Jo McClamroch, Linda Lawrence Stein and Edgar Williamson
The MLA International Bibliography is well known as one of the primary indexes in the humanities. Published annually by the Modern Language Association of America, it provides…
The MLA International Bibliography is well known as one of the primary indexes in the humanities. Published annually by the Modern Language Association of America, it provides coverage of critical materials on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. MLA is available online through DIALOG from 1963 to date and through WILSONLINE from 1981 to date.
William Baker and Byron Anderson
CD‐ROMs proliferate in libraries and replace paper copy. Much hasbeen written on the capabilities of the new technology, little on theactual content offered by CD‐ROMs or on…
CD‐ROMs proliferate in libraries and replace paper copy. Much has been written on the capabilities of the new technology, little on the actual content offered by CD‐ROMs or on content comparison between that offered by paper and the new form. Reviews the MLA International Bibliography on CD‐ROM and compares its contents with alternative print sources. Considers coverage for selected authors and the conclusion reached that the MLA International CD‐ROM database is not comprehensive and may omit information which is available elsewhere, for instance in print paper form.