, professional moral courage, altruism, hope state, optimism, cooperative capacity, organizational justice mindset and listening skill.
Overall, the literature review suggests that without such a capacity, we would be enjoying merely impoverished lives (here referred to as the outcome of a set of harmful aspects such as an existence without spiritual compass, meaning, worthy purposes and desire to face the shadows of our own personality).
Practical implications
This paper proposes that SI is the path to reach and develop our own spirituality. When this ability is triggered, we are potentially able to make some important contributions to the people that live around and rely on us.
This paper argues that SI can be regarded as a human capacity that connects us with the ultimate frontier, that is, the spiritual realm. As such, it is proposed that it can be cultivated over time in a careful and disciplined way by anyone that is really interested in developing his or her spirituality.
Sharmila Devi Ramachandaran, Steven Eric Krauss, Azimi Hamzah and Khairuddin Idris
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence into women academic leadership practices. The study designed to provide a clear…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence into women academic leadership practices. The study designed to provide a clear understanding of the effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence practices within women academic leadership practices. In addition, the study will be an ideal for women in academic environment, considering that more women will have the opportunities to hold leadership positions in higher learning institutions. Understanding the unique skills and attributes of spiritual intelligence could increase their confidence towards taking on leadership positions in future. This study will also provide greater clarification on how spiritual intelligence when translated through leadership practice will contribute to a more balanced and harmonious working environment.
The study assimilated a qualitative approach guided by phenomenological inquiry to explore the effectiveness of the use of spiritual intelligence practices among the women leaders. Phenomenology best fit the researchers’ assumptions that it is possible to know, define and categorize women academic leader’s experiences in a more structured manner. It is by entering into their field of perception that the researcher pursues to understand spiritual intelligence as the leaders saw it.
The finding established three main effectiveness of integrating spiritual intelligence into leadership practices: employees inspired by vision; increase credibility and long-term sustainability of institution; and heightened moral values and reduces ethical issues. The authors conclude that bringing the attributions of spiritual intelligence will transform the workplace into a more meaningful and purposeful atmosphere by constructing balanced and harmonious relationship within employees.
Research limitations/implications
The study rely profoundly on women academic leaders as a primary source of data. Due to their higher position, there may be some elements of their works which are similar to each other or different compared with other women leaders who may not have reached the higher position. The responses was mainly based on the self-perception of women academic leaders grounded on their insight of leadership and experience. This experiences probably could not be verified by others to see if their perceptions of leadership were in line with how others perceive them. The study also limited in terms of generalizability as the sample was purposively selected.
Practical implications
The study will be applicable for human resource personnel to develop policies and procedures that are needed to improve the holistic strategies of leading not only in public university but also throughout all the other higher educational institutions. The study assist researcher and the practitioner in the Human Resource Development (HRD) field to understand the issues related to leadership practice in current era. Hence, the information in this study could be used to aid them in advocating employee training programs and formulating HRD intervention remedial programs input for designing and facilitating of intervention for professional academic leaders, academicians and change agent to understand and analyse the characteristics of personal and organizational situation in order to contribute to the long run survival of the higher educational learning institutions.
This paper has provided unique evidence of women leadership particularly in Malaysian higher educational context on their experiences of spiritual intelligence and its effectiveness into their leadership practices.
– The purpose of this paper is to discuss some key aspects through a theoretical interdisciplinary approach that may contribute to shape an organizational discrimination frame.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss some key aspects through a theoretical interdisciplinary approach that may contribute to shape an organizational discrimination frame.
The paper depicts a theoretical interdisciplinary approach. Within this perspective, it undertook a literature review to identify some theoretical aspects – neglected or not appropriately addressed – that may somewhat nourish an organizational discrimination frame.
Overall, this paper examined more carefully five aspects (constructs), namely, moral imperative, organizational injustice, corporate social responsibility, non-spiritual business orientation and unethical leadership, that may contribute to shape a discrimination frame if not approached properly and suggested a set of research propositions. In addition, it offers some insights into a problem that deserves more theoretical development and pertinent managerial interventions.
Practical implications
The implications for business are enormous given that being labeled as an organization that encourages discriminatory company policies will certainly attract negative corporate image. Moreover, it stands to reason that firms which are portrayed as such a “devil” will have serious difficulties to survive in this new millennium. Thus, it can be predicted that organizations that are not committed to at least reducing discrimination inside their structures and human resources policies will attract growing negative feelings, perceptions and opinions.
Social implications
This paper provides further theoretical underpinning for better understanding of the institutional discrimination that affects both society and organizations.
Taken together, the moral imperative, organizational injustice, corporate social responsibility, non-spiritual business orientation and unethical leadership variables delineate a theoretical framework as to how discrimination in the workplaces takes shape.
Md Abdul Malek and Muhammad Abdur Razzak
This paper aims to demonstrate the specialty of the elderly issues and acknowledge the existence of their specific human rights that propose for a special treatment to be given or…
This paper aims to demonstrate the specialty of the elderly issues and acknowledge the existence of their specific human rights that propose for a special treatment to be given or shown to them as priority as women or children, etc. Indubitably, the very issue is timely in all perspective. Because it is now axiomatic that the fastest growing elderly population becomes a challenge for the whole world for manifold reasons. They include, inter alia, the lack of a social security apparatus or if any, they are insufficient; the weakening of traditional family bonding; almost no explicit references to elderly people in existing international human right laws; and mere stand-by of soft law addressing the rights of the elderly over time. Consequently, these all have probably failed to meet the most urgent needs of this growing demographic.
This paper is an effort made to recognize the “particular vulnerability” of the older persons and with identification of “specific rights”, advocate for special treatment for them and, optimally, the realization of their rights with respect.
In addition, this treatise attempts to focus on the nature and constitutional importance of elderly rights with the aim of providing the elderly with social security and prioritization; and more particularly, scrutiny of the impending and timely imperative for formulation of new legal instrument so as to adequately address the issue globally.
Wahyono, Dorojatun Prihandono and Andhi Wijayanto
This study examines the influence of spiritual leadership toward spirituality, conscientiousness, job satisfaction and reduction of deviant behavior.
This study examines the influence of spiritual leadership toward spirituality, conscientiousness, job satisfaction and reduction of deviant behavior.
The method of data analysis used is a structural model based on WarpPLS (Solimun et al., 2017), with the first-order factor analysis based on variables with reflective indicators.
The research findings indicate that the sustainability of workplace spirituality and conscientiousness can stimulate the employees' job satisfaction, which eventually leads to the reduction of workplace deviant behavior (WDB). Accordingly, the direct influence of workplace spirituality on WDB is quite major ( 0.296), this indicates the importance of workplace spirituality for employees in working so that it can reduce the WDB. Conscientiousness had a negative influence on WDB. However, the interesting part about this study is the indirect influence of workplace spirituality on WDB through job satisfaction, which also has a major value ( 0.208) and almost equal to the direct influence. This circumstance depicts how workplace spirituality influences WDB as well as the importance of the improvement of employees' job satisfaction.
The originality of this study is primarily placed on the causal relationship between the variables of spiritual leadership and WDB; other than the direct influence, there is also an indirect influence that has a big value, which is the path of spiritual leadership toward WDB through workplace spirituality (−0.248). In other words, WDB is not only influenced directly by spiritual leadership but also by workplace spirituality.