Examines the rationale for local and national guidelines on managing medicines and the support required in schools by children with special medical needs. Discusses the framework…
Examines the rationale for local and national guidelines on managing medicines and the support required in schools by children with special medical needs. Discusses the framework, the essential partnerships and the concepts underlying essential procedures. Sets out the key concepts and principles involved in formulating policies which aim to ensure a good quality standard of care which guarantees the safety of staff and students.
The Health Education Trust (HET) was created to promote the development of health education for young people in the UK through work with young adults and children to encourage the…
The Health Education Trust (HET) was created to promote the development of health education for young people in the UK through work with young adults and children to encourage the growth of healthy lifestyles. This paper reviews the work of the HET Web site, www.healthedtrust.com The Trust has recently developed its Web site with the aim of facilitating easy access to practical information, policy updates, research news and examples of good practice for all who are interested and concerned about young people's health issues. Through utilising the Web site it is hoped that beneficial information and ideas will be spread more quickly and put into practice elsewhere, thus enabling swifter progress towards healthier lifestyles for our children. This paper describes current Web site activities, which in themselves, provide a keyhole through to exploring the rapidly evolving field of activities, both central and national, all geared towards addressing the health and wellbeing of young people today and for tomorrow. The paper will be useful to any professionals who have a role to play, or an interest, perhaps as a parent, in the area of nutrition and lifestyle education for young people. The more information available and general “noise” relating to good nutrition, healthy lifestyles and the practical means to achieving these, the more likely we are to achieve better health for future generations.
Joe Harvey and Sandra Passmore
Describes a campaign to help schools set up school‐based nutritionaction groups (SNAGs) to galvanize change towards provision of healthierfood on school premises. Highlights the…
Describes a campaign to help schools set up school‐based nutrition action groups (SNAGs) to galvanize change towards provision of healthier food on school premises. Highlights the current lack of coherence present in many schools between what is taught about nutrition in the classroom and the type of food available at school meals. Explains how local authorities, education authorities, schools, parents, caterers, children and other relevant parties can work together to form and implement a common policy. Describes how schools now have the powers to influence contracts with caterers, and how caterers can expect to increase the range and volume of their business by working more closely with schools and pupils.