Have you heard of cognitive stimulation therapy? The London School of Economics (LSE) has carried out research that shows it to be more cost effective than usual care when looking…
Have you heard of cognitive stimulation therapy? The London School of Economics (LSE) has carried out research that shows it to be more cost effective than usual care when looking at the cognitive and quality of life benefits for a dementia sufferer. There is also evidence to suggest that it might be more cost effective than dementia medication, say proponents of this relatively unknown therapy. Joanne Knowles is one such advocate who believes in this therapy so much that she voluntarily campaigns to spread its message.
Sheng Ye, Joanne Sneddon, Anat Bardi, Liat Levontin, Geoffrey Soutar and Julie Lee
This paper aims to draw on values theory, associative network theory and schema congruity theory to examine how consumers attribute human-like values to product categories and…
This paper aims to draw on values theory, associative network theory and schema congruity theory to examine how consumers attribute human-like values to product categories and products, and how these attributions affect product evaluations.
Study 1 randomly assigned 925 respondents to one of three product categories (cars, mobile phones and vacations). They were asked about their values and to attribute values to an assigned product category. Study 2 randomly assigned 919 respondents to one of the four value-expressive car conditions. They were asked to attribute values to the car, and then about their attitudes and purchase intentions.
Respondents attributed human-like values to product categories and products that were distinct and reflected the motivational compatibilities and conflicts inherent in the circular structure of human values. Moreover, multifaceted value congruity effects were found to positively influence attitudes and intentions to purchase a car, including congruity with product category values-schema, consumers’ personal values-schema and the structure of human values.
The authors demonstrate how a cognitive memory-based view can be used to better understand the complexities of the attribution of human-like values to products and product categories. Moving beyond the attribution of brand personality, this study shows the importance of not only understanding the attributions of values to a product but also considering how these attributions interact with the more abstract product category values to influence evaluations.
A survey conducted by the College Board and reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education revealed that six million adults study for college credit each year, and that 45 percent…
A survey conducted by the College Board and reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education revealed that six million adults study for college credit each year, and that 45 percent of all undergraduate and graduate students are over twenty‐five years of age. The survey also predicted the figure could rise to 50 percent by the year 2000. Recent adult education literature offers many papers advising colleges to gear up and embrace the reentry student. Academe's metamorphosis, demonstrated by independent degree programs, more weekend and evening classes, and other enticements, confirms this reorientation. A community adult education course entitled “Academia Revisited,” which is intended specifically as a preenrollment introduction for prospective reentrants, is a signal that colleges are actively courting the adult student. Increasing enrollments of adults attest a positive response to these changes.
Joanne Garside, Rowan Bailey, Moira Tyas, Graham Ormrod, Graham Stone, Annie Topping and Warren Peter Gillibrand
Many students irrespective of level of study produce excellent course work which, if given support and encouragement, could clearly be of a publishable standard. Academic staff…
Many students irrespective of level of study produce excellent course work which, if given support and encouragement, could clearly be of a publishable standard. Academic staff are expected to produce quality publications meeting peer-review standards although they may be relatively novice authors. All are engaged in some aspects of academic writing practices but not as frequently involved in co-production of publications emanating from student work. This activity is still at the margins of much of the student experience. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Mindful of these issues, the authors designed and offered a writing programme including a writing retreat. This brought together undergraduate and postgraduate students from a range of applied disciplines (health and art, design and architecture) and their supervisors with the aim of co-producing publications and participating in a community of scholarly practice. The project was delivered over nine months. It involved four days “compulsory” attendance and included a preparatory workshop, a two day off-campus writing retreat and a dissemination event. Student and supervisors applied to participate as a team. Kirkpatrick’s (2006) four-stage classic model: reaction, learning, changes in behaviour and real world results was used as a framework for the educational evaluation.
Key findings organised thematically were: supervisor-supervisee relationships; space and time; building confidence enabling successful writing and publication.
This paper will provide an overview of the design, content and approaches used for successful delivery of this innovative project. It will draw on examples that illustrate the different types of joint enterprise that emerged, illuminate experiences of co-production and co-authorship along with recommendations for future ventures.
Many academic libraries have staffing arrangements where library employees work in more than one library branch or unit. These can be dual assignments or less formal agreements in…
Many academic libraries have staffing arrangements where library employees work in more than one library branch or unit. These can be dual assignments or less formal agreements in which employees spend several hours per week away from their home departments. Zimmerman Library reference department, the social sciences, humanities, and education reference unit of the University of New Mexico (UNM) General Library (an ARL library serving over 25,000 students), uses “volunteer” staff from other library departments to help provide reference services as part of a library‐wide cross training program. According to library policy, “Cross training is an arrangement whereby a library employee from one department spends time training and working in another department. Cross training is that time an employee spends in another department or unit of the library learning to perform a task or a group of tasks and includes the time spent performing those tasks after training.” This article discusses a staff‐initiated and committee‐coordinated in‐service training program designed for these reference desk workers. This method is innovative, as library training, as evidenced by the literature, is typically viewed as the responsibility of the supervisor or manager. This training approach may serve as a model for other academic library reference departments requiring in‐house training for similar needs.
Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Mateusz Marecki
In the years 2016–2019, in collaboration with primary school students from Wrocław, Poland, the authors endeavoured to implement participatory methods in children’s literature…
In the years 2016–2019, in collaboration with primary school students from Wrocław, Poland, the authors endeavoured to implement participatory methods in children’s literature studies. Their collaborations with these children resulted in the formation of an intergenerational research team and the publication of two peer-reviewed articles co-written with child researchers. As their thinking about child-led research has gravitated towards approaches accentuating the value of co-thinking, they have grown convinced of the potential of participatory research to counterbalance the adultism prevailing in children’s literature studies. Building on the authors’ two participatory projects: ‘Children’s Voices in the Polish Canon Wars: Participatory Research in Action’ (Chawar et al., 2018) and ‘Productive Remembering of Polish Childhoods: Child–Adult Memory-Work with the School Literary Canon’ (Deszcz-Tryhubczak et al., 2019), this chapter offers a meta-critical reflection on the practical and ethical challenges of working on a research paper co-authored by young collaborators. They focus on issues linked to child–adult co-authorship, such as anonymity concerns, the ethics of representations, time pressures, and institutional challenges. They propose that the key to reassessing the status of child-led research in academia lies in accepting the ‘messiness’ of participatory research, treating it as a constant work in progress rather than a final outcome or product, and shifting away from the more rigid format of academic writing towards a collectivistic and free-flowing narrative.
The latest information from the magazine chemist is extremely valuable. He has dealt with milk‐adulteration and how it is done. His advice, if followed, might, however, speedily…
The latest information from the magazine chemist is extremely valuable. He has dealt with milk‐adulteration and how it is done. His advice, if followed, might, however, speedily bring the manipulating dealer before a magistrate, since the learned writer's recipe is to take a milk having a specific gravity of 1030, and skim it until the gravity is raised to 1036; then add 20 per cent. of water, so that the gravity may be reduced to 1030, and the thing is done. The advice to serve as “fresh from the cow,” preferably in a well‐battered milk‐measure, might perhaps have been added to this analytical gem.
Jacey A. Greece, Joanne G. Patterson, Sarah A. Kensky and Kate Festa
The purpose of this paper is to examine the utility of a redesigned course assessment in a required, introductory Master of Public Health (MPH) course to demonstrate competency…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the utility of a redesigned course assessment in a required, introductory Master of Public Health (MPH) course to demonstrate competency achievement through practical application. School of public health curricula are informed by competency-based education (CBE) to prepare students for the field. This is a challenge in introductory courses as traditional assessments do not translate into practical application of knowledge.
This retrospective post-test-only evaluation examined a practice-based, multi-disciplinary assessment utilized in Fall 2014 (n = 63 students). Web-based surveys were administered three months after the course to participating students (n = 33), the teaching team or teaching teams (n = 7) and organization representatives (n = 3) to evaluate the utility of the assessment. Questions were analyzed descriptively using chi-square tests, where applicable responses were compared across groups.
Results indicate that a practice-based assessment in an introductory MPH course may enhance student learning by fostering deeper appreciation and application of course content while more closely reflecting the collaborative, multi-disciplinary and problem-solving nature of practice. The assessment may also increase the depth of competency achievement and career preparedness.
Practical implications
Institutions that are guided by CBE, train students for multi-disciplinary practice and are impacted by the changing landscape of the field may want to consider course assessments that mimic practice to best prepare students.
Course assessments should be evaluated to ensure they appropriately measure competency achievement. This evaluation provides multiple perspectives on the process and outcome of a practice-based course assessment.
Andreas Walmsley, Rhodri Thomas and Stephanie Jameson
This paper seeks to explore undergraduate placement experiences in tourism and hospitality SMEs, focusing on the notions of surprise and sense making. It aims to argue that…
This paper seeks to explore undergraduate placement experiences in tourism and hospitality SMEs, focusing on the notions of surprise and sense making. It aims to argue that surprises and sense making are important elements not only of the adjustment process when entering new work environments, but also of the learning experience that placements provide.
In‐depth interviews were conducted with 20 students who had recently completed a 48 week placement.
The paper finds that the surprises students encountered were not as dramatic as the literature on organisational entry suggests. This is partially explained by students already having gained substantial amounts of work experience prior to the placement. A number of SME‐characteristic employment experiences were confirmed while others were questioned.
Research limitations/implications
Further detailed research is required that takes a more holistic account of the placement experience in order to understand more fully the impact of placement on learning and career choices.
Practical implications
The paper raises important questions about the value of undergraduate placements in an age of mass higher education where many students work part‐time.
An apparent lack of reflection hindered the sense making process, which raises questions as to whether placements are achieving their potential for experiential learning.