Kathy Lowe, Edwin Jones, Shelley Horwood, Diane Gray, Wendy James, Jock Andrew and David Allen
A system of evidence‐based periodic service review (PSR) was implemented in specialist health services for people with challenging behaviour, to support the adoption of a positive…
A system of evidence‐based periodic service review (PSR) was implemented in specialist health services for people with challenging behaviour, to support the adoption of a positive behavioural approach. The extent and accuracy of PSR implementation, its impact on staff knowledge and attitudes, and its value as a practice leadership tool were assessed. The results indicated that PSR was implemented regularly, scoring was based accurately on tangible evidence, and increased scores over time indicated service improvement in line with PSR principles. Staff generally welcomed PSR as a quality monitoring tool, and greater knowledge of the rationale and process for PSR was associated with more positive attitudes. Managers regarded PSR as a valuable aid to practice leadership and had used innovative implementation methods to maximise its acceptance by staff teams. The style of management and need for support from the wider organisational structure are discussed as critical factors in successful implementation.
At Shepparton in the Murray electorate of Victoria in 2007, the Federal Liberal Member, Sharman Stone, announced that under a returned Coalition Government, Shepparton ‘would get…
At Shepparton in the Murray electorate of Victoria in 2007, the Federal Liberal Member, Sharman Stone, announced that under a returned Coalition Government, Shepparton ‘would get a stand‐alone technical college’. One year earlier, the Victorian Minister for Education, Lynn Kosky claimed that ‘We lost something when technical schools [the ‘techs’] were closed previously. Yes, the facilities were not great but we lost something that was important to young people’. This article explores the development and demise of ‘South Tech’, Shepparton South Technical School, 1966‐86 to identify the ‘something’ that Kosky claimed was lost, and to argue that technical education is essential in a reconstituted system.
A PLEASING personal and professional acknowledgement is contained in the award of the OBE in the mid‐June Birthday Honours to W J (‘Jock’) Murison, Chief Librarian of the former…
A PLEASING personal and professional acknowledgement is contained in the award of the OBE in the mid‐June Birthday Honours to W J (‘Jock’) Murison, Chief Librarian of the former West Riding County. We have remarked before that the profession is under‐represented in the honours lists, but here is an award which Jock will doubtless have accepted on behalf of all his former West Riding colleagues.
The CW’s long-running horror-drama series Supernatural (2005–) has been accused of undoing progressive advances for women made by Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1996–2003). While it’s…
The CW’s long-running horror-drama series Supernatural (2005–) has been accused of undoing progressive advances for women made by Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1996–2003). While it’s hard to deny the truth in that claim, Supernatural also problematizes conventional gender roles from a very different approach, one that plays with perceptions of masculinity and social class.
Buffy Summers may initially seem to have more in common with Supernatural’s Sam Winchester, a chosen one with special powers who wants a normal life away from the supernatural. However, Buffy shares more in common with Dean Winchester. Embodying popular gendered stereotypes in their introductions, it’s gradually revealed that there is more complexity to each. Both form alliances with Others; both recognize elements of the Other in themselves. Both transgress conventional gender boundaries, complicating the notion of a binary gender system. Both series introduce the seemingly familiar only to alter it into the uncanny. See the little cute blonde virginal cheerleader? She can kick your ass. See the stupid cocky womanizing jock? All he wants is family and a home. This chapter explores the increasingly gender-blended, social-class-crossing behaviours of Supernatural’s Dean Winchester as an heir to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
On April 4, 2007, Don Imus, one of the company&s most popular talk show personalities made comments on the air regarding the Rutgers women&s basketball team. According to the…
On April 4, 2007, Don Imus, one of the company&s most popular talk show personalities made comments on the air regarding the Rutgers women&s basketball team. According to the transcription from Media Matters for America, Imus said, “ That&s some nappy-headed hos there. I&m gonna tell you that now, man, that&s some … woo. And the girls from Tennessee, they all look cute, you know, so, like … kinda like … I don&t know.” At first, the comments did not seem out of the ordinary for one of radio&s “shock jocks.” However, as the public reaction grew, the situation changed considerably. Under pressure from the public, Moonves reluctantly suspended Imus. But it was too little too late. By the end of the day on April 11, analysts estimated that $2.5 million in advertising revenue was lost. On April 12, Moonves terminated Don Imus& contract.
After Moonves fired Imus, there was still a lot to consider. He really wanted a way for the company to meet the demands of the company&s stakeholders. In addition, he wanted to avoid any more distractions from the firm&s normal day-to-day operations.
Andrew M. Sherrill and Lauren T. Bradel
Findings are mixed with regard to the link between contact sport participation and aggression. One possibility is that contact sport participation may be associated with…
Findings are mixed with regard to the link between contact sport participation and aggression. One possibility is that contact sport participation may be associated with instrumental aggression but not hostile aggression. The purpose of this paper is to employ a quasi-experimental design to investigate the prediction that young men who regularly participated in contact sports during high school, compared to those who did not, exhibit a greater disposition toward aggression in response to a non-provoking situation (instrumental aggression) and no dispositional difference in response to a provoking situation (hostile aggression).
The Taylor Aggression Paradigm was used to manipulate three levels of provocation (no provocation, low provocation, high provocation) and observe aggressive behavior in participants who varied in contact sport participants (yes, no).
Results indicated a significant two-way interaction between provocation level and contact sport participation such that contact sport participation positively predicted aggression before provocation was initiated (instrumental aggression), not after (hostile aggression).
This is one of only a limited number of studies to examine the link between contact sport participation and aggression at varying levels of provocation. Findings suggest the form of aggression associated with contact sport participation is predominately instrumental.
MANY WRITERS have something to say to us; a few speak to one's condition. For some of us, of this time and place, James Kennaway was one of those few, and this is why news of his…
MANY WRITERS have something to say to us; a few speak to one's condition. For some of us, of this time and place, James Kennaway was one of those few, and this is why news of his death in December 1969 had for many people to whom he was known only through his work the impact, almost, of a personal loss.
Ben Hutcherson and Ross Haenfler
While authenticity, gender, and genre have all been studied in relation to music, the links between the three are underdeveloped theoretically. Specifically, the ongoing gendered…
While authenticity, gender, and genre have all been studied in relation to music, the links between the three are underdeveloped theoretically. Specifically, the ongoing gendered process of constructing authenticity and the role of gendered authenticity in the creation and articulation of new musical genres remain fairly unexplored. In particular, more work is necessary to explain the role of gender in the emergence of new subgenres, in the ongoing maintenance of genre boundaries, and in fans' identity work as they construct “authentic” participation in “underground” scenes. In this paper, we examine genre as a gendered process in the Extreme Metal (EM) music scene, a popular subgenre of heavy metal. We explore several gendered dimensions of the EM genre, including the music (instrumentation, vocal style, lyrics, record covers, merchandise), live performance (gender distribution and arrangement, moshing/dancing, audience/crowd interaction), and embodied genre performance (fashion, hair style, makeup). We conclude by suggesting that the construction of new subgenres is, in part, a process of reestablishing and valorizing masculine traits, denigrating feminine traits, and connecting such traits to authenticity, thereby perpetuating gender inequality and hegemonic masculinities.
Compiled by K.G.B. Bakewell covering the following journals published by MCB University Press: Facilities Volumes 8‐18; Journal of Property Investment & Finance Volumes 8‐18;…
Compiled by K.G.B. Bakewell covering the following journals published by MCB University Press: Facilities Volumes 8‐18; Journal of Property Investment & Finance Volumes 8‐18; Property Management Volumes 8‐18; Structural Survey Volumes 8‐18.