The initial debate on mobile commerce (m‐commerce) was characterized by a high level of optimism, followed by a more nuanced and realistic approach. Still, m‐commerce is expected…
The initial debate on mobile commerce (m‐commerce) was characterized by a high level of optimism, followed by a more nuanced and realistic approach. Still, m‐commerce is expected to constitute a significant future market worldwide. It is a new concept and is emerging in a context of few or no established norms, rules and standards. This article explores the move toward global rules and strategies for m‐commerce and the creation of a viable marketplace. In particular, it focuses on the relationship between initiatives to elaborate a coordinated strategy for m‐commerce in line with European regulatory requirements, on the one hand, and ambitions to promote technology and build global alliances in the world marketplace, on the other. These objectives, however, are often difficult to combine due to the variation in preferences among the corporate and standards organizations involved as a result of global competition and corporate activities in information and communications technology markets.
Provides an interesting illustration of the changing relationships between the European single market, on the one hand, and globalization on the other. States the development of…
Provides an interesting illustration of the changing relationships between the European single market, on the one hand, and globalization on the other. States the development of mobile communications in Europe reflects an overall joint objective to maintain Europe’s position in the international division of labour.
Highlights selected issues, co‐ordination costs, information, radio spectrum and universal service, and goes on to assess the impact of the EU’s Review on international…
Highlights selected issues, co‐ordination costs, information, radio spectrum and universal service, and goes on to assess the impact of the EU’s Review on international competition and convergence. Summarizes that the future outlined in the review obliges continuing efforts to harmonize national information collection.